Godslayer in the comic world

Chapter 150 The Cursed Warrior with Cards Full

Chapter 150 The Cursed Warrior with Cards Full

This involves the history of Asgard and the dark elves attacking each other.

That is an old story from the time of the last god king of Asgard, Poul Odinson, and the time can be traced back to 1 years ago.

Bohr led the Asgard (Asgard) Asgard to unify the nine worlds, including the dark world of the dark elves, Svartalfheim.

In ancient times, truth was only on the edge of the sword.

In the Nine Great Worlds, most of the races could not accept the dark elves' style of play that likes to completely darken the world, and then Asgard's fist was even bigger.

That's it.

Ball led his men to theoretically kill the dark elves to extinction, and destroyed all the black-skinned starships they knew.If you have to say that the dark elves have any commendable units, it is probably the [cursed warrior] who burns their soul and life in exchange for strength.

Recently, there have been continuous rebellions and bandits in the Nine Great Worlds.

Thor was too busy, borrowing the ability of [Rainbow Bridge] to instantly project troops across the stars, he went on a campaign and overthrew one vote after another of traitors.

Today's Asgard is far more civilized than before, and has captured a considerable number of bandit leaders and locked them in the dungeon under Asgard.If it were the old god king Boer, it would probably be a slaughter, just like they did with the dark elves back then.

Thor is busy with Jane's affairs, so he has no time to take care of the 'trifles' in the sky prison.

From the perspective of a certain traveler, this is a huge mistake.

How can anyone overthrow the enemy these days, catch them and lock them up in their own homes! ?

What's the difference between that and sleeping on the crater of an active volcano?
Anger suddenly saw the Kryptonian female adjutant burying her head in the pillow, posing in an ostrich pose, and rubbing her legs uneasily—oh!It turns out that I am too, that's fine.

Speaking back to the Immortal Palace, the disaster really came.

One of the big men captured by the three Asgard warriors under Thor was actually a dead man sent by Black Skin.

Out of the arrogance of the protoss, the guards of Asgard didn't even search them strictly, but just took away their obvious weapons and locked them in the sky prison.

The cage looks quite high-tech, a concave cell facing the outside direction, with only an energy light curtain as the door of the cage.

Reasonably speaking, in the tens of thousands of years of Asgard's existence, there is really nothing that can break this light curtain, because this thing has the same origin as Asgard's space barrier.

Not to mention a small rebel leader, even Loki, the former prince of the protoss who was arrested for committing a crime not long ago, the god of tricks, was locked in this kind of cage and could not escape.

Nothing is absolute!
This dead man in Heipi is no ordinary little character.His name is Algrim, and he is Heipi's second boss.

Not everyone can be a cursed warrior. The stronger the strength, the stronger the strength will be when you burn yourself as firewood.

Algrim inserted the cursed gem that had been hidden in advance into his wound and activated it.


A dazzling light suddenly rolled out of the cell, which immediately attracted the attention of the few Asgardian guards and other prisoners in the sky prison.

Scarlet flames gushed out from the cracks in the thick armor of Algrim's body, instantly burning a few unlucky ghosts in the same prison to ashes.

Although the golden light curtain imprisoning the prisoners is still in effect, the guards can clearly feel that the temperature in the corridor of the dungeon has suddenly risen to a high temperature that ordinary humans cannot survive.

The guards managed to keep breathing in this scorching air wave only by relying on their powerful physique several times that of the people on Earth.

In the cell, there was another unlucky guy who happened to be hiding in the farthest corner and escaped the initial splash of flames.

It's just that before he could escape in time, this cursed warrior with a height of two and a half meters grabbed the back of his head with one hand.The begging sound of this guy changed its tone because of the long sound that was dragged in his throat, and finally, as his face was pressed against the light curtain, it immediately turned into a mournful howl.

At this moment, the entire sky prison corridor was reflected in scarlet.

The fire light reflected the golden armor of the two Asgardian guards red, but the flames that spread through the light curtain to the entire corridor seemed to be afraid of their faint divine power and went around.

Unfortunately, this power did not give them enough sense of security.

They could only watch blankly as the cursed warrior blasted the light curtain of the dungeon with one punch, surpassing Thor's absolute violence.

"Wow—" The flame elements accumulated in the small cell spewed out, forming something like a waterfall of flames.

The guard at least let the strength in his body burst out, and he survived this wave.

Suppressing the trembling in their hearts, one of them firmly pressed the hilt of the saber, and the other clenched the spear with faint divine power in his hand.

A bang!

It seemed that the one striding forward in the flames was not a humanoid creature, but a violent beast in humanoid heavy armor.

In the eyeholes of the huge horned helmet are a pair of angry eyes eager for revenge.The pair of horned shoulder armor with substantial lethality on his shoulders is even more fierce and vivid.

The few skins exposed to the air between the armor parts were as bright red as flowing magma, with a high-heat yellow glow.

He is muscular, and his burly body is full of terrifying explosive power that even Asgardians can't imagine.

He approached step by step.

Unable to bear the super high temperature that seemed to be burning with raging flames, and unable to adapt to the pungent sulfur-smelling smoke from the opponent's mouth and nose, the two guards screamed and rushed forward.

As the elite captains in the sky prison, their strength cannot be said to be bad.

At any rate, one of them split a small piece of the cursed warrior's shoulder armor with a sword of a holy weapon emitting golden light.

But, that's all.

In the next moment, they were "one punch a child".

Absolute strength coupled with impressive speed, and that terrible high temperature.

Not to mention the mere elite captains, even if the three warriors of Asgard came here, they would probably feel their hatred on the spot.

After the Cursed Warrior easily killed the two guards, he easily killed the second batch of guards who came to help. Then he forcibly demolished the sky prison and released a large number of rebels and bandit elites who were extremely dissatisfied with Asgard.

He needs these guys as cannon fodder to get Odin's attention.

Almost at the same time he launched it, Heimdall, the gatekeeper of Asgard, who can see through concealment and invisible existence on the Rainbow Bridge, discovered that something was wrong.

He resolutely abandoned the main entrance of the Rainbow Bridge, which was no longer meaningful, and took a few lunges to the height of the ten-story building, drew out the Excalibur, and swiped in the void.


A long scratch that shot out sparks and mechanical parts appeared out of nowhere.In the next second, a dark elf spaceship completely different from Asgard's painting style suddenly appeared in the middle of Heimdall's vision.

The terrific sound of the siren resounded throughout Asgard!
(End of this chapter)

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