Godslayer in the comic world

Chapter 111 [The Tragedy of Troy]

Chapter 111 [The Tragedy of Troy] (3 more)
If this multiple shooting is just a show of archery skills, then Anger's next burst of shooting is the ultimate in violent aesthetics.

Three in a row!Three in a row!Again and again!
Every time he grabs at the void, he gets three giant arrows more than one meter long, and immediately pulls the bowstring without any delay, and shoots the arrows out.Not only are the arrows shot without fail, but in many cases, one goes through two and one goes through three.

The giant arrows easily sniped those Chitauri small flying motorboats, and a series of grand fireworks bloomed in the air.

The violent rain of arrows reminds people of the Vulcan cannon.

Tony gritted his teeth. If he played masturbation and masturbation, he would definitely complain about why the meat shield took the job of ADC?

But in any case, a strong support is definitely a good thing for the current situation.

At this moment, Widow Sister, Hawkeye and the US team have arrived in the SHIELD's unique [Quinjet Fighter]. This vertical lift fighter is used as a transport aircraft most of the time, but it is also equipped with a good firepower.

Not long ago, she was physically awakened by the widow sister, and Hawkeye, who returned to the hero series, was a little puzzled: "Why is Kratos's archery similar to mine!?"

Seeing Lord Kui galloping across the sky on an ancient Greek chariot, the widowed sister complained to Hawkeye without saying a word: "Come on. Clint, that guy is probably like Thor, who lived from the age of mythology to the Now demigods and stuff."

Captain America agreed with self-deprecation: "Isn't it? In front of you is an old antique who has lived for nearly a hundred years and slept for another 70 years."

The eyes of the heroes are definitely not bad.If we say that this ancient Greek Spartan-style Kui Ye seemed to be playing cosplay before, but now after showing [The Tragedy of Troy], it is a 'real hammer'.

This kind of thing from the Age of Gods, not to mention that it can fly into the sky, just like that, even if you want to imitate it, you can't find the real prototype, let alone the magic horse that pulls the cart.

To be honest, this is the first time Ange has used 【The Tragedy of Troy】.

It's embarrassing for him to use it.

The power of this chariot is absolutely overwhelming, but it is too laborious.

To enter the flying state, as a non-Greek descendant, he must either pay a little elemental energy per second as the power to drive the carriage, or he must use divine power.

Where did Ange get such a deep energy pool?
At this time, Penthesilea, who had returned from her injury, found out about this and offered her to pull the cart.

At that time, Ange was embarrassed: "Well, it's not good to ask the majestic Amazon queen to help me pull the cart."

"A queen with no subordinates?" Penthesilea raised her hair chicly: "When I was hunted down by the Nemesis, I disbanded my clan, and handed over most of the clansmen who couldn't take away. Hippolyta. Those twelve female warriors are my last men. And..."

Speaking of this, her eyes rolled, and her eyes were full of affection as deep as the sea: "I swore to myself, if I can't kill Achilles with my own hands, then whoever kills Achilles will be my man."

Diana heard this: "Since Ange is a marksman, then I will be the gun shield soldier of this chariot."

People from the same god system all came from horses and chariots. This is a seamless connection.

When it came to this, Ange couldn't refuse.

No reason, when a real queen comes to pull a cart for herself, and a real Amazon princess acts as a gun shield for herself...

Anger just wanted to say - what more can I ask for! ?

Ever since, there was this three-person chariot galloping across the sky.

Compared with Iron Man, who single-handedly has a smaller target, [Troy's tableware], which has a larger target and more powerful firepower, is more eye-catching.

I don't know how many Chitauri rushed over in flying motorboats, and the large laser gun fired at the golden carriage for free.

Of course, it's useless!
With this level of laser light, even Captain America's vibrating gold shield can withstand it, let alone Diana's Aegis.

With a flash of golden light, the laser was immediately deflected and sent flying another Chitauri who rushed forward.

Even if there are occasional Chitauri who can fly over from the bottom of the chariot, as long as the queen pulls the reins a little and makes the chariot tilt slightly, the two-meter-long meat-grinding war blade on the side of the chariot wheel will stop the attempt. The chitauri who had done it were chopped into blue pieces of flesh.

Anger showed his might and at least helped Tony attract [-]% of the Chitauri.

After all, Iron Man is a character whose offense outweighs his defense. Regardless of his titanium alloy armor, he will still be damaged if he is hit by a laser gun. He is not like Angle, Hammer, and the Hulk, who are rough and thick. guy.

To put it bluntly, ADCs are most afraid of being targeted!
Iron Man's crimson and golden figure flashed and moved in mid-air, shooting down the Chitauri jet ski with pulse lasers non-stop.

But soon enough, the pressure mounts as more Chitauri rush in through the giant portal.Iron Man also received a few laser shots, and several error alarm red boxes lit up on the smart display inside the helmet.

Widow sister drove a Kun-style fighter jet into the battle, but unfortunately, the combat power of this not-so-small fighter jet is just that.

The Vulcan cannon on the belly of the plane also swept down a dozen or so Chitauri, and they were immediately blown up by concentrated fire.

For a while, the widow sister tried her best to force the fighter jet to land on the ground, and the three immediately wiped out the invading Chitauri at a reasonable speed.

When the first giant Leviathan battleship emerged from the portal, the whole situation changed.

By visual inspection, the size of this thing is more than 100 meters.From a distance, it has a big bloody mouth that can swallow an entire train, and fish structures that look like fins are spread all over the sides of the body.

The exaggerated heavy metal armor on the whole body is even more chilling.

That's right, this is the most iconic Leviathan battleship of the Chitauri people, a weapon hybrid that the Chitauri people use biological transformation engineering to integrate space sharks.

As soon as this thing came out, the widow sister and the others were numb.

Just as the five constants are also divided into the upper three constants and the lower two constants.

The same is the Avengers, the gap in combat power can probably be one sky and one earth.

The top Hammer and the Hulk both have the ability to kill a Leviathan warship solo.

Today, Ange decided to give it a try.

"I come!"

Ange's voice came from Tony's headset, and Tony froze for a moment: "Are you sure?"

The carriage galloping across the sky drew a gorgeous golden arc in midair, then pointed obliquely towards the sky, and headed straight for Leviathan at a height of a thousand meters.

Seeming to have discovered Ang's plan, the Chitauri began to set fire to them.

A rain of bright laser beams formed an exaggerated cone in the sky.

At this time, just hearing Penthesilea's loud shout, the whole chariot unexpectedly showed a golden light, protecting in front of several god horses, resisting the shooting of hundreds of laser guns with its shield.

 This is a mysterious patch, please don't care about the update time
(End of this chapter)

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