Godslayer in the comic world

Chapter 122 The Wheels Run Over

Chapter 122 The Wheels Run Over (1 more)
Gradually, Tony got closer to the truth and felt the absurdity of things.

The root of everything actually came from his arrogance and one-night stand.

He ignored Aldrich Killian, who was actually quite talented, and slept with Maya Hansen, and just solved a "small problem" for her by the way, which was regarded by Maya as the key to breaking through the flaws of the Extremis virus.

So the two geniuses who were hurt by Tony joined forces to form a miniature version of the 'Avengers' against Tony alone.

Aldridge vows to destroy everything Tony.

Things finally got out of hand just as Tony started to fight back, finding out that the Mandarin was actually a hired actor and that his real enemy was Aldridge.

Aldridge used the Trojan horse program implanted by AIM in the [Steel Patriot] mecha, blackmailed the driver—Tony's old friend James Rhodes, robbed the Iron Patriot, and used it to invade the old American University Commander Air Force One hijacked the president.

And Aldridge, who was in a state of showdown, also kidnapped Pepper Pepper.

So far, nothing seems to be different from history.

Apart from……

On Ange's private island, a group of Aldridge's men were swiftly crossing the dense forest and invading towards the villa.

They are not ordinary people.

Once upon a time, they were elite U.S. military veterans who had to be discharged only because of disabilities.

Aldridge used the Extremis virus to lure them into the water, telling them that through this experiment, they could restore their permanently lost limbs.

These veterans who were controlled by the Extremis virus not only regained their broken arms or legs, but also gained strength beyond ordinary people.

At this time, they were fully armed and suddenly heard some strange sounds.

"Listen, what is that?"

"Horse hooves?"

"No! Not only this, why does it sound like a carriage?"

"Who the hell still rides in a carriage these days!"

However, the neighing of war horses and the rolling of wheels became louder.

With rich combat experience, they immediately dispersed to occupy favorable terrain, and aimed their M4 assault rifles with large drums in the direction of the sound.

There are only 10 centimeters of grass, and there is not much place to cover. The only few big rocks are already the best cover.

When the hillside that was the focus of their line of sight was about [-] meters away, a strange thing finally entered their field of vision.

It was indeed a carriage, but it was a Greek-style horse-drawn chariot that only existed in museums or historical legends.

The biggest difference from the history is that the three war horses pulling the cart are not only incomparable, but also covered with luxurious gold ornaments, the bodies of the horses are surprisingly translucent.

Sharp-eyed intruders noticed that standing in the carriage was the target of their trip, Angie Wayne.

Anyway, the boss's order was life or death, so they fired at Ang without hesitation.

"Thut chug!" The sound of assault rifles, as dense as fried beans, resounded through the world.

It stands to reason that normal people have long been beaten into a sieve.

The carriage rushed quickly, but the distance from 100 meters to 50 meters happened to be the superior range of the assault rifle.

However, the scene they imagined that the horse and the people were shot together did not appear.

Instead, the bullets poured on the heads of those horses, causing sparks that should not have been refracted.

The bullet... ricocheted!

"It's impossible!" These "little friends" who had little knowledge were collectively stunned.

They may have other ideas, but the speed of the carriage is too fast, and there is no time for other actions.

At this moment, someone was trying to dodge, someone was changing to a more powerful grenade, and someone was pulling the ring of the grenade.It's just that all their actions failed when the driver of the carriage suddenly whipped his whip—the speed of the carriage more than doubled in an instant! ?

This is outrageous!
It was like the catapult start of an electric car. The three immortal horses of the gods exerted their strength at the same time, and they rushed across the small distance of 50 meters between them in the blink of an eye.

When the first three intruders were directly smashed into broken dolls by the undead horse, the limbs all over the body showed an extremely strange twisted state, and it was unknown if the bones on his body reached four figures.

I knew at a glance that I was dead.

"Ahhhh——" At this moment, an intruder could not escape, his whole body glowed a strange crimson, he stretched out his hands, and blocked the chest of the charging horse, trying to stop the horse with his inhuman strength advance.

To be honest, this strength is definitely not small. When the man and the horse collided, the ground under the man was sunken half a meter deep on the spot.

The sad thing is that even if his strength is three times that of an ordinary person, he is still a bigger bug in front of the divine horse given by Poseidon.

The war horse stomped over without stopping.

In the next moment, he was directly swept under the wheel of the car, and he couldn't even blew himself up.

There seemed to be a mysterious black hole on the chariot, and the last and most violent red light that appeared on his body was suddenly sucked away.

Not to mention the explosion, not even a single fart.

The only thing that spread across the wild was the horrible shuddering sound of wheels crushing bones.


The remaining guys ran away, their agility was not twice that of ordinary people!Not to mention that the golden light suddenly appeared on the meat grinder on both sides of the wheel, expanding the harvesting range to ten meters on the left and right sides.

"Ahhhh—" Even if their whole bodies became translucent and they used the Extremis virus to stimulate all the power in their bodies, they still couldn't resist the harvest of this death chariot.

The only guy who didn't die on the spot thought he had escaped by luck.

Unexpectedly, a javelin shot exploded his head.

Perhaps this is the survival of a catastrophe must have a make-up knife!
After meeting each other, all the intruders belched.

At this very moment, Anger was riding the fourth horse drawn by the carriage, a precious rouge horse from Amazon, whipping non-stop with a 20cm whip.

He looked around the empty space belatedly, and suddenly asked, "Did we bump into something just now?"

Panthesilea pulled the rein of the horse out of breath: "Probably...just now...some kind of bedbug was run over by the wheels. It's okay, let's go on a ride."

"it is good!"

Not long after, Tony, who received the kidnapping of the president and his wife, suddenly received an anonymous email on Iron Man.

In the photo attached to the email, there were shockingly the corpses of a group of Extremis soldiers.

The inscription has only one line: A group of idiots have offended me.

At this time, James Rhodes next to Tony saw Tony stunned for a moment, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Got a good new."

"Huh? Aldridge's people seem to have offended a few guys in Gotham who can't be messed with."

Soon, the loyal American colonel knew who Aldridge had offended.

(End of this chapter)

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