Chapter 98 What a pity, what a pity

Suddenly, there was a sound like glass breaking.

In the sky above the South China Sea, the power of heaven and earth suddenly changed, becoming extremely violent, which made people feel shuddering.

"Strange, it seems that something broke??"

Lei Wujie frowned, and said something strange.

Hearing Lei Wujie's words, Sikong Qianluo couldn't help but look at him, but the next moment, she was suddenly taken aback.

"Lei Wujie, how can you move??"

She found that Lei Wujie could actually move, and at the moment when everyone on the top of the mountain seemed to be under a spell, Lei Wujie was actually jumping around.

Hearing this, Tang Lian was also stunned. This incident was very strange. Even she was directly fixed in place by the master's blow. How could Lei Wujie not be affected.

When Lei Wujie heard this, he asked a little puzzled: "Senior sister, what you said is so strange, why can't I move?"

Tang Lian sighed lightly.

"Junior brother, look at the people around you, including me and Qianluo~~"

When Lei Wujie heard this, he glanced around, his eyes became even weirder, and the big guy kept one movement, like a clay sculpture, motionless.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?? It's so strange!!"

Lei Wujie touched his head, at a loss.

Tang Lian shook her head. Although she didn't know why Lei Wujie would not be affected by her master, that is, Baili Dongjun's sword, but except for Lei Wujie, everyone else was pinned down. This result seems to be acceptable for now. good.

"Junior brother, you go to the ground to pick up some stones, and use the technique of punching acupuncture points from the air to hit these people first!!"

Lei Wujie was a little puzzled when he heard this.

"Brother, who are these people??"

Hearing Tang Lian's words, the faces of the people on the top of the mountain couldn't help but change. Their identities can be said to be very sensitive, and most of them come from major forces. They sneaked into Xueyue City to inquire about the news secretly. If they are controlled by Tang Lian and the others today, It's hard to guarantee that Sikong Changfeng won't think of other ways to deal with them.

"Tang Lian!! How dare you!!"

"Tang Lian, we have never committed any crime against you Xueyue City. If you do this, aren't you afraid that the forces behind us will settle accounts with you?"

Tang Lian laughed when she heard this.

"Not before, but not necessarily after today! You are not fledgling rookies anymore. You all know the things in the world. Although Master doesn't care about today's things, some of them can still be kept secret. Just keep it a secret!!”

"Especially about today's events, if the forces behind you didn't want to know, you probably wouldn't have jumped out!"

"Xueyue City is not afraid of anyone, Master is not afraid of anyone, but I don't want those people to trouble Master!!"

"I can assure you all that your lives will not be in danger, and you can continue to live in Xueyue City in a safe and sound manner in the future, but today's matter, you should keep your mouth shut!!"

Lei Wujie was stunned when he heard Tang Lian's words. He didn't feel much about this matter. He thought in his heart that with Baili Dongjun and Zhao Shouyi's strength, even if today's incident got out, those Do people still dare to trouble them? ?
"Junior brother, people in the Jianghu are unpredictable, if you don't want Brother Zhao to be harassed by others in the future, then shoot and stop them! When you return to Xueyue City, the third master will punish you!"

Lei Wujie's eyes flashed twice, but he didn't object. When the Gun Fairy appeared in the Western Regions before, his heart was still charming, and he had already conquered him. He expected that the Gun Fairy would not do anything to these people, so he stepped Step on it, grab a handful of stones, throw them in the air, and seal the acupuncture points of these people.

At this time, above the South China Sea, the sky darkened again.

The two attacks really collided fiercely, and the terrifying aftermath rolled up waves of tens of feet one after another, rushing in all directions one after another.


There were two more bangs.

It seems that the nine gods are roaring.

In the next moment, where the two attacks collided, an infinite light burst out, which was incomparably bright.

It reflected the dark sky like daytime, no, it should be said to be like a small sun, so that people couldn't open their eyes at all.

Everyone on the top of the mountain, including Lei Wujie who was able to move, closed their eyes subconsciously, and even a few people who closed their eyes a little slower, fell into a state of blindness for a short time.

And at this time, there was only humming in the ears of everyone, and no other voices could be heard at all.

The whole world seemed to fall into silence.

A gust of wind came over after a few breaths. The wind was so strong that some unlucky people who had been acupunctured by Lei Wujie were blown away.

After Tang Lian and Sikong Qianluo regained their ability to move, they quickly used the heavy pendant. Sikong Qianluo even inserted the Silver Moon Spear in his hand directly into the ground, a full two feet into the ground, before he managed to stabilize himself. out of shape.

It took a long time for things to return to normal here.

It's just that at this time, all of them became ashamed and very embarrassed.

"This is just the aftermath of the confrontation, the battle of fugue is really terrifying~~"

Tang Lian crawled out from the gravel, her eyes were filled with horror and horror. He had always heard that the battle between experts could even rewrite the landscape of a certain place. He still had some doubts, but now he knew that his vision was limited. .

Some things, if not personally experienced, I am afraid no one will believe that things are really like this.

On the South China Sea, Baili Dongjun and Zhao Shouyi stood facing each other, and the sea surface returned to relative calm.

Baili Dongjun looked quite complicated.

Originally, I thought that the fight with Zhao Shou would be nothing more than a small fight, but I didn't expect that there would be such a big commotion now, and the most important point is that the two of them have not yet decided the winner.

"Forget it, stop fighting!!"

Baili Dongjun shook his head and said something helplessly.

He knows all kinds of martial arts, swords, guns, swords and halberds are all masters, but among the moves he has mastered, the one that is the most powerful is the one that is most powerful. Right now, this one still doesn't work. He knows his other moves I'm afraid it's enough.

Zhao Shouyi nodded slightly.

Although Baili Dongjun's move didn't work, but he used this attack himself, which ended in a loss for both sides.

With a mortal body, it is still too reluctant to forcibly move the power of heaven and earth.

Even if he stepped into fugue right now, his blood was surging, and he even felt the smell of blood in his throat.

Thinking of this result, Zhao Shouyi couldn't help sighing softly. If he had known this situation earlier, he might as well have chosen to use his third sword to fight!
"Oh, what a pity~"

"What a pity!"

(End of this chapter)

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