Godslayer in the comic world

Chapter 137 The Negotiation Breakdown

Chapter 137 The Negotiation Breakdown (2 more)
As the saying goes, "If you have a friend who comes from afar, you will be killed even if you are far away. If you use a brick to call out, you will not die, and then call again; if you have friends, call again, and if you call again, you will not die. Keep calling!"

If this is a single DC world, as long as Dachao doesn't make a move, General Zod, who is at most one-tier lower than Superman, can really do whatever he wants.

He meow, this is a world that combines Marvel!

In the New York War, the so-called Chitauri wiped out a city at the beginning, and they are still far away from the destruction of mankind. It just so happens that they haven't bombed the temple of [Kama Taj] in New York.As the guardian of the earth, it is reasonable for Master Ancient One not to act.

Obviously, directly increasing the strength and starting to transform the earth's atmosphere, Zod's approach has already crossed the bottom line of the ancient one.

Then Gu Yi will also tell Zod well what is called the ceiling of the earth's combat power.

If there was anything surprising about Gu Yi, it would be that the mysterious bald man on the carriage in the sky recognized her. It was because she looked at the past and the present, and peered into the multiverse for countless years, that she didn't remember the existence of such a strong man.

Out of the most basic courtesy, Gu Yi nodded slightly in return.

The tiny interaction between the two was actually observed by Director Nick through the drone's camera.

"This..." Nick's one-eyed half-closed.

Unlike politicians who claim to be the best in the world, Nick always maintains a proper sense of awe for the unknown and powerful existence.

Here, after a short greeting with Ange, Master Gu Yi made a move.

She drew a circle lightly with her left hand, and in the next second, a large hole that could allow a train to pass appeared out of thin air at a height of a thousand meters.

Through this volley portal perpendicular to the ground, you can clearly see the Kryptonian mothership inside.There is no visual distortion, no gravitational shock, and the defense power that made the old US military go crazy was directly dismantled by Gu Yi.

Just to achieve this point, Gu Yi is already many times stronger than Anger, the Yeluzi mage.

What's even more coquettish and amazing is yet to come!
I saw Gu Yi opened the door with his left hand, and gently grabbed the sky with his right hand. The next moment, the special spaceship for Dachao that had just been blown up by Zod recovered.

That's right!

The airship, which had been blown to pieces and exploded into countless fragments and fell from the sky like a meteor shower, suddenly began to reorganize backwards along the trajectory of destruction, as if the camera was reversed, with the momentum of lifting Newton's coffin boards.

From burning fragments, to large plates, to reorganization into a spaceship that is so precise that every aviation technician is amazed.

This incredible technique can only be realized by the Ancient One mage who controls the artifact [Agamoto's Eye].

A traveler clearly knows that [Eye of Agamotto] contains the [Time Stone], one of the [Infinity Stones]!

This scene was too shocking. Even Anger, who had seen similar operations in movies, was still speechless when he actually faced this scene, not to mention Tony and others who just happened to peep into this scene. hero.

What they didn't know was that at the moment Master Gu Yi shot, time and space seemed to be misaligned, and the screens of all U.S. military drones were blurred.

Director Nick failed to see the most exciting scene.

Alas, don't look at Gu Yi dressed like a Nepalese monk, An Ge knew that she was a Celtic who was known as one of the three major barbarians in Europe back then.

Well, Europe and the United States have always been simple and rude, and they don't play with you step by step.

Zod was in the first year of junior high school, and Gu Yi didn't even say hello, just gave you fifteen, and threw the special super car with the ghost engine activated on the head of the Kryptonian mothership.

In the blink of an eye, a small-scale terrifying black hole was created.

That terrifying space rift that seemed to attract even light easily distorted and tore apart this huge three-legged jellyfish-shaped mothership.

What kind of metal, what protection, are all scum in front of the small black hole.

All Zod's hopes, all his ambitions, vanished at this moment.

Zod, a hundred-year-old boy who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, unexpectedly challenged Gu Yi, a young mature woman at the peak of a thousand years, to be squeezed out. It was only expected.

"No—" Seeing this, General Zod went mad on the spot. He jumped out of the beetle-shaped space landing craft and shot at Gu Yi like a cannonball.

Just at the joint where the black hole is about to annihilate everything around, Gu Yi's eyes glowed with a mysterious light green light.

"Oh? Interesting." Gu Yi turned his eyes and turned his gaze to Ange.

Ange's whole body trembled on the spot, the feeling was no different from being stared at by a big devil.

Ange, who has always believed that beauty is justice, has to say which heroine in Marvel that he least wants to have an affair with, it is probably Gu Yi and Brother Hammer and his sister.

It is absolutely rare for Gu Yidu to be surprised. Most likely, she caught a glimpse of what An Ge did in the 'future' again.

"In that case, this Kryptonian will be handed over to you."

Almost in seconds, Gu Yi moved his left hand again, and a portal, or more than one portal appeared.

When Gu Yi's figure disappeared in mid-air, Anger was stunned to receive a system prompt: [Congratulations to the host for obtaining an assault-type Kryptonian spaceship...]

Ange:? ? ?
Over there, General Zod, who had rushed towards Gu Yi, naturally rushed to nothing.

In front of him, the [World Engine] and the last piece of the mothership were sucked into the black hole, and all the existence of Krypton was annihilated, and the small black hole slowly closed...

"Come back! Who are you? Killed all my compatriots! Destroyed the future of Krypton! You just ran away like this!? You come back to me—" The impotent and furious Zod roared wildly in the world, venting Seeing the infinite anger in his heart.

Da Chao stood in front of Zod again a little out of time.

To be honest, even Da Chao was quite moved by the scene in front of him.

Once upon a time, Clark thought he was the only being in the world who could save the planet.

Now it seems that a small earth is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

It's not that the earth doesn't have peerless powerhouses, but these powerhouses acquiesce in him living on earth as an earthling.

Really want to die?

Didn't he shoot him to death with one move?
"Earth does not welcome you, Zod, this is the last chance, leave here, I will help you plead with the strong on Earth..." Da Chao was still kind-hearted after all.

"Fart! This hatred, even if we destroy the earth, can't appease the anger in our hearts!" Zod went completely mad.

"The negotiation broke down!" Kratos' icy voice came from high above.

At this moment, he is driving the flying carriage, the golden light, how can he look like a superhero?
He is simply like Apollo, the sun god, who is driving a magic horse and galloping in the sky!
Superman sighed with great regret, he understood that the tolerance of the strong on Earth to Zod and the others had reached its limit.

That being the case, he can only be allowed to inherit the will of his father, Joel, and clean up the family thoroughly.

(End of this chapter)

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