Godslayer in the comic world

Chapter 125 Punching [Desperate Situation] Kindergarten

Chapter 125 Punching [Desperate Situation] Kindergarten (2 more)
When he saw that golden light, the Extremis Warrior already felt bad, it wasn't like an attack that his blazing lava body could resist.At the last moment, he turned from defense to offense, trying to beat An Ge at least once, but unfortunately he only hit the air.

Red light flashed in the blood vessels of his whole body, the nerves in this body echoed the master's fear, and the blood vessels in the transparent skin and muscles suddenly accelerated and pulsated.

However, in the despairing gaze of the desperate warrior, this gleaming golden blade still approached him.

The sound of "crash" sounded like a water bag was shredded.

[Achilles], one of the twin knives [Trojan Twins], cut its blade along the Extremis Warrior's belly, and cut down like a rotten one, splitting the abdominal cavity and the spine in half.

Unexpectedly, there were no bloody and foul-smelling internal organs and splashes of blood. Looking from a distance, it looked like a bright burst of magical radiance.

It was a bright red similar to that of a red-hot soldering iron!

No one could see it except Ange himself. The red soul was pulled out and sank into Ange's chest.

At this moment, the system inorganically reminded Ang: [Congratulations to the host for killing (Extremis) Douglas Hottun! 】

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the following skills (or upgrades): Frost Resistance Lv17 (cold resistance has been incorporated), Fire Element Control Lv4! 】

Ange's mouth twitched slightly.

Got it!
He is not interested in Extremis itself, its basic attributes are quite rubbish, at most he can get some red souls, so that Ange can improve his own girl.

The attribute controlled by the flame element is the key.

This means that Ange's path to the mage has become wider, from the original single wind element to a mana pool of comprehensive elements.

Of course, the joyful expression on Mrs. Kui's face became cruel and murderous in the eyes of the other party.

There's no way, Mr. Kui's face is just so fierce.

"Ahhh! I'm going to kill you!"


The scene of An Ge slashing the Extremis Warrior was seen by many surrounding enemies.

At the moment when Ange fell from the sky to kill their teammates, at least twenty armed gangsters around turned their guns around one after another, and shot out blue rays with those very sci-fi Chitauri laser guns, piercing straight towards them. Ange.

Four of the rays missed, and all the remaining rays penetrated through Ange's head, shoulders, chest, thighs and other positions.

Seeing this scene, Colonel James Rhodes was so surprised that his mouth opened into an O shape.

"Look at that bastard, that bastard won't die." Almost echoing Tony's words, that sturdy figure had disappeared in place,
His figure appeared in front of a gangster holding a laser gun as quickly as if he had teleported. The guy was pierced through the heart without even reacting, and fell into the sea beside the pier.

These bandits who have received professional military training have no power to resist in front of Ange.Ange killed them more quickly than chickens and ducks.

At this time, the second Extremis finally 'caught up' to Kui Ye, who had killed the Quartet.He jumped high, trying to sneak attack from a high altitude.

How could this little trick fool An Ge, not to mention that the guy was still swinging his fist...

An Ge didn't turn his head back, and grabbed it with his backhand. Because the guy's arm span was slightly shorter than Ang's, before the fist reached, Ange's outstretched left hand "slapped" most of the face centered on the forehead .

A ball of flames exploded from Ange's palm, and this scene did not attract the attention of anyone else.

Only the victim knew that it was not the flames that burst out of his body, but Ange's.

This guy has no chance to tell the truth. The sudden explosion made him shiver instinctively and close his eyes.

In less than 0.1 second, the [Hector] on Ange's left hand stabbed into the guy's throat, gouged out half a circle very smoothly, and the hapless desperate soldier suddenly collapsed. fly out.

An Ge conveniently threw his head out, and threw it on the chest of another Extremis soldier not far away.

The impact damage is a trivial matter, even the high-temperature blood like lava can't hurt the Extremis Warrior, the key is the 'spiritual attack'!

The good buddies that my family got along with day and night suddenly split up, and even pounced on them as flying heads, which is almost impossible to meet in modern warfare.

Either everyone fell apart together, or fell asleep, how could it be so bloody.

In this dazed time, Ange swung another knife in mid-air for a full circle, and slashed at victim No. 3 with one knife. A body with a temperature of at least a thousand degrees.

The hopeless soldier lay dead on the spot.

This time, James figured out that these terrifying desperate fighters were not Kratos' opponents at all: "Those guys weren't so good when they chased you, right?"

Tony rolled his eyes: "Don't trust Kratos, that guy is a pervert, just treat him like Thor."

"God...?" James was a little confused.

In this life, it is obvious that Aldridge's number one general, Savin, did not trick Tony to death.

When Savin appeared boldly in front of Ange, Ange was somewhat surprised.

If the other Extremis fighters are considered elite monsters, then Savin... is probably a rare elite with a silver label.

Savin roared and rushed forward.

Anger seemed to know their offensive routines well.

Savin's fighting skills of the SEALs are not weak in all fairness.

It's a pity that Ange locked his strength and agility, and didn't lower his perception.This turned every attack of Savin into a clumsy one-man dance. Ange obviously anticipated his next move, dodging and moving easily, avoiding Savin's attack—— With a mocking look.

"Ahhhhh—" Savin, who was already ruffian, opened his arms frantically and rushed over, trying to hug Ange and burn Ange to death with the flames bursting out from his whole body.

However, a bright golden light appeared on his pounce route.

Golden light is now!Heaven and earth!
Savin was shocked to find that his field of vision had been divided into two halves, the left and the right, which were not connected to each other.

What is wrong with me?
See how things have become two halves?
Before Savin had time to react, his body felt empty for a while, and his two halves hit the steel corridor heavily.

At first, he was able to almost burn a big hole in the steel floor with the residual heat of his body. The fierce flames quickly cooled down with the disappearance of life. In the end, only a sunken metal pit was burned out of his body.

Ange looked at Savin expressionlessly.

[Congratulations to the host for killing the champion desperate warrior Savin! 】

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the special fire magic (self-explosive Pyroman): Do you want to make more enemies into adults?You only need to inject the flame element into the enemy's body, and you can temporarily control the enemy's actions, allowing it to rush into the enemy's formation and explode. 】

Anger once thought that his first fire magic would be the legendary [Five Fire Ball God Sect], why did he give him a [Self-Explosive Living Man] as soon as he came up?
Why does this skill sound so unorthodox?
(End of this chapter)

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