Godslayer in the comic world

Chapter 124: Ignition System Skills

Chapter 124: Ignition System Skills (1 more)
Ange patted Rouge Ma's butt, and ordered: "Take the president to the New York City Police Headquarters, just look at the Beidou satellite navigation, don't use GPS, that thing has too much error."


Mr. President was choked to death, and when a big stone fell to the ground, he suddenly had another question: "Mr. Kratos, where are you going?"

Penthesilea laughed and said, "Ha ha! That idiot Aldridge Kilian has pissed him off."

Ange's murderous aura was fierce, and the ferocious aura burst out from between his brows without any concealment.

President Ellis quickly lowered his head when he saw it, not daring to look directly, as if what he was facing was not a superhero, but a real god—God of Death!
"Whoever fucks me, I'll kill his whole family!"

After uttering a harsh word, Ange jumped straight from a height of 200 meters.

In order to facilitate the evacuation of the Greek chariot, there is no rear door at all. Just now, Anger didn't feel it when he was standing. Stretched out half of the body, watching the situation of Kuikratos.

Not far away, I saw Kratos as if it was a coincidence. Just when a crimson Extremis soldier jumped into the air and tried to knock down an Iron Man, Kratos stepped on the opponent's back, with that The poor man slowed down the exaggerated falling speed with his back, and immediately made a smart double jump, and jumped to the ceiling of the nearby gantry ceiling.

The president was relieved.As soon as he turned his head, he met Penthesilea who turned his head. Even though the other party was wearing a mask covering half of his face, he was still attracted by the sharp minibus and facial contours of the other party.

But the president immediately lowered his head, and immediately said in a moderate voice: "Thank you for saving my old life. As the president, I have my position, and I will never betray my country and people. But as my Personally, I'd be more than happy to help a real hero with a little trouble."

"Oh? Is that so? Then I, Kratos, thank you." Luckily, Ange had given an order in advance, otherwise no one would know if the daring Queen Amazon would do something to a man she despised.

At any rate, the queen patiently lowered the speed and height of the carriage, so that the elderly President Ellis was not so frightened.

In less than 10 minutes, when New York City Police Chief George Stacey held a regular press conference to discuss the security problems encountered in the reconstruction of New York, the Queen gave him a copy of "Mr. President's Glory Return" Great gift.

"Mr. President?" The Georges were dumbfounded.

Because the White House did not even disclose the news that the president was hijacked on Air Force One, the reporters suddenly saw the president getting off the balcony of the press conference hall and the mysterious Greek chariot that saved New York. There was ecstasy on his face.

This is a headline that really fell from the sky!

"Mr. President! What the hell happened?"

"Shouldn't you be going to XXXX place?"

"Mr. President, may I have an interview with our radio station?"

The reporters wanted to squeeze past, but George waved his hand, and immediately the police in charge of security in the conference hall rushed up and blocked the president.And George urgently called all the police officers on standby in the police station.

"I remember your name is George, right?" Mr. President was very satisfied.

"Yes, New York Police Chief George Stacy. I don't know what happened. I will protect Mr. President's safety before the agents arrive." Director George suddenly smelled something unusual.

"Very well. Next I need your full assistance."

"Relax! Mr. President, the 3.5 police officers in New York City are your most solid backing."

"I need……"

After the president said a few words, George, who was so shocked that his scalp was numb, turned around and even secretly asked his daughter who was at home to change into a leather case and lurk near the police station to wait for calls.

On the other side of the port area, Anger was killing people.

There is something to the elite soldiers who have survived the Extremis virus.

As soon as they fought, An Ge clearly felt that their strength and agility were around 20-30 points, and their endurance was nearly 40 points.

It is not uncommon for these elite soldiers to be former U.S. soldiers, with their physical fitness two or three times better than ordinary people, to be able to lay down several Iron Man armors controlled by AI.

After all, according to the standards of this world, they can already be called "Small Captain America" ​​if they have achieved this.

The key is that they still have a small [Magma Fist], when their whole body turns translucent crimson, the high temperature that comes out of their bodies can melt even steel.

The melting point of steel is at least 1500 degrees Celsius.

At this point, they obviously overwhelmed the US team.In terms of combat effectiveness alone, they are undoubtedly more difficult to deal with than the US team.

As for whether Tony's AI butler Jarvis can quickly collect their data, adjust the reaction speed and actions of the Iron Man army in a timely manner, reduce losses and strike the enemy, it is not what Anger needs to consider.

An Ge came here, what kind of opponent provoked him?

It's purely to ask the president for a talisman, and then come here to pick up some attributes and skills.

All superheroes are the vigilance of Hydra, let alone a guy like Kratos who needs to focus on marking.

As soon as An Ge appeared wearing Kui Ye's leather case, two elite [Extremis Warriors] roared and rushed towards him.

come on!

An Ge showed his snow-white teeth. In the eyes of others, this scene looked like a beast that would choose someone to eat.

The first Desperate Soldier rushed forward quickly. He thrust forward with his left fist and pulled back with his right fist. This was a standard boxing posture. Obviously, he made up his mind to use his physical fitness to instantly kill An Ge without any false moves.

Ange's mouth seemed to open wider.

"Boy, are you drinking too much?"

How many dishes did you eat?
After Ange was promoted to demigod, even in the last battle in New York, he didn't fully reveal his jaw-dropping and terrifying physical fitness.

He asked the system to help and locked his agility at 40 points.

Even so, it was shocking!

Ange's figure on the spot seemed to be distorted. The desperate soldier just instinctively felt Ange passing by him, but in his 120-degree field of vision directly in front of him, Ange definitely disappeared suddenly.His reaction was not unpleasant. Although he was still moving forward under the influence of inertia, he had already turned around in mid-air, instinctively protecting his vitals with both hands.

He was bathed in fire, and the surface of his skin was even charred. He tried to scare Ange with the super high temperature that was as hot as lava.

Unfortunately, in front of a real divine sword [Achilles], his body is just a piece of paper.

(End of this chapter)

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