Godslayer in the comic world

Chapter 104 I Hate Athena

Chapter 104 I Hate Athena (3 more)
Bruce Wayne is a selfless person. Compared with preaching justice, personal affairs can be ignored.

He is still displeased with Ange, after all, there is nothing he likes about this illegitimate child.

On the other hand, he had to admit that this kid did a good job.

Unmanned driving and unmanned control technology has always been the short board of Wayne Group.In the case that Iron Man already has his own intelligent AI Jarvis, most of Wayne Group's products are still at the level of manual control.

In fact, the last nuclear fusion reactor, if Iron Man did not throw it out of Gotham City, it would be Bat Lord himself to test the newly installed autopilot technology.

You know, the master is ready. If the autopilot program goes wrong, he will sacrifice himself and throw the reactor out of Gotham.

Relying on this complete UAV and additional programs, it is difficult to say that it can catch up with Iron Man in the field of artificial intelligence, at least it can reduce the gap.

Bruce had to accept this great gift, both public and private.


Bruce still doesn't like Ang.

This little bastard obviously has a [flexible moral bottom line]: from the Osborn incident, to the Wayne Group chaos, to the Hammer Enterprises just now, every time he saves innocent citizens from the evil party, Bruce always see it.

Originally, Angle did good things, but what Dad Bruce hated the most was that this little bastard knew that the other party had a problem, and ran to snipe other people's stocks.It's true that he praised the bad guys, and this guy also sucked the blood of all shareholders and stockholders by the way, fattening his own pockets.

Bruce does not deny that he was once a money-capable person, and money can indeed do whatever he wants, but Ange's approach makes a good act of justice cast a disgusting smell of money.

This is unacceptable to Bruce's [Justice].

Seeing Anger who was a little embarrassed, Bruce warned coldly in a deep voice: "If you are found to have committed a crime, Batman will become your enemy."

Discovered by you?

Wouldn't it be fine if we don't get discovered?
Anger shrugged indifferently: "Come on, dad. You can't beat me, and I don't want to inherit your mantle and become Batman."

Bruce will never know about his name - to be Batman, you have to kill your parents first.

Thinking of Kratos or the new so-called [mysterious white mecha], Master Bruce's face darkened even more. He knew very well that this little bastard had become stronger again.

When Ange walked out humming, he saw the old butler Alfred.

"Good day, Master Ange."

"Good afternoon, Alfred." Ange greeted the old housekeeper with a smile: "Yes, I made a little money recently. I can call you if you need it."

The old butler knew it was Hammer's money as soon as he heard it, and he smiled politely: "Even if this money may become a weapon against you?"

"So what? Your master will never know what cards I have, nor will I know where the limit of my growth is. Even if he is my enemy, what can the garbage made with outdated information do to me?"

The old housekeeper was not annoyed, and bowed: "Master, you have at least inherited the generosity and kindness of the master."

Ange smiled, left without saying a word.

The old housekeeper looked at the shadow of Ange's car going away, and couldn't help feeling: "This child is still filial!"

"Really?" Bruce appeared beside the old butler like a ghost.

"An incompetent father raised a child without pouring emotion. Not only did he not take revenge, but he also saved his father's career. Even as an outsider, I think this child is impeccable. As for his rebellion... the Celestial Dynasty There is an old saying [the son does not teach the fault of the father]."

Bruce was choked to death.

I co-authored Anger for a long time, or is it my fault?

But think about it, it seems that this is really the case.

Master Bruce hates it so much. If he was going to die, there wouldn't be so many bad things when he shot the wall.

On the other side, Ange looked at Wayne's old house before leaving, without any sense of belonging.

Master Bat misunderstood Ange.If that day really comes, An Ge will definitely not be a [Father Killer], but... is Batman without money ability still Batman?
Anger decided that he would still be at the limit of Master Bruce's tolerance in the future - jumping left and right!
It's just that An Ge didn't know that the so-called Gundam Mecha he made up at will, and he made a mess of [SHIELD].

Director Nick Fury originally planned to send agents to visit Ang's house, but this time he received a higher-level order and had to immediately mobilize a large number of operatives to investigate all possible companies in the territory.

Congress always likes to play military bidding when approving budgets. Of course, they would like to have a military industry company come out and say that this is a new product of their family, and compete with the Stark Group that they don't like.

Unexpectedly, after waiting for a few days, he asked several 'suspects', including the Wayne Group, explicitly and implicitly, but he didn't ask the fart.

Now Congress and the Ministry of Defense are a little panicked.

This kind of mecha, which may become a large-scale industrialized product, whether manned or unmanned, may become the enemy of the country and the world.

After Wayne Group and other large military enterprises denied intentionally or unintentionally, the Ministry of Defense pinched its nose and threw money at Tony's face, asking him to develop more [War Machines].

No one expected that the real culprit, Mr. An, was not studying how to subvert the country, as those elders with persecution paranoia thought, but was studying Helen's matter.

"Kui... Master Ange, do you really want to try?" Helen was still lucky.

"Of course!" Ange ordered in a firm tone that could not be refused.

Helen had no choice but to put her heart on the sidelines, spread her legs... and put herself into a set of metal shells that were also of the Gundam series.

The pink metal casing reveals a hint of festive atmosphere in the coldness.

The prototype of this mech is [Strike Gundam Bright Red].

This thing doesn't even have a flight function because of the rush.According to the system evaluation, only the pure exoskeleton mechanical system provides the wearer with a 20-point strength bonus and 50-point armor.

This is not only Anger's bad taste, but also caused by his anxiety.

He always thought that if the plague of the zombie universe broke out in this world, the people around him would at least have a leather case for self-defense.The result is that he annoys Tony enough to get a new mecha suit for Helen and Black and White Canary.

It's just that when the man's mecha coat was half worn, An Ge looked at the new version of "Gundam Girl", and suddenly the DNA moved.

Then, he couldn't help thinking of the famous saying of a certain emergency food called [Paimon]: "I can't get in! No matter how I think about it, I can't get in!"

Dry!I hate Athena!
(End of this chapter)

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