Godslayer in the comic world

Chapter 131 The first contact with Dachao

Chapter 131 The first contact with Dachao (2 more)
Short guns and long cannons.

From the short and cute m4 assault rifle, to the 12.7mm heavy machine gun of the Humvee chariot, to the 20mm cannon on the armored vehicle, to the 1mm main gun of the M1A105 Abrams tank, all aiming at the cloak flying in the air man.

To be reasonable, there are thousands of troops below, but it is far less impressive than the two steel figures hovering in mid-air that impressed Superman.

This is [Iron Man] and [Iron Patriot], the existence of two Extraordinary beings who can be called the queen of the US military, which made Clark feel a little headache.

For Iron Man, the Extraordinary who defended New York, Clark was full of respect from the bottom of his heart.He didn't want to fight him if he could.

He could clearly see through his 'clairvoyance' that there were two familiar faces who had appeared on TV, and they were flying over urgently on a Quinjet fighter jet.

It's a pity that their breath is too weak. In front of him and the Kryptonians, only the legendary Thor, Hulk, Kratos and the mysterious woman wearing a half mask can fight him.

It doesn't matter anymore.

He didn't come today to fight.

"I'm here to surrender to humans. If you decide to hand me over to General Zod, then I will obey." Superman's clear voice echoed over the entire base.

The corner of the black general Swanwick's mouth twitched, anyway, it's easy.

To be honest, there are so many extraordinary beings on the earth, and the target that General Zod refers to is so abstract, the high-level executives still can't determine who it is for a while.

General Swanwick looked at Superman who was slowly descending to the ground, and beckoned, intending to put Superman in shackles.

At this time Tony's voice sounded: "Your Excellency, there is absolutely no need for us to intentionally humiliate a superhuman who can destroy New York with one hand. That thing can't even trap the oldest model of Iron Man."

The corners of Swanwick's mouth twitched slightly, and he nodded in agreement.

Superman couldn't help feeling a little good for Tony, and he nodded.

Tony spread his hands bluntly: "Hey! Dude, we all know what you did before. At least you are on the white list now, and you are worthy of our trust."

In history, Superman was extremely humiliatingly handcuffed and escorted into the base by a group of soldiers.

In this life, Superman was followed by Tony and James, two iron men, and the passage was full of soldiers.

This is not like an escort, but a bit like a grand welcome ceremony.

"I'm asking to see Lois Lane," said Superman.

"Hey man, that's not smart for you to do. Really smart guys hide their pussies, or specialize in some really good ones. Like some jerk with a bald head." Tony said in Iron Man's closed helmet To complain, he didn't turn on the microphone, and the sound would not come out theoretically.Thanks to a reminder from a traveler, Tony is quite sure that Superman can actually hear it.

Superman frowned.

As the large forces came to the depths of the base, in a hall, Superman not only saw General Swanwick, but also met Nick Fury, director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

There is no confinement environment that is unique to the interrogation of felons, and there is no barrier. This is a very ordinary-looking conference room.Originally, Superman thought there was a large crowd of high-ranking officers behind the wall next to him, or a platoon of Marines.


Except for the cameras in the four corners, this meeting room is really ordinary.

Nick first saluted the general: "Your Excellency, you should have received the order, and the S.H.I.E.L.D. is fully responsible for it. Right?"

Swanvik nodded reluctantly, and stood near the gate with two heavily armed soldiers.No one left, just stood there.

At this time, the door of the meeting room opened, and the American team with a shield on their backs, and the black widow in a tight leather jacket strode in.

Da Chao still didn't feel much hostility from the other party.

"Would you like coffee? Mr. Superman. The freshly ground coffee here is pretty good."

Da Chao was stunned for a moment, and said very politely, "Latte, thank you."

Who knew that Tony suddenly burst out laughing.

This time it was Nick and Da Chao's turn to be a little stunned.

Da Chao thought, is he no different from usual?

"No! Superman, I didn't mean to tease you. It just so happened that some bastard sent me a picture, and I couldn't help it after thinking about it." After that, Tony used Iron Man's projector to show Han Han Thor holding Thor's hammer. The picture was sent out, and a big English [Latte] was posted on it.

Superman was a little embarrassed: "What a cold joke."

Nick smiled: "It seems that Mr. Superman is very adaptable to life on Earth."

"Indeed, 33 years, I wake up feeling like a real Earthling most of the time."

"Glad we're off to a good start."

This time, Dachao was a little confused: "Don't you need to isolate me? For example, be careful of deadly alien viruses."

Nick tilted his head: "Actually, S.H.I.E.L.D. has been paying attention to you for a long time. If you really had some terrible deadly virus, the people on Earth would have died long ago. Besides, we have already come into close contact with some powerful beings similar to you. .In the age of mythology, our ancestors called them [gods]."

Next to Tony, he said, "Hey, buddy, we've already fought side by side with Norse gods, and probably tough men from ancient Greece. You're not too many."

While Da Chao was warm-hearted, he was also a little puzzled: "So, you don't want to hand me over?"

Nick crossed his fingers: "It's up to you—Mr. Superman. We need your cooperation and tell us about your alien compatriots so that we can make a final judgment."

"People on Earth will never give in casually. But they will not accept deception casually either!" Captain America stood up.

His polite speech made Dachao very fond of him.

Da Chao sighed and began to talk about the origin of Krypton and his history.

Although Dachao concealed many key parts, this true story still surprised Nick and others.

The universe is really vast.

Everyone here can't help but recall what Brother Hammer said on the aircraft carrier, "Humans have used the [Universal Rubik's Cube] to send a signal to the whole universe, which means that human beings are ready to deal with the interstellar war of advanced civilizations."

Now these words are repeated rapidly. How long has it been since the Battle of New York?Another Kryptonian general came out?

It’s good for the American team to have confidence, but Da Chao doesn’t agree with it: “The real strength of the Kryptonians is the individual. Each of them can easily fly like me, and has an extremely strong body. I don’t think the earth can easily resist it. live."

Tony muttered: "This is not necessarily the case, we are very strong."

(End of this chapter)

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