Godslayer in the comic world

Chapter 144 Gusha Fula

Chapter 144 Gusha Fula (1 more)
Selena next to her saw her eyes straightened: Would you rather die than surrender?Why do you just wear a collar on your own?Is this thing enchanted or psychic?That's how cheap you are Angie bastard!

You, a Kryptonian woman, have been beating you violently for hours, what are you trying to figure out?
All right!If I were beaten like this, I would also surrender.

Convincing the body orally does not mean convincing the heart!

Now that Catwoman saw Ange, her mouth was stiff all over her body, and she still had a place to stand up.

So seeing Fulla like this, Catwoman really complained.

After Ange got over the initial shock, after Fulla's explanation, he suddenly realized something.

Isn't there such a nation on the earth that is ruthless to everyone, and once beaten, they immediately turn around and call their father, giving them what they want.

Maybe this is the so-called Mu Qiang!
That's right, they just lived a good life when they were young...


Anger set his eyes on Fulla, and carefully studied the adjutant of General Zod.

Well, good looks and good figure.

Being a ship girl is definitely enough.

But it will take some time to observe.

Now that Ange has become the master, many things are not so troublesome, and you can ask them directly.

Don't ask, don't know, I'm startled when I ask.

When people on earth bring out a child, they have no idea what kind of person the child will grow up to be.They will teach their children carefully, but God knows what kind of talents or genetic mutations children inherit from their parents.

Having a baby is a lot like opening a blind box for Earthlings.

The reproduction of Kryptonians can be said to be efficient, or it can be said to be outrageous.

They use a place called [Siyuan Room] to mass-produce newborn babies.This is similar to an artificial womb, only on an extra large scale.

The Kryptonian babies are like fruits hanging on branches in the Origin Room.

They use the [Krypton Secret Code] to distinguish the children's DNA, not to mention their identities and talents. For example, if they are set to be gardeners, then from birth to death, this person will be a gardener's talent for the rest of his life. Gardener's life.

As a professional fighter, Fulla's entire brain circuit is bound by the belief in protecting Krypton.

Zod took her to tell her: Only by fighting to get back the Kryptonian secret code can Krypton be revived.

The advantage of Kryptonians doing this is that newborns can completely meet the needs of racial development, avoid conflicts in various industries within the race to the greatest extent, and easily maintain the authority of the ruler and internal stability of the race.

The disadvantage is that a large number of possibilities are obliterated, and the entire society is extremely rigid. It is precisely because the ruler's mind and thinking mode are completely rigid, and the people below are bound by the power of the secret code, absolutely blindly obeying the orders from above, which led to the demise of Krypton .

After Fulla succumbed, she had to find a logic that could round herself up, or she would fall into madness.In the old era of Krypton, Kryptonians who failed to complete their tasks were to be discarded.

After understanding the thinking logic of Kryptonians, Ange suddenly had a bad idea.

"It's impossible to rebuild the [Siyuan Room]. How about trying a more primitive way?"

"What method?" Fulla really didn't understand.

After Ange took her back to his villa, he took her into a forbidden gate called [Asian District].

On this day, for the first time since the day of birth, Fulla suffered such a severe three-view shock.

"Earth people reproduce in such an inefficient way!?"

"Inefficient? There are 80 billion people on Earth. How many people are left on Krypton?"

Fulla reluctantly replied, "Two people."

"For the future of Krypton, why don't you try talking to Karl..."

"No! Never! I hate him! I'd rather die a billion times than—" Fulla screamed in the most vehement protest.

Sure enough, when Kryptonians are not logically self-consistent, great resistance and contradictions will erupt.

Anger said solemnly: "Then if you want to revive Krypton, it seems that you have to inject more powerful power into your [Siyuan Room]."

Fu Laru was struck by lightning.

It seems, it seems, this is the reason.

When the evil Olympus demigod pulled out a 20cm long knife, the brave Kryptonian female adjutant greeted her with a loud "ahhh".

Even though she knew she would never win, and even if the result was the same as the previous battle, for the sake of Krypton, Fulla would not hesitate.

The fighting situation is really tragic!

The white knife goes in, the red knife goes out!

Red knife in, red knife out × 2333!

The brave warrior fell.

Put it in the sun to dry.

The white knife goes in, the red knife goes out!

Red knife in, red knife out!



white knife...

Three days later, Penthesilea recklessly jumped from the first floor to the window of Ang's study on the third floor.

Ange behind the desk frowned: "How many times have I told you that you can't go through the main entrance?"

"I'm happy." The queen raised her eyebrows, and proudly looked around with her hips on her hips, as if she was inspecting her own territory: "Where's your little Kryptonian maid?"

As soon as she finished asking, she saw four legs protruding from under the table.

She stretched out her hand and saw a Kryptonian face full of contradictions.

It's hard to imagine that this beautiful face is full of expressions such as grief, indignation, despair, helplessness, a touch of fanaticism and joy.

Fulla yelled, "Goo—you kill me!"

The Queen laughed loudly, put down the Kryptonian who was foaming at the mouth, and walked away.

Three days later, Tony came to visit Anger.

Tony had to admit that every time he came to Ang's house, he would be frightened.Originally, after the Kryptonian invasion, Tony pretended to have nothing to do and came to visit the door, but as soon as he entered the door, he saw the female adjutant Fulla who was still wearing a Kryptonian version of the oxygen mask.

Even though she was wearing a classic black and white lace maid dress from the neck down, the oval-shaped mask surrounding the entire head was too eye-catching!

"Wait! She...she...could it be that one..." Tony pointed at the other person's right index finger that was trembling slightly, and he couldn't speak fluently.

"Hello! Mr. Stark. I'm Master Ange's Kryptonian maid, and General Zod's former adjutant, Fulla *O!" Fulla held up her skirt in a slightly awkward posture and walked in a fairly standard way. European Curtsy.

Tony could only feel the thunder rolling in the sky.

He looked at the peerless beauty Helen who was still wearing a veil next to him, and at Fulla who was as well-behaved as a spoiled little daughter-in-law, and he suddenly understood something: "Ange, you bastard, you never leave empty-handed every time you go! !"

Thieves don't leave empty space... Ah bah, no.

Ange said righteously: "I saved the earth, fought against the evil aliens invading, and got some loot by the way, isn't it too much?"

"Not too much! Not too much..."

This is the reason, Tony is just a little bit envious and jealous.

Compared with An Ge, his previous record is too embarrassing to bring it to the table!

(End of this chapter)

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