Godslayer in the comic world

Chapter 105 Enhanced Version [Complete Alliance]

Chapter 105 Enhanced Version [Complete Alliance] (4 more)
Putting on the mecha jacket, Ange asked Helen to perform a Greek version of [Lin Daiyu Pulling Weeping Willow Upside Down].With the help of the exoskeleton mecha, Helen, who had no strength to restrain a chicken, actually uprooted a small tree the size of a bowl.

This time, Helen and the Lance sisters who were watching the battle were stunned.

"In this world... what kind of technology is so advanced?" Helen asked weakly in broken English.

The Lance sisters nodded together.

They suddenly looked forward to what they would look like after the mecha coat was updated in the future.

If you can combine Iron Man's power with your own physique, it will be beautiful even if you think about it.

After the test, Ange ran back to his study, pretending to check his asset statement.In fact, money is such a thing, after a [small goal], it is difficult to spend too much money.

After buying big-ticket things like private jets, big villas and yachts, there are really no luxuries that can be spent on a small goal.

So it was understandable for Tony to build his own mecha when he had nothing to play with.

Ange is currently following the path of both magic and martial arts, but he doesn't mind putting on a mecha shell, even if he doesn't need it, what about his girl?
Opening the system window, An Ge suddenly smiled wryly.

This time to kill [Whiplash] who wins with his mind, the only attribute reward for him is [Intelligence +15].

A folding symbol appeared behind the [Intelligence] option. When he opened it, he found that the intelligence was subdivided into two sub-items: [Mystery] and [Modern and Future Technology].

87 points of intelligence were divided, the part about [mystery] was 75 points, and the part of [technology] was 23 points.

That's right, the total is wrong.

This is because the system determined that part of Ange's intelligence value can take into account both mysticism and science, and there are overlapping parts.On the whole, he is still on the side of magic and gods.

It's just that he is not a demigod with a formal lineage of the gods. He still uses mana points instead of the higher [divine power].

However, even though Ange's intelligence on the science part is 'only' 23 points, now in his mind, he already has the aircraft blueprint of [Vulture], the ark reactor of [Whiplash] and the three versions of Hammer's infinite Human mech blueprint.

As long as he finds a high-tech factory that is suitable and confidential enough, he can mass produce these things by himself.

Anger was just hesitating whether to use the factory of the Wayne Group, after all, this could not be hidden from the eyes of his cheap daddy.

Suddenly, Ange frowned, then reached under the table and patted it.

Half a minute later, Helen got out from under the desk with a slightly aggrieved expression, and ran away like a fly.

Of course, in order to let Helen integrate into the modern society, Anger has made a lot of efforts, such as letting Helen watch the classic drama "Titanic".

Speaking of this, of course it is indispensable to learn how Jack draws for Ruth.

While Ange yelled mysterious words such as "gift crab" from time to time, Helen was so ashamed that she wanted to die.

Why not be a colorist?

Fart, how can you take pictures like this, asking people to pose for so long?
An Ge is not the kind of scumbag who takes pictures of his girlfriend and then goes to blackmail her to 'borrow money'. He must appreciate it slowly after painting.

No matter how bad it is, it can also be said that this is art.

At worst, just reply "This is not her!".

There is a reason for Ange to be so turbulent recently, and the good days of peace are coming to an end.

As the "strongest" teleportation master in the world in the eyes of Wonder Woman, Ange has to exhaust his mental power every day when he is sure that the future [Doctor Strange] Stephen Strange is still a doctor. Perceive the existence of Paradise Island.

As a result, Paradise Island didn't perceive it, but found that the recent transmission fluctuations across planes became more and more obvious.

With the help of perception to lock the location, I suddenly found that it was marked on the public map as [NASA Space Radiation Center].Outsiders don't know that there are actually a series of signs under this signboard, such as [SHIELD Accelerator Test Center].

These names that fool outsiders can't fool the traversers.

Anger knew that SHIELD's research on infinite gemstones would eventually lead to disaster.

Legend has it that the supreme god, the invincible, great and elegant Loki, will descend on the earth that is loyal to him.

Well, Anger couldn't make it up.

In human terms, [The Avengers] is coming, maybe in the next few days.

This made Ange very troubled.

Recently, Penthesilea has recovered very quickly. As expected, a strong demigod with the blood of the gods has strong resilience.She can't exercise vigorously yet, but normal activities are fine.

Under the guidance of her niece Diana, the Amazon queen began to learn the dressing style here.

On this day, when An Ge saw that she was deliberately hiding her masculine vest line and wearing a very feminine evening dress with a low cut and large open back, An Ge suddenly felt weird.

This kind of "female father" suddenly wearing women's clothing has a great sense of contrast, which is very subtle.

It cannot be said that friendship has deteriorated, it can only be said that love has arrived.

Ange had a premonition that the day this guy recovered from his injuries was the day she would launch a night attack.

He had teased people for so long in Troy, and now it was almost time for him to get real.

Ange swallowed, thinking that it might take time to deal with a fully fired Amazon female warrior, he decided to find Catwoman and Ghost Spider a few more times while he still had time, and have a candle-lit night chat.

Then, the fateful day arrived.

The so-called door can actually be opened from the inside or from the outside.

The space gem bloomed a dazzling blue light, ignoring the will of Nick Fury and the scientists of the institute.

At this moment, the stagnant gear of fate finally started to turn again.

It looks like a blue fire from a distance, but in fact this kind of fiery space energy has never been grasped by mortals.

Nick and the others were stunned when the blazing blue fire suddenly condensed into a handsome and evil robed man.

The guards at the base took small steps and approached the mysterious visitor with M4 assault rifles.

Facing these hostile and vigilant humans, the evil man showed a ferocious and cruel smile full of arrogance.

"Sir! Put down the spear in your hand!" Nick warned.

Only absolute violence and mystery responded to him!

The man raised the staff in his hand, and the blue beam shot out in response to the sound. With just one blow, the damage caused was like the bombardment of a 105mm howitzer.

Within 8 meters of the center of the explosion, all personnel and research instruments evaporate instantly, and within a radius of 20 meters, the associated explosion shock waves and fragments kill and injure all personnel within the range.

Whether it's Nick or the special attack [Hawkeye] guarding here, they can only lie on the ground with tactical instinct.

After the violent explosion, most people's minds were buzzing, only a few guards reluctantly raised their assault rifles and shot at the hostile mysterious man in front of them.

"Tu Tu Tu!"


When the 5.56mm bullet hit his chest, sparks splashed, and all of them became ricochets.

After the mysterious man killed in a whirlwind, he actually mentally controlled a large number of people, including Hawkeye.

He took away the space gem grandly, and then the collapse of the portal caused the entire research base to collapse, and a terrifying depression with a diameter of more than two kilometers appeared on the land.

It's a big deal.

In desperation, Director Nick Fury held a video conference with his superiors.

"I need to start the [Avengers Project]!"

In the picture shown by Nick, there are two very eye-catching photos, which are Kratos and Batman!
 I have a cold and a fever today.The liver doesn't move.

(End of this chapter)

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