Godslayer in the comic world

Chapter 130 All-Star Lineup Serving

Chapter 130 All-Star Lineup Serving (1 more)
What the hell are aliens!
The point is that Laomei has nothing to do with others.

That mysterious alien spacecraft just went straight into the lunar synchronous orbit, and the old US space agency caught it blind.

With today's aerospace technology, the moon landing spacecraft can't be launched immediately.

In the end, if some invulnerable aliens were sent down, they would probably have to be topped up by extraordinary people.

At this moment, I don't know how many members of Congress want to applaud President Ellis.

Because of the miraculous act of the "Supernatural Rating Temporary Act", it is very good to distinguish between good and evil heroes. It can even be said that as soon as this bill is announced, at least two spidermen in New York have the feat of scoring points at the same time.

These two high-powered heroes have stopped countless incidents of taking advantage of the chaos to buy for zero yuan, and several [gangsters using Chitauri laser guns to rob] incidents that the police were unjustified were all solved by the little spider.

Now that the crisis is at hand, it is naturally time for superheroes to make great efforts.

In less than 10 minutes, Iron Man, Captain America, Widow, Hawkeye, and James all received notifications.

It's just that Director Nick Fury is very annoying. At the critical moment, the two main Cs of the Avengers are not there!

Not to mention Brother Hammer's return to Asgard, Dr. Hulk Banner had a little accident.

Dr. Banner, who was on vacation in South America, suddenly lost his nerve and turned into a Hulk, and then was inexplicably involved in the Amazon River and was washed away...Washed away...Washed away...

In that poor place in South America, there is not even much surveillance.

The Hulk has disappeared not once and for all.

This is really difficult.

But now there is too little information about that general Zod, and it is impossible to judge at all. For a while, Nick's black marinated egg head was emitting white smoke like a fever, and it seemed a bit CPU overloaded.

Naturally, the charity bazaar could not go on. Tony's departure made many rich people panic.At this time, they still gather together, that is a pot end.People can't help but think of that time when Rocky kidnapped a group of rich people in Germany and asked everyone to kneel down.

All of a sudden, the well-dressed gentlemen and ladies flocked outside.

The host had to embarrassingly announce that the charity sale was temporarily over. Fortunately, most of the charity sale had gone on, so it was not a loss.

Over there, Tony took Pepper and evacuated. Instead of driving, the two of them drove two Iron Mans together, but one flew back to the Stark Group and the other flew to the US military base.

"Tony, this time..." Pepper was a little nervous.

"No big deal, at least Kratos is here."

"Yes." Pepper breathed a sigh of relief: "Take care of yourself."

"I will." At some point, the absolute trust in Ange became Tony's confidence.

Brother Hammer, Hulk, Kratos, as long as the three big Cs are not all gone, they can still play more or less.What's more, the [Wonder Woman] next to Kratos should be pretty good at fighting. After all, in New York, she also has a single-handed record of killing the Leviathan monster.

It's just that she is not as famous as these three people now.

Tony mused to himself, "If you add Batman and the guys who fly the planes...it should be okay. I'm starting to understand why Nick is bald."

If Tony was the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., he would be annoyed by a large group of so-called subordinates who didn't know their real identities and didn't know whether they could be contacted at critical moments.

Sure enough, just as Tony was rushing to S.H.I.E.L.D., the hard-working Agent Hill turned on the bat searchlight next to the Gotham City Police Station.

Fortunately, within half a minute, she heard Batman's deliberately altered husky voice.

"If necessary, I will take action." Master Bat paused, and said "overstepping" for the first time: "If I guess correctly, Kratos will also come."

Agent Maria Hill and Director Nick both felt that this time it was safe.

I don't know what is the relationship between Batman and that wild Kratos?
This made them have a wonderful association.

Here, Ange was in his Rolls-Royce, laughing like a pig.

"What's the matter?" Wonder Woman rolled her eyes, and she leaned comfortably on the leather sofa, showing her perfect curves.

"No. If General Zod knew that he was going to face an 'all-star lineup', I don't know if he would admit it on the spot, and then say 'I'm sorry, I was talking too loudly just now'?" maliciously guessed.

"Do you know who the enemy is?"

"Probably know." After finishing speaking, Ange sent a text message to Dachao on his confidential mobile phone.

Over there, Clark was somewhat confused, reading the message on the phone:

"Dear Mr. Clark Kent. I swear that I really did not betray you. However, since it is General Zod from Krypton, I still think it is better for you to settle this grievance yourself. Of course, in order to prevent the earth from Overwhelmed, we wouldn't mind helping you clean up some of General Zod's minions. Since we all call Earth our home, we're supposed to be family, aren't we? Your rating is whitelisted under the Extraordinary Rating Act Very high, if you negotiate with the US military, they will probably not embarrass you."

The moment he read the text message, Superman, who was once lonely and wandering, felt a warm feeling in his heart.

Who is he?
A cosmic orphan who lost his hometown.

If his adoptive parents hadn't adopted him and taught him how to be a human being, and Louise hadn't cherished him, he wouldn't be the Clark he is today.

He had felt so alone, and had been troubled by his superpowers.

But today, he really felt a sense of resonance.

He didn't know who this mysterious man was, and it was obvious that the other party was one of the superheroes of the New York War.

A person with extraordinary power that obviously does not belong to human beings, but also cherishes the earth and human beings, isn't this the same as him?
"Thank you, mysterious man. Although I don't know who you are, I appreciate your kindness." Clark firmly took off the glasses he used for camouflage.

"Clark? Who's the news?" Clark's adoptive mother Martha asked curiously.

"A friend I've never met!" Clark's eyes lit up.

"Glad. Hope he's a real friend." It was the first time Martha had heard that Clark had a real friend, not a colleague he'd met under a false identity.

Humans and Kryptonians are different after all.

People who don't know Clark's true identity will only give him a sense of acting, no matter how they interact.Only with a similar background can there be no such sad estrangement.

Clark knew that General Zod could not be trusted, but this time, he decided to try to trust the mysterious man.

He puts on his Superman suit again and appears over the main entrance of a US military base.

Sure enough, fate took a wonderful turn here.

(End of this chapter)

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