Godslayer in the comic world

Chapter 126 Tony, You Don't Want to...

Chapter 126 Tony, You Don't Want to... (3 more)
Now that the new skill is in hand, it doesn't matter whether he is [Self-Explosive Living Man] or [Self-Explosive Burning Man], use it and be done.

When Ang came up to an ordinary gangster with a laser gun, the guy no longer pulled the trigger in vain. Instead, he threw a shot at Ang, then took out his tactical dagger and shouted to kill him.

remarkably brave!

But it's useless!

Ange, a Spartan, was kicking, and immediately kicked the guy 20 meters away, and injected some [red gene] by the way, so that he flew to the two gangsters who were shooting at Biubiu in another corner.


That thing exploded.

Well, obviously he can't bear the red gene composed of flame elements!

The violent explosion felt like a large pot of fiery molten steel suddenly poured over there.Not to mention the instant disappearance of people, even the surrounding iron frames and steel plates were all burned into a molten state.

Ange moved quickly again, flying more than ten meters to another ordinary gangster, and threw him into the distance with an over-the-shoulder throw. This time, he collided with another desperate soldier, and then an explosion killed them all.

Here Tony was running to save Pepper Pepper, and he glanced at him on the way, and was very moved: Brother Angie!He has attracted almost all the desperate lunatics by himself, and it would be difficult for me to deal with these self-destructing lunatics.

In fact, AIM knows best how many people are desperate fighters.The status quo is that the number of explosions caused by Ang has outrageously surpassed the number of Extremis.Few people on Aldridge's side noticed this, and even if someone found out, they didn't know what to say.

What's even more exaggerated is that, as An Ge killed another Extremis Warrior at this time, Unknowingly, Ang's killing speed surpassed the sum of all Iron Man armors present.

Afterwards, Tony made some calculations, and was even more dumbfounded.

Tony couldn't care less about that at the moment.

No eyes, only chili.

right!Pepper Pepper is in danger.

As soon as Tony let the Iron Man group charge towards the enemy, he started looking for Pepper.

Now he's finally found... Pepper in distress.

Pepper was stuck on a crumbling container suspended by a gantry. Below her was a 200-foot (66-meter) abyss.

If Tony was still wearing any of the Iron Man suits, this predicament wouldn't be a problem.

It's hard to die, facing hundreds of gangsters armed with laser guns, the Iron Man Group's offensive is not going well.Several sets of Iron Man mechas were blown up when they got close to Tony.

Tony is now armed with nothing but a small pistol.

Just like that, in front of Tony, Pepper missed and fell into the abyss below...


At this moment, Tony's heart broke.

Endless sadness overwhelmed Tony, and when the culprit Aldridge appeared, this heartbreaking sadness immediately turned into endless anger.It just so happened that a set of Iron Man armor finally seized the opportunity to break through the gangster's anti-aircraft firepower net, and came in and put it on Tony.

The crazy Tony killed the past without hesitation.

To be honest, Iron Man has never been a hand-to-hand combat character. Even if he puts on the famous [Anti-Hulk Armor] in the future, Tony's own reaction speed determines that he will never become a hand-to-hand combat master.

So as a shooter ADC, it's okay to go to play close combat and bully weak chickens. For Aldridge, who has been practicing for a long time, Tony... was pressed and beaten.

"Fuck!" A counterfeit lava punch came over, and Tony didn't dare to take it hard even in Iron Man armor.

In melee combat, the directionality of the [Repulsive Ray] on Iron Man's palm is too obvious. With Aldridge's reaction, he can block with just one move, and he can teach Tony to be a man.

In fact, Tony really can't beat it.

In less than three rounds, Aldridge punched the breastplate of the first set of battle armor, and Tony escaped with a last-minute ejection.

Immediately after the second set of battle armor was put on, it was also cut in half by the opponent's [Lava Hand Knife].

At the critical moment, thanks to the arrival of the newly developed MK42, each component of which can fly independently, Tony turned the situation around for a short time.

"Jarvis! Put No. 42 on Aldridge, blow yourself up—"

This second, Aldridge briefly became 'Iron Man'.To be precise, this thing is more terrifying than the [Iron Maiden] in the European Middle Ages.Because iron maidens don't blow themselves up!

"Boom!" A huge explosion resounded through the sky.

Even if it was a self-detonation from the inside out, the shock wave of the explosion still sent Tony several meters away.

Tony was extremely shocked to find that in the purgatory-like fire, Aldridge's skin was charred, but he was still alive.

Just when Tony lost the headset to contact Jarvis and control Iron Man because of the explosion, and fell into complete passiveness, Pepper Pepper, who Tony thought had died, suddenly jumped out of another fire, showing an outrageous performance. With his strength and agility, he punched Aldridge hard.

What's even more exaggerated is that because Pepper was injected with the Extremis virus by Aldridge, he was identified as the Extremis Warrior in many Iron Man's automatic enemy hunting systems.One Iron Man even launched an attack on Pepper.

Who knows, the lady who used to be delicate, now seems to be transformed into a runaway humanoid Godzilla, with an exaggerated flying culling, blowing up this old model of Iron Man with one punch.

"What? Have an opinion!?" Little Pepper asked sharply.

Tony was dumbfounded, and shook his head quickly: "No! It's okay..."

Just when the somewhat "angry" Pepper turned around and was about to give Aldridge a fatal blow, an accident happened.

A hunk fell from the sky.

Aldridge reacted immediately. He took a sidestep suddenly and stepped aside, trying to make the attacker's attack completely miss.

His response cannot be said to be wrong.

A shrewd and strong man will not run away casually, or even expose his deadly back to the enemy.

His mistake was that he completely miscalculated the attacker's speed and strength.

Two bright golden lights fell at the same time, splitting Aldridge's arms covering his forehead without any hindrance. The golden light avoided his head at this moment, and at the same time drew two golden arcs, one left and one right, His chest was cut open from the position close to the collarbone, and there was a strange sound like cutting an old tire.

In the end, the light of the knife converged on Aldridge's chest, and then left his body from the left and right ends of his abdomen.

"Ah!" Aldridge let out a shrill scream.

Rao was so severely injured, he still didn't die immediately, but his hands that had lost his forearm still made a movement similar to "white crane spreading its wings" - he wanted to use the lava-like ultra-high temperature plasma from the wound on the severed arm to give this The last counterattack of the mysterious enemy.

"Hmph!" The bald man let out a cold snort.

The second round of swords flashed, and this time, Aldridge became three.

The translucent head with blazing red light flew out high.

Aldridge - dead!

Looking at the domineering Kui Ye in front of them, Tony and Pepper were stunned.

The other party grinned a cruel smile: "Tony, you don't want to dirty Miss Potts' hands, do you?"

(End of this chapter)

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