Godslayer in the comic world

Chapter 146 The Future Female Thor

Chapter 146 The Future Female Thor (3 more)
The material of the Kryptonian spacecraft is of course a good thing.

Materials science is the most boring thing. You have to find a lot of hard work and constantly experiment with combinations of various materials regardless of the cost. Maybe you can’t find a useful alloy combination after 100 million tests, or you may win the jackpot on the first try. .

There are ready-made spaceship materials, if the corresponding raw materials can be found, human spaceflight technology can leap forward immediately.

But is my majestic Batman only limited to spaceship materials?
Star map, interstellar route map, Kryptonian computer, fire control system, which of these things is not good?

Rebel!Damn rebellious son!

That pretty good Kryptonian girl next to you, you pretend I can't see it, right?
Compared with other organizations or individuals, Wayne Group's biggest advantage is probably that it has a large amount of complete Kryptonian text and translation materials.

Master Bruce chatted about being a teenager, walked around the nightclub after a long time, and won the title of achievement [Nightclub Veteran].

Not long after, the master saw the combination of Queen and Heroine, Helen, Catwoman, Kryptonian female adjutant, and Canary sisters beside Ange, and suddenly felt that the vulgar fans around him were not good, and he always felt that he was not N marriages were taken away somewhere?
Anger ignored his cheap dad, anyway, as long as Master Bat didn't fall out with him.

At this time, his mansion on the island ushered in a group of special guests.

On the helicopter, Jane Foster often had to open the claws of her assistant Daisy Louise.After all, they brought their assistant intern Ian with them.From takeoff, the assistant and best friend has been nagging.

When the helicopter passes through a small half of the private island and lands on the helipad in the front area of ​​a huge manor covering an area of ​​more than [-] acres of land, get off the helicopter and look at the new-style villa with artistic atmosphere like an art gallery in the distance , and looking at the one-kilometer-long fine-sand beach with almost no gravel not far away, Daisy's mouth seemed to be firing like a machine gun.

"Hey! Jane, don't you mean to forget about that big fool? You've even done such crap as a blind date with a wooden man engineer, why don't you catch your true love today. Angie Wayne is the fifth in diamonds The best!"

Jane gave the assistant a hard look: "Please, I am much older than him. And today we are here to work."

"Fart! Our dilapidated studio is about to close down. Why do people fund us? Didn't they like you?"

Jane rolled her eyes and was about to complain, but she didn't expect Daisy to take a look at her collar: "Oh my God! You didn't wear the winning underwear."

"You little bitch, besides, I tore your mouth." Jane also pretended to be aggressive at her, and her scolding tone could not deceive anyone.

At this moment, a Rolls Royce parked in front of the tarmac. A man dressed like a bodyguard got out of the car first, opened the door, and immediately a blond woman with big waves in a black professional dress came down.

This woman dressed as a secretary is the type of a 'secretary with nothing to do' at a glance.

Although she tried her best to dress up as a standard professional woman, many details, such as unconsciously twisting her hips when walking, subconscious catwalking and other small movements, can be seen to some extent that her original job is unlikely to be a proper one.

Seeing the other party approaching from a distance, Daisy's face was subtly unnatural, and she whispered to Jane: "It's okay, at least you won the face."

"Shut up." Jane secretly kicked the female assistant and greeted her with a smile.

"Hello. Miss Jane Foster, I am Dana Lance, Mr. Angle Wayne's life secretary, and I am responsible for taking the three of you to see Mr. Wayne." Dana's bright smile made the three people very excited It's hard to feel bad.

"Hi, Miss Lance, I'm Jane, she's my assistant Daisy, and this is my intern assistant Ian."

"Three here, please."

The luxurious Rolls-Royce sedan further refreshed the three views of the three of them, and they were more or less shocked by this mysterious newcomer, ah no, the upstart of the old chaebol.

After entering the villa, when they walked in through the gate, the three of them seemed to have passed through an invisible air barrier, and the sound outside suddenly died down.

Then, Jane and the others saw another Miss Lance.

"Hello guests, I am Sarah Lance, the housekeeper here, and Dana's younger sister, and I will lead the way."

Daisy didn't speak this time, and secretly looked at her: the two sisters are standard American big girls, with hot bodies. Relatively speaking, their sisters have a slightly weaker skeleton, and are slightly inferior in temperament and appearance.But there are sisters who have this kind of attribute bonus... Jane, your opponent is not weak!

Daisy's confidence in Jane lasted until the maid who was as beautiful as a fairy appeared.

"Everyone, would you like something to drink?" With a gentle and moving voice like a lark, coupled with the hazy and perfect facial curves under the white gauze, there is an extraordinary noble aura in every move and gesture. This maid is too exaggerated It's like a queen came to play a maid.

It's outrageous!
Not to mention Ian, a vigorous young man, even Jane and Daisy were taken aback.

"Ma'am, are you really a maid?" Daisy couldn't help asking.

"Yes, I'm Angie Wayne's personal maid." The other party spoke English with an obvious foreign accent.

"May I be honored to know your name?" Ian seemed to be possessed by an evil spirit, his eyes dimmed.

This scene made Daisy very angry, and stomped on the kid secretly.

Under the pain, Ian somewhat sobered up.

At this time, the maid seemed to be frightened, whispered: "Sorry, no." Then hurriedly trot away.

Compared to Ian's gaffe, Daisy next to her cared more about her good sister: "Jane, just give up."


At this moment, the lord Ange finally came into the living room, and when he saw the frightened deer-like Helen, he pursed his lips and smiled.Sure enough, Helen was still a little embarrassed.

"Hello, three. I'm Angie Wayne, your soon-to-be patron."

Such a domineering opening speech made Jane choked up, she pinched her nose and reported her family name, and then said: "No offense, Mr. Wayne, we haven't decided to accept your sponsorship, sir. And I've thought about it for a long time, I don’t think we have anything worthy of Mr. investment. It may even cause trouble to you, Mr.

"Trouble? This?" Ange pressed the remote control, and immediately a 300-inch giant projection screen came down and started playing today's news.

On the screen is the news of the police arresting a naked old man.Because it affects the city appearance, it is also coded.

At this moment, the three of them held their foreheads at the same time, and they didn't see it, because the one who was arrested by the police was Jane's partner - Eric Savage, a doctor of astronomy.

Seeing this, Ange turned off the projection screen casually, and smiled: "Let me get straight to the point. What I'm looking for is not your professional knowledge, nor Miss Foster's beauty, but Miss Foster's You have...extraordinary qualities."

(End of this chapter)

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