Godslayer in the comic world

Chapter 136 A Strong Man Worth Respect

Chapter 136 A Strong Man Worth Respect (1 more)
"Impossible! Ugh..." Fulla screamed subconsciously, but was kicked by the other side.

The terrifying force made Fulla's stomach go numb.

Just at this time, a huge golden light galloped from the sky.

Fulla just had time to block her vitals with her hands before she was severely 'traumatized'.

The translucent illusory horseshoe precisely kicked onto her 'Krypton' mask.Suddenly losing the protection of the parent star's atmosphere, absorbing the air of the earth, this made Fulla spin around for a while.

At this time, the opponent's third blow came.

A very beautiful woman leaped high and turned into a golden shooting star passing by her.

The cooperation of the other three was flawless, as if they had guessed every follow-up reaction of Fulla.No matter how hard Fulla struggled, she couldn't escape this final blow.

Fulla felt like a broken puppet, ushering in the final disposition—she met her head-on with a look of despair and disbelief, and was stabbed right through.

It was only one blow away from killing the strongest person under this general.

Just at this moment, a burst of laser rain poured down.


This is not the laser gun used by the minions, this is the laser main gun of the large landing airship used by the Kryptonians.With a laser cannon of this caliber, even Wonder Woman didn't dare to take it hard, so she had to curl up into a ball and hide behind the shield.

So the heroine was blown away like this.

The Kryptonian landing craft flicked its tail beautifully in mid-air, opened the hatch at the rear, and a Kryptonian soldier flew out, taking Furao inside.

"Chasing... I can't catch up!" An Ge was very angry.

[The Tragedy of Troy] It can’t be said that it is not powerful. Under the full speed of the car, it is not impossible to speed up to [-] kilometers per hour, but it consumes a lot of divine power.

The problem is that people use spaceships, and they fly to the sky in the blink of an eye, surpassing the limit of human vision.

That kind of unreasonable speed made An Ge's heart even hotter: "I'll get a boat like this, it's not too much!"

The Flying Chariot picked up Wonder Woman again, but Ange didn't expect that Woman would actually tease him: "Hey, I think the female adjutant opposite is okay, why are you willing to kill him?"

Angie frowned.

He hypocritically admitted that there was probably, maybe, maybe a [-]% chance that he was the kind of unscrupulous person whose three views followed his five senses.

If beauty is justice, then Fulao is probably both good and evil, so let's be okay.

Anger wasn't interested in spending a lot of effort to deal with such a fan of General Krypton's brain.

Moreover, the advantages and disadvantages of Kryptonians are very obvious-strong is really strong, and the basic attributes are at least on the same level as Thor, or even slightly stronger, but when it comes to kryptonite, weak is also really weak.

At this time, Tony drove Iron Man to greet him.

"Kratos! The other party has a strange aircraft that ran to the sea between Gotham and New York and turned on something like an anti-gravity device. It looks like we have to get rid of it."

"Have you made a judgment?" A traveler asked knowingly.

"Scientists are working on it."

Inside the North American Aerospace Defense Command, a group of scientists broke out in cold sweat.On the big screen of the base is a model of the earth.At this moment, the Kryptonian mothership shaped like an octopus with three claws descended next to New York, and it echoed the two Kryptonian landing ships on the other side of the earth.

An extremely obvious gravitational wave, like playing ping-pong, is repeatedly transmitted between the two devices at the two ends of the earth.

"My God! Those bastards want to modify the gravity of the earth, which will completely change the atmosphere of the earth." One scientist said.

"So what do we do?" Commissioner Nick Fury asked.

"No, once the transformation is complete, there probably won't be anything for 'us'. No earthlings can survive in a drastically changed atmospheric environment."

No need to think about it at all, the top White House issued a battle order.

It's just that the battle was extremely difficult from the very beginning.

"Report! We found a strange anti-gravity field near the other party's mothership, and all our attacks were refracted." The fighter pilots besieging the mothership reported this.

To put it bluntly, the weapons commonly used on the earth, whether they are missiles or bullets, are so-called kinetic energy weapons.

These weapons that require a metal carrier and explode with gunpowder to produce lethality cannot escape the shackles of gravity.

Earth weapons are useless when the Kryptonian mothership distorts the magnetic field around it, causing gravity to suddenly increase or decrease.

Not to mention that the fighter plane was crashed by the surrounding gravitational field, even the missiles could not penetrate the huge invisible barrier, and even the damage range caused by the missile explosion was abnormal, compressed into a very small range by the excessively strong gravitational force Inside.

Tony complained in the Avengers communication channel with great pain: "I thought that this time I was going to carry the nuclear bomb again. The hell is, it is very likely that even the nuclear bomb will not work this time."

At this moment, Louise found Director Nick: "Carl... that is, Superman's father mentioned the ghost engine. If Carl's spaceship that came to Earth is used as a missile, it can theoretically break through the protection of the Kryptonian mothership. force field."

At this point, in An Ge's mind, this mess can basically be declared over.

As long as Superman's small spaceship is activated to make a small fortune, blow up the Kryptonian mothership, and wait for Superman to kill General Zod, everything will be fine.

Even the [Kryptonite] secretly purchased by a traveler is useless.

The world is impermanent.

Anyone who shouts "I have the advantage" will have no good fruit.

The script of this life has obviously been graffitied by the goddess of fortune.

General Zod took a tube of Da Chao's blood before Da Chao got out of trouble, and was surprised to find that the DNA of all Kryptonians was hidden in Da Chao's blood. Da Chao is the so-called Kryptonian Secret Code.

The general directly analyzed it with the mothership's computer and shipped it to a landing ship.

Da Chao can be said to be selfless. For the sake of the weak and helpless people on earth, he froze the landing craft with the DNA of the unborn members of Kryptonian to blow up a "dynamic death light" in the eye.

Who knew that in this life, the transport plane carrying the super spaceship was a little closer to the place where the two of them were fighting, but the general also blew up the spaceship of the super spaceship with a "stare at everyone" laser beam .

This time, humans theoretically lost all means of interfering with the Kryptonian mothership.

"No way—what's going on here?" Tony screamed over the comm loop: "Hey! Kratos, can you just teleport in!?"

Anger tried it, and almost died after trying it: "Damn it! That thing distorts not only gravity, but even space coordinates. I can't figure it out!"

Even the great hero Kratos was caught blind, and the situation took a turn for the worse.

At this extremely tense moment, on a group of clouds that almost no one noticed, a space door similar to a ring of fire opened soundlessly.

In the portal that was whistling and sparking all the time, a guy wearing a hood and orange monk robe came out mysteriously.

Ange almost stopped his heart and lungs in fright, and on the chariot speeding through the sky, he silently bowed to the mysterious existence.

A peerless strong man who guards the earth deserves enough respect from him.

(End of this chapter)

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