Godslayer in the comic world

Chapter 112 The Grand Welcome Ceremony

Chapter 112 The Grand Welcome Ceremony (1 more)

The moment the giant Leviathan opened its terrifying mouth with a five-meter-long fang, Ange suddenly jumped out of the car.

What a move!
Just as Leviathan instinctively turned his head and seemed to want to bite the target's larger chariot, Ange launched an attack on the exposed neck of the giant Leviathan.

The same move [Spinning and Flurrying in the Air], performed with 'ordinary' titanium alloy twin knives, is completely different from the effect of using a pair of real artifacts [Trojan Twin Stars].

Looking from a distance, one can clearly see the thick white clouds in the sky suddenly move slightly, and the clouds begin to gather in the direction of the chariot in a vortex shape, and a golden light shines in the center of the vortex——

"Hiss!" A strange continuous sound, a bit like tearing paper, extended from the left side of the Leviathan's mouth to its tail.It was as if there was an invisible giant standing upright, using his butcher knife to cut open the body of the giant Leviathan.

The dazzling spiral golden light sliced ​​through the thick flesh of the space shark, and at the same time, countless lightning balls and fireballs exploded at the incision.One piece after another, the external metal armor turned golden red in the light, exploded, and then turned into a puddle of molten iron.

The stinky blue blood in the sky and the fallen metal armor fell to the ground like rain.

A giant Leviathan was solo killed by Anger!

On the right wing of the behemoth, countless hatches opened, and individual Chitauri soldiers who could not fly jumped out screaming in despair, and even some blind guys tried to jump onto [The Tragedy of Troy].

The queen snorted coldly, slightly adjusted the angle of the spiral war blade on the side of the chariot wheel, and minced these miscellaneous soldiers into minced meat.

Occasionally, there are a few who cannot be hit, and they are all given to Wonder Woman in seconds.

The chariot drew a 120-degree arc in the air, and finally caught Ange beautifully at an altitude of a thousand meters.

"Nice job, my dear!" Excited, the queen turned her head and gave Ange a kiss.

Ange was stunned.

Wonder Woman was also in a daze with him. Even though she only saw half of her face, looking at the chin that was almost exactly the same as her own, Diana felt as if she was kissing Ange passionately.

At this time, the whole of New York has become a mess.

No matter how fierce Ange and Tony were, no matter how hard the Widow and the others worked, it was impossible to block all the invading Chitauri. A large number of single soldiers or two-person flying motorboats descended on the city.

These brutal guys opened fire on everything that moved on the ground regardless of the three sevens and twenty ones.


The high-power laser cannon on the airship blasted down casually, and the cars were blown away on the spot, exploding into huge fireballs in the air.

There was chaos everywhere, bloody and bloody.

The Avengers were a little surprised to find that they had received a certain degree of fire support.

Not the military.

Don't forget, New York is the city with the most police officers in the United States, and 15 police officers are not just for nothing. The firepower network formed by AR[-] automatic rifles knocked down many Chitauri who were flying at low altitude.

Their seemingly solid armor can't actually stop the shooting of 5.56mm bullets.

It's like the scene in the movie where the police shoot aliens with a small 9mm pistol, that's definitely a lie.

Where is New York?
Next door is Gotham City with simple folk customs. Where can New York be so good?
The majestic New York is a 'safe haven' with a 22% increase in the annual murder rate. Even if a large number of public places in New York belong to the [Gun-Free Zone], which New York police car does not have a shotgun or a rifle in the trunk?
Rifles are issued by the public, there is no rule that you cannot install scopes and modify them yourself!
Except for the police patrolling the streets on foot, when they saw aliens attacking, the policemen came out to work without saying a word.

In the major sub-bureaus, the arsenal was opened urgently. In less than 10 minutes, the streets were full of policemen wearing bulletproof vests and holding rifles, relying on various bunkers to open fire on the aliens.

Many places in New York prohibit the entry of guns, which does not mean that citizens are prohibited from owning guns.

Many citizens opened their windows and opened fire outside.

At least one low-altitude firepower network is formed.

Of course, this also aroused the viciousness of the Chitauri, and more Chitauri descended from the air. They flexibly clung to the outer walls of buildings, and then jumped into private houses or office buildings, launching indiscriminate attacks on human beings. kill.

It turned out that on the aircraft carrier a hundred kilometers away, seeing the large and small light spots on the radar that almost exceeded the search limit, Nick had a headache: "What about support? We need anti-aircraft firepower."

The beautiful Agent Hill next to him replied: "The National Guard will take at least an hour to arrive. The 4 F22 fighter jets that took off in an emergency are about to arrive on the battlefield."

Regardless of the large number of old American aircraft, the only fighters that can be dispatched in an emergency are those that are already on duty. There can be four aircraft in a New York area, which is actually quite a lot.It will take time for other planes to be transferred across regions.

At this time, time is life, and time is hope.

Suddenly, Agent Hill's voice sounded again: "North American Aerospace Defense Command sent information. There are several aircraft of unknown origin requesting to join the temporary air defense identification signal."


"The other party claims to be Batman and the Birds of Prey squad!"

Nick froze for a moment.

Batman?How many fighters are there in the Birds of Prey team?

But when Nick thought of the famous Bat fighter, he gritted his teeth and agreed: "Just say I agree."

Fighters are money-burning stuff.

Not counting the research and development costs, a vertical lift fighter can cost over [-] million US dollars.

This thing can't be played without the ability to make money.

Birds of Prey Nick hadn't heard of it, but he planned to go back and talk to Bat-Master slowly.

As everyone knows, Batman is also scolding his unfilial son.

A Batfighter will do.

He also wants to make two fighter squads.

However, the real powerhouse is Ange, and Bat Dad can't do anything about it.

Recently, whenever An Ge finds out about any new gadgets produced by his family, he opens his mouth and says, 'I want this, give me half a dozen'.

Day and night defense, home thieves are hard to prevent!

Oh, the money from the house thief?
That's fine.

What's even more outrageous is yet to come. Master Bat's Bat Fighter is an orphan. What Ange wants is the engine and core of the Bat Fighter, but the aerodynamic design and shape are copied from the Quinjet Fighter of S.H.I.E.L.D.

It's just that there is no transport compartment, and the entire interior has been changed to a missile compartment.

After extremely simplifying the control system, the control is a bit like playing a game.

As a result, even a katana can be opened, let alone Catwoman, Huntress and Canary Sisters.

Master Bat flew solo, and the other five knockoff Kun-style fighters formed a formation of geese and rushed into the battlefield in one fell swoop.

(End of this chapter)

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