Godslayer in the comic world

Chapter 129 This krypton is not that krypton

Chapter 129 This krypton is not that krypton (3 more)
The auction item of a charity gala is not about what expensive items you take out for auction, but who pays for the auction.No matter how expensive something is, no one bids, it is a shame.On the other hand, if worthless things are auctioned at sky-high prices, this is face.

As an opening warm-up session, Angle's 'fake' sold 300 million dollars, which is definitely super inflated.

For a moment, Tony thought he was trying to save Anger, but after seeing Anger's mysterious smile, Tony took a closer look at the gold bracelet in his hand, and couldn't help but lose his voice: "Damn it! This is the real thing!"

His voice caught the attention of several guests around the table.

"Really?" Little Pepper was also puzzled.

Most of Tony's physical attributes are mortal, but his intelligence and perception are absolutely extraordinary.

It doesn't feel like it from a distance, but once you get it in your hand, you can't hide the faint divinity on the bracelet.

Tony had only seen a similar glow in Thor.

It's a pity that his perception can only support him to perceive this kind of light at close range, otherwise he would definitely not have offered the price of 300 million just now.

Now it seems that 300 million is not only not much, but also a little less.

Pepper Pepper whispered: "Isn't the age wrong?"

Tony said with a bitter face: "We'll talk about it when we go back."

Gold is the year in which gold can be detected by X-ray diffractometer or atomic absorption spectrometer.

Normally, this will not be faked.

For a guy with the ability to open portals, that's not going to work.

However, Ange lost an auction item, and Tony had nowhere to make up for it.

Good luck, Tony's auction item is out.

"Gentlemen and ladies, this is the original Iron Man MK8 donated by Mr. Tony Stark. For safety, its flight system, weapon system and parts involving sensitive technology have been removed. But even so, the mecha The exoskeleton system can still help its users easily lift two tons of heavy objects..."

Unexpectedly, as soon as the bidding started at 50 yuan, An Ge instantly killed the audience.

"1250 million!"

The whole place was silent.

To be honest, if it is the full version of Iron Man, maybe a competitor will buy one at a high price and take it back to study.

At the moment when Iron Man has iterated to the MK42 type, the technological content of this early model is not high, let alone a castrated version with a lot of content removed.

You must know that the average cost of the UAV developed by Hammer Company was only [-] million US dollars. If it is mass-produced, the price can still be lowered.

To put it bluntly, the exoskeleton system alone is not worth the money. This Mk8 is a big toy.

Then, Tony was really flattered that Ange gave Tony such a face.

Tony, who looks like an imperfect knife in the eyes of others, is actually very poor recently.He was so hard, first the Stark Tower in Manhattan, New York was seriously damaged, and then the villa in California was just blown up by Aldridge.

To rebuild these, which will not cost money?

But those guys who suffered heavy losses due to the destruction of New York all pointed their fingers at Tony who had a role in tearing down New York.

Who told most superheroes to slip away after a fight, and you, Iron Man, lost your online name and went online with your real name?
Not to mention, someone actually sued Tony for joint damages based on the live video.Even if the Stark Group's legal department has a battalion of people, there are many lambs who can't bear to eat wolf meat.

The United States is a country that enforces the law according to the precedent. Once someone wins Tony, there will be 1000 million people who will rise up.

At this moment, An Ge bought Tony's big toy at a high price, and the donation should be counted on Tony's head.There is no doubt that this will make Tony's reputation in the public opinion better.

Tony cast a grateful look at Ange—this buddy, you can do it!
He could completely imagine that Ange would mobilize his media outlets tomorrow to hype this up.

Anger threw a small target again (at this time, the US dollar and soft sister coins are 1 to 8), which immediately attracted many bees and butterflies.

It's not without reason that An Ge purposely let Wonder Woman come to town as his female companion. Her noble temperament and strong aura alone can persuade many girls to leave.But they couldn't stand the courageous ones, so they came over to say hello with various excuses, and handed over a small note with their phone numbers written on it.

However, even An Ge didn't expect that one day he would become someone who was professionally grabbed the headlines.

Suddenly, the lights of the entire venue dimmed.

Even though it took less than two seconds for the venue to switch to the backup power supply, everyone noticed something went wrong when a woman screamed.


"Look! What is that?"

Following the man's pointing, everyone saw a dazzling fireball falling from the sky over New York.

People with strong eyesight can even see that it is definitely not a shooting star. The slow speed and rhythmic flickering light fully prove that it is an unnatural thing.

Tony and Ange looked at each other, and they both saw confusion in each other's eyes.

At this moment, all the TV screens in the venue were suddenly blocked, and the original electronic signal was cut off, turning into a ball of snowflakes.

No, at least there is a human figure among the snowflakes.

A series of low-pitched voices that feel very mechanical come from the screen, not in a single language, but it seems to use different languages ​​​​according to the user's regional language.

"You are not alone……"

"I'm General Zod."

"I come from a distant planet."

"I traveled across the vast sea of ​​stars to find you. You have sheltered one of my people. Now I ask you to hand him over to me."

"For some reason he chose to hide his existence from you, he went out of his way to blend in with you, he looks like you. But he is not human. If anyone knows his location, the fate of your planet is in yours in hand."

"Kal-El! Did you hear that?"

"Come out and surrender within 24 hours! Or let the whole earth bear the consequences!"

The threatening voice ended, and the oppressive atmosphere disappeared immediately.

At the moment when the haze of the Great War in New York has not yet disappeared, the speech of the alien who claimed to be General Zod easily aroused fear in people's hearts.

Without words, the focus of everyone's attention immediately fell on the only superhero in the audience-Iron Man Tony *big shit.

Tony wasn't surprised by this, but he was a little angry: Why are you looking at me, An Ge?By the way, you didn't provoke Zod, did you?

Ange seems to have understood Tony's question. Although my name is Ange*Krypton Conquering Difficulty*Wayne, this krypton is not the other krypton!

An Ge put a hand on Wonder Woman's shoulder with a smile: Sorry, they are looking for one, and I have a group here.

Tony rolled his eyes: Got it!It's really not him.

Tony won't forget that Kratos was in a group of three when he played the Greek chariot. Presumably this beautiful girl is one of the people next to her.

Tony muttered in his heart, and his old friend Colonel James Rhodes immediately called over with a life-threatening call: "Tony, it seems that the Avengers must gather again."

(End of this chapter)

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