Godslayer in the comic world

Chapter 135 Don't Mess With Martha

Chapter 135 Don't Mess With Martha (3 more)
Mr. Clark *kind* Kent lived 33 years, when he was hardly in a rage, he was well taught and worked very hard to control his temper.

He has encountered a lot of garbage people, and almost every time he held back, because others broke out, and he didn't hurt a bit.He exploded, and that was fatal.

Interestingly, Mr. Superman has the same taboo as Mr. Bat-there are two existences with different surnames but the same name, and their mothers are both named Martha.

When a Kryptonian elite soldier ransacked the home of Superman's parents, trying to find out the so-called Kryptonian secret code, and planned to torture Superman's old mother, it was really unbearable.

Superman felt his brain explode, and the rage from the depths of his soul made him jump over like a cannonball, and with a lightning hug, he carried the guy away.

Under the terrifying impact, the two formed the most terrifying and efficient tractor in the world. Just by brushing their bodies against the ground, they plowed out a terrifying conical surface three meters deep and more than ten meters wide.

Superman pinched the elite soldier's neck, swung his right fist the size of a casserole, and rained fists on the guy's bilian. While beating, he continued to push the guy away from his old mother's cabin at extreme speed.

In the blink of an eye, the two had flown a kilometer away, collided with a giant chimney more than ten stories high, and split a fuel-laden train car into two pieces. In the town, it was considered to have stopped.

Immediately after that, there was a close hand-to-hand fight like a beast. The sand and dust raised by the two fierce battles made the central avenue of the town a mess.

The few citizens fled in panic, and the screams and wailing spread throughout the town.

This is just the battle on this side of the town.

On the side of Grandma Martha Kent, General Zod's adjutant, Fra Ao, hesitated for a second. Did he go to help his own people beat up the rebellious Kryptonian traitor Kal-El (Superman)?Or continue to torture his adoptive mother?

In the next second, she realized that she didn't need to think about it.

Two strange metal men who could fly at high speed came over, and they attacked her without saying a word.

"Shhhhhhh!" Compared to the "soft" live ammunition of human soldiers, Fulla must admit that the lasers of these two "iron men" are still somewhat lethal.She had no choice but to wave her arms like a windmill, blowing away the lasered energy rays.

This scene frightened James Rhodes, and immediately shouted in the communication: "Tony, this woman-like object does not eat our weapons."

Tony also bared his teeth: "Try splitting and attacking together."

After all, Iron Man and Iron Patriot, who cooperated tacitly, immediately attacked from left to right.

The idea is beautiful, the reality is very skinny.

Seeing that it was unfavorable for Fula*, she made a movement similar to a track and field start, with only one bow, her whole body was ejected at high speed like a spring.

"Hey!" The ground under her feet instantly shattered into hundreds of pieces.

In the next moment, she was in front of James who was [-] meters high.

"Fxck!" James' instinctive reaction, which he had practiced many times, saved him. At the last moment, he subconsciously turned his body.

In the end, the price he paid was that the armor on the Iron Patriot's right abdomen was completely torn apart.

There is no doubt that the Iron Patriot has been severely injured. On the display screen inside the helmet, there are large red warnings and error messages, which makes James a little panicked.

"Don't be afraid! She can't fly!" Iron Man flew over, followed Fulla's falling trajectory and began to shoot wildly.

Unexpectedly, flying seemed to be engraved in the DNA of Kryptonians. Fulla turned her head to the side, obviously discovering the mystery of flying.

Although a little out of balance, she flew up crookedly and flew towards Iron Man.

"No way—" This time it was Tony's turn to scream.

I can't even beat it, I can't even hide it, and I can't even beat it!
Not only the two of them, but even Captain America, Hawkeye and Widow, who rushed to the scene and met another Kryptonian soldier, felt the same way.

Relatively speaking, that Kryptonian soldier is just ordinary, but his strength, agility, and speed are also superior to the US team.

"Woo—" A punch came over, and the surging force infected Captain America's vibrating gold shield.

He's meowing, the shield is fine, and the people from the US team are fine.

Unable to bear this tremendous force, Captain America flew upside down five or six meters miserably, and did a backflip before barely stopping his body.

During this period, if the opponent hadn't received Hawkeye's exploding arrow in a coquettish manner and was blinded on the spot, maybe the US team would be chased and shot out every minute.

The US team can't hurt that guy, let alone the widow.

Widow sister, who had known for a long time that there was a gap in strength, only dared to use the cannon of the Kun-type fighter jet to cover the two teammates.


The Kryptonian soldier also took off on the same spot, and jumped out of the cockpit of the Quinjet fighter in the blink of an eye.

Seeing that terrifying fist was about to come down, even the widow who had been through battle couldn't help but close her eyes.She was in the driver's seat and was still wearing a seat belt. At this moment, she really had nowhere to run.

She did wait for a loud noise, but it was not the scream from the cockpit glass of the Quinjet fighter jet, but the scream of the other party.

After opening her eyes, the widow was stunned: "Kratos!?"

Bald head, naked upper body, a standard red lightning tattoo, plus two strange-shaped golden knives.

Isn't this the great hero Kratos who shined in the Battle of New York?
The widow is a little drunk.

He is everywhere.

But it's good to have him!
As a teammate, there are few people more reliable than him. He always seems to be in the right place at the right time, carrying those terrifying enemies that mortals can't match.

The Kryptonian soldier who beat Captain America to a bruise and a swollen face just a moment ago is now being lifted up.The golden dagger piercing through his chest was the best weapon in the game.

"Bastard! It was you who attacked our mothership!?" On the other side, an angry Fula * swooped over.

Seeing that the situation was not right, the widow sister pulled the plane almost instinctively, and a Quin-jet fighter jet of Nuo Da slid back like a ghost.

Fulla rushed over, intending to pack this big bald man together with the small plane behind her. According to her expectation, with her ability, she was absolutely unrivaled among the little earthlings, but she never thought that the fighter jet would retreat. It was so fast, Er did not expect that this bald man would dare to meet him.

Immediately, the two knocked each other in mid-air without any fancy.


A circle of transparent shock waves visible to the naked eye swayed from the air, followed by a terrifying sonic boom.

Furao was extremely surprised to find that this earthling whom she despised had power not weaker than hers.

(End of this chapter)

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