Godslayer in the comic world

Chapter 151 The Worried God Empress

Chapter 151 The Worried God Empress

Just before the alarm sounded, the Queen of Asgard, Frigga, was talking to Thor in the room with a serious face.

Don't look at Thor's tall and thick, his whole body exudes a masculine aura mixed with naivety, when the old mother came to him, he suddenly behaved like a mother's baby.

"Queen, what's the matter?"

"We discovered this while checking on that Miss Foster." Frigga called up a reading video and wrote something called a sacred projection.

"What is this?" The hunk Hammer understood magic.

"A spatial coordinate transmitter. And this thing has the breath of a Greek god on it."

Brother Hammer squinted his eyes in a rare way, staring at the magnified golden hairpin, like a blind monk who discovered the beauty: "Wait! Is it written in English [twist left and right in case of emergency]?"

"..." The God Empress really wanted to complain about her stupid son—why couldn't this be a cover-up phrase used in disguise?Stupid, do you know what that means?The woman you value is likely to be a spy sent by the other gods, or approach you with malicious intentions.

But out of respect for Erza, Frigga said quite implicitly: "Although this may be a conspiracy, I don't think it will threaten Asgard. Asgard's space coordinates are always public. It is impossible for outsiders to escape Heimdall's surveillance and pass through the space barrier of Asgard."

"Hey! Why are you thinking so much? I'll just go and ask Jane." Brother Hammer once again lost his naivety, and walked away in front of the old mother.

Frigg was very angry, and thought: Silly child, women have a hundred ways to deceive you!
Unexpectedly, Thor came back after a round, still holding the golden hairpin in his hand.

"Mother, I just said Jane was fine - it was given to her by her research sponsor. It was an earthling named Angie Wayne, and he sponsored a lot of superheroes. You know this thing can be used in emergency Who was summoned? It was Kratos and that Wonder Woman! When I was in New York, I fought with that guy. They are quite brave and strong."

"you recognize?"

"I haven't spoken, but fighting is a man's language! We have fought a Chitauri together! As long as we don't meet each other on the battlefield, I will definitely ask him to drink. If it is not an emergency to find him, I want Jane to call him."


"Mother, don't think too much. I brought Jane to the Asgard Palace on a temporary basis. I don't even know what I'm going to do in the next second. Can the enemy think of it?"

Good guy!
Is it really not tricky?

Thousands of thoughts went through Frigg's mind, and finally she chose to believe in her son.Thor may lack the political power and strategy necessary to be a king, but he is definitely enough as a "king".

A strong man will always attract similar people to follow because of his own characteristics, such as the three warriors of Asgard next to Thor.

Frigga smiled: "It seems that I was worrying too much. It's okay, Thor, I trust your judgment."

After all, Frigga will continue to order: If there are any characters from the Greek gods appearing in Asgard.Please guard not to attack, treat them politely, and report immediately.

In the final analysis, how big a portal can be opened by this small space coordinate is determined by the situation of the coordinate position.With the space barrier of Asgard, one person coming in is the limit.

Frigg believes that with Asgard's combat power, she can completely ignore who the opponent is.

This is the confidence and pride of Asgard!

After all, Frigg went to visit Jane Foster with Thor very generously.

To be honest, the God Empress may not like Miss Jian as her daughter-in-law, she prefers Sif.Helplessly, the big boy in my family whose head has been hammered has not changed his relationship with Sif for thousands of years, so he treats him as a brother.

Considering that there are quite a few bastards secretly playing masculinity, it is a lie that Frigg is not in a hurry.

Thor is a very stubborn child. It is rare for him to have a woman he likes. Frigg plans to observe and see first.

Just as the two women started chatting about their family affairs, the shrill siren sounded throughout the area.

"It's a prison!"

"Go ahead and perform your duties. I'll help you watch over here." The implication is that Frigga will help you take care of Miss Jane.

Brother Hammer nodded, and immediately flew over with the divine hammer [Miaoernir], which was nicknamed [Meow Meow Hammer] by the people of the Celestial Dynasty.

At the same time, Odin also decisively ordered his generals to guard important places such as the arsenal.

Seeing Frigga bringing Jane Foster out, Odin said steadily, "It's all right! It's just a small mess."

Little mess?

Miss Jian only felt that her right eyelid was twitching wildly.

At this moment, Sif, who happened to be in military uniform, walked by with a group of elite soldiers.

Sif immediately locked onto Jane Foster, who was wearing a luxurious Asgardian gown and was standing beside Frigga.

As if feeling the gaze of fate, Miss Jian subconsciously followed the direction of her gaze and looked at the heroic goddess.

When Thor came to Earth for the first time, the two sides met each other, and they were friends anyway.

At this moment, Sif didn't mean to say hello at all, even if she was on official business, she didn't even give her a nod at least.

The position is different.

Once upon a time, in Sif's eyes, Jane Foster was just a small human being, a short-lived species with a life span of only a hundred years.And an ordinary Asgardian has a lifespan of 5000 years, not to mention them who are enthroned as gods.

Thor, who is deeply rooted in love, is obviously fascinated by Jane. Although he is straightforward, he does not realize that he has indeed entrusted his girlfriend to the protection of his most trustworthy mother. This can be seen from Frigga letting Jane stand by her side. come out.

Just like that, a thousand-year-old Asgardian woman and an Earth woman who had to go on a blind date because of her age met their eyes in mid-air, and a large group of invisible sparks exploded.

The back of God Frigga next to her is getting bigger.

She can only comfort herself: there is still a long time to solve this problem.

Just as Odin was talking, a new siren came from the Rainbow Bridge!

Heimdall is one of the most powerful righteous gods in Asgard, an enemy that he can't stop, and that must not be underestimated.

This time, even Odin's heartstrings were touched.

As a fighting race that dominates the nine worlds and among the fighting races, the Asgardians' fighting qualities are remarkable.

Almost the moment Heimdall sounded the alarm, the guards in golden armor on duty rushed to the weapon rack and picked up their own sacred weapons.

The sky above Asgard was lit up with dense anti-aircraft firepower like rain.

The golden anti-aircraft gun poured out continuous and huge light bullets at the invaders.

And the invader even showed its real body, the iconic black painting and the cross-shaped space mothership structure, but any old Asgardians will be familiar with it-the attacker is impressive It is a dark elf that has been theoretically exterminated by the Asgardians.

(End of this chapter)

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