Godslayer in the comic world

Chapter 145 Make New York Great Again

Chapter 145 Make New York Great Again (2 more)
Tony's only consolation now is that his girlfriend Pepper is already [Supergirl].

"Speaking of which, where did you discover Miss Gwen Stacy, and her research has now helped Pepper a lot."

As soon as Ange beckoned, Helen offered a glass of wine, and Ange took a sip: "I picked it up from the Osborne Group."

It's funny to say that Tony is invincible in science and engineering. In comparison, he is poor in the field of biotechnology.

After Pepper was injected with the Extremis virus by Aldridge, Tony was of course afraid that his girlfriend would suddenly blow himself up like other failed injections of the Extremis virus.

In desperation, he happened to find Gwen, a well-known female scientist in genetic engineering.

After asking, I found out that this is actually a studio fully funded by my good brother Ang.

Gwen did have two brushes, didn't cure Pepper, at least stabilized her condition, and wouldn't turn into Molten Goddess when she got excited.

The topic dragged on for a while before Tony expressed his intentions: "The reconstruction of New York needs a lot of money, are you interested in taking a share?"

Anger almost yelled Chuan Bao's classic line, and changed it to: "Make New York great again?"

Tony froze for a moment, with a happy expression on his face: "It's a good slogan, how did you come up with it?"

"Uh. I thought of it suddenly." A certain Wen Chaogong had a bitter face, and he was a little embarrassed for taking the slogan.

"Okay, now that you have the slogan, how much are you willing to invest?" Tony looked at the big dog opposite him with burning eyes.

"I'm from Gotham, and it's not good to extend my hand to New York."

Tony rolled his eyes: "I don't know which bastard bought shares in the Stark Group back then?"

"Ahem!" Ange, who was heartbroken for Xiaoqianqian, slapped a certain culprit's ass: "It's all you, it made me bankrupt."

"Woooooo!" Fulla, who was humiliated in public, returned a small look in grief and indignation.

Tony had to admit that seeing Fulla's reluctant and unable to resist humiliating eyes made him feel soft.

Suddenly Tony was shocked, and suddenly remembered:

This chick hurt his buddy James?

This girl is not human so she has no human rights?
This girl also demolished a town?

That's fine.

In fact, Tony got one thing wrong: it's not that Fulla doesn't want to be loyal to Ang, but that she doesn't want to be a warrior, but under the name of [Europe and America], she does all kinds of work that breaks the professional barriers of Kryptonians.

If you really let her fight, she is definitely fiercer than anyone else, and she is the vanguard who does her part.

Here, Anger was embarrassed by Tony's stare, so he could only casually say: "Okay, I'll take a piece of land near Gotham in New York to build a house, okay."

"Thanks buddy." Tony laughed heartily.

To put it bluntly, the modern society on Earth is a society of credit.

The most important thing is a [confidence].

If others believe in you, whether it is a place or a dollar, it is valuable.

Believe it or not, a beautiful knife can also become waste paper.

Two batches of aliens have arrived in this miserable place in New York in less than half a year.Even if it used to be the largest city in terms of population and economy in the United States, investors would hesitate even after the trials and tribulations—the ghost knows whether there will be a third wave of aliens coming to demolish houses in your crappy place.

Don't let me build a building here and demolish it over there.

Insurance companies won't even pay for wars, let alone alien invasions.

Only a certain traveler knows that there will be no major events in New York, at least not the demolition of an entire city.

"Let's talk about it first, I'll invest [-] million first."

Unexpectedly, he agreed, and in the afternoon, he saw the exclusive report by the famous reporter Louise Lane on the "Daily Planet" in New York: [Make New York great again——Ann, the famous investor and the next owner of the Wayne Group Gwynne has decided to join the New York Rebuild Project!The total investment of this plan is expected to be 300 billion US dollars, and the initial investment is [-] million US dollars. 】

Looking at the title, Ange's eyebrows jumped wildly.

"What the hell am I teaching Dachao's wife badly? I won't talk about the same title as the UC shock department. When did I say that I would invest 300 billion?"

Anger's complaints made Canary sisters giggle non-stop.

This kind of fierce news must have been exposed by Tony.

It's impossible for Ange to turn against Tony for a small goal.

This is tantamount to confirming this extremely exaggerated private investment plan.

It is useless for the government to sing a one-man show and yell at such things as reconstruction.It has to be joined by a heavyweight chaebol for this to happen.

The Stark Group started rebuilding because it is based in New York, and it is a victim and must save itself.

It seems that an extremely famous Wall Street sniper like Anger is the weather vane.

Who on Wall Street doesn't know that Ang has billions of dollars in cash in his pocket?

Even if the total investment is 300 billion, it didn't say that all of Ang's money is needed. As long as Ang makes something famous, there are plenty of capital on Wall Street who are willing to invest in him.

Wall Street is a place where stories are made up to earn a living. If the stories are well made, and the company goes public, most of the foolish stockholders are willing to be fooled.

Anger's attack, does it mean that there are huge profits to be made?

The whole Wall Street is commotion!

You must know that the reconstruction of New York has not received a large amount of capital injection, and many businessmen secretly plan to abandon this international financial capital.A capitalist is not a philanthropist. Anyway, capital has no borders and cannot make money. Who is so stupid to send money to New York.

At this juncture, Anger first took away the best pieces of land in a whirlwind fashion for [-] million US dollars at the city government's land auction—after all, the original owner officially declared bankruptcy and still owed the New York City government Guaranteed the loan issued, but the land was confiscated and auctioned off.

Immediately afterwards, the Wayne Group suddenly announced the launch of the Kryptonian spacecraft research project, and the research center was placed on the newly purchased land.

This is absolutely too coincidental, so coincidental that no one can believe it.

The wolves of Wall Street had every reason to suspect that Ang had made a py deal with the New York City Council to support the reconstruction of New York as a bargaining chip and obtained a relatively complete Kryptonian spacecraft.

Regardless of the large-scale invasion of the Chitauri before, except for some small airships and laser guns the size of motorboats, their contribution to the Earth's technology tree is almost zero.

Because the technology of biochemical soldiers and giant Leviathans cannot be analyzed by people on earth.

It is the Kryptonian spacecraft that can truly surpass the existing space flight technology of the earth through reverse analysis.

Kryptonians have too few ships!
The mothership was hit by a black hole and annihilated directly.

Two ships went to the other side of the world, one was taken privately by someone, and the other happened to be the one that Ange 'killed' Fra*o.

He gave it to Wild Father.

As soon as the news came out, Wayne Group's stock price soared 128% within a few days!

This is an epoch-making alien high technology!
Only Master Bruce Wayne almost wanted to exterminate his relatives—you actually gave me an empty shell of a spaceship! ?

(End of this chapter)

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