Godslayer in the comic world

Chapter 149 [Reality Gem]

Chapter 149 [Reality Gem] (3 more)
Instead of blaming Jane, Thor asked, "I'm more worried about where you were just now. Heimdall, who can spy on thousands of planets in the Nine Kingdoms, just couldn't see you."

It must be admitted that Brother Hammer is really good-tempered. Mortals have two consecutive big fights against the true god. In theory, there is no way to end it without God's punishment.

This is true love.

After reuniting with Brother Hammer after a long absence, Miss Jian didn't even notice how important the words that Brother Hammer said were, she just talked about her depression these days like an angry little daughter-in-law.

"I was waiting for you where I was. I was waiting for you, and then I cried. You said you would come back."

Brother Hammer was really patient in explaining: "I want to come back, but [Rainbow Bridge] was destroyed, and then the Nine Kingdoms fell into war..."

At any rate, Jane could tell the difference, so she curled her lips: "That's not a bad reason, but I saw on TV that you went to New York."

"Jane, I tried my best to protect you from the world from my side!"


One person and one mind didn't notice at all, their words and words were all broadcast live to a mansion on the other side of the ocean through the tiny camera on the huntress' shoulder.

At this time, the island was experiencing strong winds and heavy rain. Penthesilea brushed her hair that was sticking to her forehead because of being soaked, and commented on the live broadcast: "Thor is really good-tempered. He looks like this. What is the difference between your love soap operas at [-] o’clock? It’s still a good atmosphere on our side. When you see handsome men and beautiful women, you just grab them if you like them. If you can’t grab them, you propose and give them dots to pretend.”

Here, after wiping her mouth, Helen, who was about to help Penthesilea put on her pajamas, suddenly froze.Once upon a time, she was also the woman who was almost snatched away by marriage robbery.

But Helen looked away.So what if you once collected thousands of loves in one body?She was nothing more than a cursed woman.

After transmigrating, she secretly searched for the story of Troy. When she saw the mythical [Spartan King Menelaus slaughtered the city of Troy, he finally forgave 'Helen' and brought her back to the palace]. After that, Helen was silent for a long time.

No historian dares to write the following story.

As a sinful woman, Helen knew very well how terrifying the cold violence she encountered after being locked up in the deep palace would be.

Well, being a maid is not so bad these days.

Helen glanced at Ange secretly, her gaze softened miraculously.

Ange looked at the screen, feeling pain in his stomach.If he had chosen to meet Miss Jian not long ago, Miss Jian who was already desperate enough to go on a blind date would probably not reject him, but in this way, he and Brother Hammer would be like-minded in no time.

He has no intention of engaging in a sharing economy in this world.

At this time, the Queen suddenly came over, and gently stroked Ang's toned muscles with her fingers, and asked, "Since the timeline of the world of Troy is different from this world, then when you traveled in the astral world, you must have glimpsed part of the future. But Is it really okay for you to stir up fate like this?"

"You really died at the hands of Achilles, is that okay?" Ange asked with a smile.

"Bastard, I'm worried about you! In the mythology, there is no good end to the existence of peeping at fate." The queen patted An Ge's chest angrily.

Ange bared his teeth, as if that was indeed the case.

Those who leak the secrets often die badly, and the bosses who are spoiled basically cannot escape their fate.

The most classic example is "Twilight of the Gods" from Norse mythology, which should hit the street or have to hit the street.

But if the time traveler doesn't make trouble, is he still a time traveler?

Question: What happens if the car key is suddenly pulled out when the car is driving at high speed?

A: The exhaust pipe of the car may spray water if the key is pulled out suddenly.

B: The car will beg you to quickly insert the key back

C: The car will find the key and plug it in by itself.

D: Unplug it and plug it back in quickly, otherwise the car will get angry.

E: All of the above.

Ange holds the car key now, the wheel of fate has started to roll, and he will not stop until he reaches his destination!

Ange caressed the Queen's niece's face, which was [-]% similar to her niece, and showed a gentle smile: "Those who believe too much in fate will only die under the wheel. With as much strength as you can do, you may be able to make your life easier." The wheel of fortune has changed direction."

It is impossible to stop, and [Do your best, obey the fate] is also good.

To be reasonable, the thread he buried with Miss Jane may not be useful, and even if it is useful, the usefulness of busy Asgard is probably quite limited.

Asgard at this time point in "Thor 2" is still quite strong, not to mention the old Odin, there are still many god-level powerhouses.The key is that the Asgard Legion is basically full.

Anger is not an anti-hero, and he is unlikely to start a war with Asgard, so even if he has the [God Slayer System], he may not be able to get anything from Brother Hammer.

After all, on the side of Thor 2's boss dark elf leader 'Spicy Chicken Shreds', An Ge really didn't know what he could get.

Spicy shredded chicken is not available, so the so-called ether particles are another matter.

It has another name that resounds throughout the universe—[Reality Gem], one of the Infinity Gemstones.

If it wasn't for knowing that Miss Jian had just gotten the [Reality Gem], Brother Hammer would have killed him on the back foot, maybe even An Ge would have to be black-bellied and make Miss Jane spit out the gem.

However, after this continuous event is over, Ange still has time...

Penthesilea saw that An Ge seemed to be a little worried and anxious, and put a pair of jade arms around his neck: "Don't worry. You are a traveler in the astral world. Something really happened. At worst, let's live on another planet. Really Where the strong can't survive."

"Uh, can you stop calling me [Astral Traveler], I might be more comfortable if you call me a magic stick."

For no other reason, as soon as he heard the word [Traveler], a cute and hateful phantom voice sounded in Ange's ear, "Traveler prays for a full guarantee, and the traveler's secret realm has zero drops."

Forget it!
Master stop reading!
"Okay! My magic stick! I'm just waiting for you to take us through this hurdle of fate." The queen greeted her warmly.

Ouch!For such a [big] matter, you can just say it directly.

It was hard for Ange to refuse a rich and generous queen.

When Ange was not free, on the other side of London, Brother Hammer instinctively felt that something had happened to Jane Foster.

He directly called Heimdall to open the Rainbow Bridge and take Miss Jane back to Asgard.

Do not check, I don’t know, I’m scared.

Using Asgard's writing technology to read metaphysics, and through the Asgard version of the B-ultrasound, Thor saw the crimson [ether particles] that were constantly overflowing and flowing in Miss Jane's body from the perspective view.

After discovering this, Thor was in a bad mood.

(End of this chapter)

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