Godslayer in the comic world

Chapter 123 The Iron Man Collection

Chapter 123 The Iron Man Collection (2 more)
At night, by the side of a port pier, there is a huge container ship - the Roxon Company's [Nock].

Aldridge will live broadcast the execution of the old American President Ellis here.

This public execution is very [Viking].

He asked his subordinates to hang Mr. President in an X shape on a gantry crane, with the "Steel Patriot" that the President pushed hard on the outside.

There is no doubt that this is the greatest trampling on the American spirit.

Typical homicide!
Just find a reason for execution, and then all the crimes will be attributed to that unfounded [Mandarin].

Aldridge has long found the vice president as his new backer, relying on the vice president's love for his disabled granddaughter, and this is the infiltration of Hydra into the government.

Once President Ellis dies, according to regulations, power will completely fall into the hands of the Vice President.

Now that the president has been 'disappeared' after being kidnapped, and the power of the top White House has temporarily gathered in the hands of the vice president who has become a ghost, Tony and Colonel James Rhodes can only rely on Use your own strength to save the president.

James took Tony without armor for a clumsy secret infiltration, was quickly discovered and surrounded, and immediately switched to [Assassin's Creed] mode.

right!As long as we kill all the enemies, no one will know that our infiltration failed.

Tony, who doesn't talk about martial arts, directly asked the intelligent AI Jarvis to call all the Iron Man stocks in his Florida villa.

In the night sky, a series of 'bolides' flew from a distance. When Aldridge's men looked into the sky in surprise, they saw a whole row of Iron Man hovering in the air.


This is simply the legendary Iron Man Encyclopedia.

Not to mention the enemy, even I was dumbfounded.

James turned his head to look at his good buddy, with disbelief in his tone: "You did it all?"

Tony's expression was subtly unnatural: "You know, men are always interested."

For his [-] million points of interest, he even gave up running his own company and left the power of life and death of the company to the former secretary Pepper Potts.As long as Pepper is not a woman who loves him deeply, or is not capable enough, she can definitely kill Tony.

In the next second, following Tony's order, the super AI Jarvis immediately controlled more than 30 Iron Man units, and launched an attack on all Aldridge's men in the entire dock.

In James' eyes, this should be a one-sided massacre.

Facing the high mobility of the Iron Man Group, ordinary soldiers should not have much resistance.

It's a pity that the god of fate gave Tony a small shock (trick) and tease (trick).

In history, among Aldridge's men, the only ones who can fight against the Iron Man Group are those strengthened soldiers injected with Extremis virus.

In this life, I saw those ordinary soldiers bringing out big killing weapons.

James was dumbfounded when he saw it.

"Damn it! It's a Chitauri laser weapon!"

After the Battle of New York, the entire city was littered with the bodies and equipment of the invaders.Although the National Guard entered martial law and declared that all alien weapons are government property and citizens are not allowed to own them, a large number of Chitauri weapons and equipment have fallen into the black market and the hands of dark forces.

The Chitauri's weapons are not the ones used by the Red Skull's men during World War II that require a cosmic Rubik's Cube to be charged.

This is an interstellar weapon that is different from earth technology and can be used independently.

In another piece of history, after the Great War in New York, a few thieves used this thing to rob the bank's ATM, which gave the little spider a little extraterrestrial shock.

As a branch of Hydra, it is not impossible for AIM to get a batch of Chitauri weapons.

The evil of 5.56mm cannot pose a threat to Iron Man, but laser weapons can definitely.

For a while, the laser barrage was full, and the entire night sky seemed to reproduce the chaotic scene of the New York War.

The corner of Tony's mouth twitched at the very first encounter. At least three Iron Man mechas in his field of vision were unlucky enough to be hit by laser gun fire and turned into gorgeous fireballs.

Just as Tony was once bullied by Chitauri minions in the final stage of the New York War, the titanium alloy armor used by Iron Man's entire series cannot resist the destruction of laser weapons well.

The exaggerated high temperature easily burned through Iron Man's armor, blasting a large number of electronic components and circuits inside into dazzling bright sparks.

The Iron Men didn't sit still either. Under the control of Jarvis, they made all kinds of unimaginable maneuvers in the air to interfere with the enemy's judgment.

Before they could react, the Iron Men who were covering each other had already launched attacks on the enemies who ran up to the gantry crane or on other commanding heights.

Iron Man's pen missiles, laser pulses, and even MK42, which can "separately" act, split the fists and feet into several parts, flying to beat people like missiles.While they start to inflict a lot of damage on the enemy, the losses are also increasing.

Within a few breaths, two more early-model Iron Man crashed.

This scene made Tony extremely painful.

Originally, Iron Man's fight against the enemy's miscellaneous soldiers should be a crushing victory.

Now with the addition of Chitauri weapons, it has become a [-]-[-] split.

Unlike Batman, Tony doesn't care about the lives of his enemies, he cares about his own blood being destroyed.

At this time, the enemy actually started to threaten Tony with the lives of President Ellis and Pepper at the same time.

Tony was very honest with himself - the president?Which old man doesn't know him!
Mr. President, who was hung up in the air, looked at the fire burning under his feet, and then at Tony who was saving the woman. The corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

At this moment, the mysterious carriage that once gave New Yorkers a little Greek shock reappeared.

The three undead horses of the gods made the carriage easily reach a speed of [-] kilometers per hour.

The two sides who were fighting fiercely felt that a golden light flew over from a very far away, passed by quickly, and the president hanging in mid-air disappeared.

Mr. President, who had been exhausted for a long time, looked at Mrs. Kui, who was dressed as an ancient Greek, and Penthesilea, who was concentrating on driving. His mouth squirmed for a long time before he choked out a sentence: "Inger Mouse?"

Ange imitated the tone of Wonder Woman back then, and spoke very standard American English: "You can speak to me a hundred languages ​​including babble, and I will decide whether to answer you according to my mood."

A lukewarm nail.

President Ellis, who originally thought he was going to die, still found the bald-headed and bearded man in front of him extremely cute.

"Anyway, on behalf of the people of America, thank you for helping to bring justice."

Ange curled his lips and said nothing, but he said in his heart: I only help the Han Dynasty!
(End of this chapter)

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