Godslayer in the comic world

Chapter 152 The Perfect Stranger Things

Chapter 152 The Perfect Stranger Things (1 more)
"Damn black skin!" the Asgardian warriors cursed in their hearts.

But until now, no one thought that the dark elves could break into the main hall of Asgard.

without it!

Asgard has the most powerful divine power barrier, and it would take a lot of effort for Odin himself to dismantle it, let alone the little dark elf.

It is a pity that almost all the reactions of the Asgardians fell into the calculations of the leader of the dark elves, Malekith.

Algrim's infiltration in the early stage served this purpose.

He first let go of the prisoners, and provoked the most elite suppression force in Asgard, including Brother Hammer and the three warriors of Asgard.Then he was somewhat lucky to be instructed by Loki who was also imprisoned in the sky prison.

"Go to the left and it will be closer."

Loki had betrayed Asgard before, first colluded with the Frost Giant Wang Laufey, and then went to the earth as Thanos' dog leg to make trouble. He had long since lost Odin's trust.After being arrested by Brother Hammer from New York, he was imprisoned in the Sky Prison.

With Loki as half of the leading party, Algrim naturally found the generator that controls the Asgard's protective barrier faster.

Originally, only the most powerful dark elves can act as a cursed warrior. Algrim, as the second leader of the black skin, after being completely transformed into a cursed warrior, his strength and health are even far superior to Thor, the number one macho man in Asgard. .

He is not something that ordinary Asgardian soldiers can resist.

Algrim almost ran over all the way. Taking advantage of Asgard's chaos and getting stuck at the moment when his own spaceship was about to kill him, he successfully dismantled the shield generator violently.


The huge explosion shook the entire Asgard.

Not only was the palace, which symbolized the glory and dignity of the Asgardians, shaken, but the key point was that the sacred shield wrapped around the temple, which looked like a golden dome, also collapsed.

"No!" The Asgardian soldiers wailed.

Anti-aircraft fighters pulled the trigger desperately, pouring fire on the small dark elf T-fighters in the sky.

'As we all know' air defense and air defense, ten defenses and nine air defenses.

Without a fire control system, without accurate electronic trajectory calculations, it is really difficult for them to rely on the experience of the air defense forces to block these extremely flexible and ridiculously fast aircraft.

So, after the Frost Giant Wang Laofei, another enemy entered the fairy palace majesticly.

"Bang bang bang-"

In the main hall of the Immortal Palace, at least [-] thick pillars that required four people to embrace were broken in the middle.

The gorgeous murals that eulogized the great achievements of the Asgardians in the past dynasties, together with the gold decorations on the pillars, collapsed in all directions.

Malekith was sitting on a huge dark elf landing ship, and he seized the perfect timing to enter the main hall when Odin was not there.

First, the large laser cannon on the landing craft plowed all the living things in the hall,
After this round of artillery fire, all the weak Asgardian soldiers disappeared.

The rest of the team leader and elite soldiers were also having a hard time. As soon as the landing hatch was opened, the elite dark elves headed by Malekith rushed out, using black technology weapons such as small-scale gravitational black hole bombs, to kill the remaining resisters. completely submerged.

Very smoothly, Spicy Chicken Throws a gravitational black hole bomb on Odin's throne.

"call out--"

The throne of Asa, which symbolized the supreme theocracy, was destroyed by him just like that.

The throne is not only a symbol of glory and status, but also a large number of threads of divine power are gathered on it, and Odin can usually issue orders to the entire God Domain through them.

The throne was destroyed, and all the Asgardian soldiers sensed it. They abandoned the enemies they faced and rushed back to King Qin.

Another perfect tune out!

In the side hall not far away, looking at the fallen guards at the door and Malekith who suddenly rushed in, the hand of God Empress Frigga holding the Excalibur sank slightly, her face sinking like water.

She felt that the anger in her chest could burn the nine kingdoms. If the invasion of the frost giant Wang Laofei last time hit all the Asgardians in the face, then this time the dark elves who came to kill them for no reason are simply digging their roots.

Not long ago, Thor was busy in and out, leading the Asgard army to finally suppress the rebellious seedlings in the nine kingdoms.In any case, after today, the flames that were finally extinguished must burn even more.

All rebels will regard today's attack as a symbol of Asgard's weakness.

Frigg didn't want to publicly ask about her husband and son, because it would weaken their authority as the god king and the next god king, but the black skin who killed the door made Frigg very upset. Since her husband and son were not around, She can only personally teach these guys who dare to challenge the authority of the Asa Protoss a good lesson.

But she didn't expect that at this moment, someone would bump headfirst into her Ni Lin.

"I'm Malekith! I'm here to get my things back." Malekith pointed at the trembling Miss Jane Foster.

When the tall dark elf wearing a strange white mask pointed a sword at her and asked her to hand over the woman who might be her daughter-in-law in a contemptuous tone, Frigga really couldn't bear it.

"Stand back! Monster! If that's the case, I can spare your life!"

"Hehe!" Malekith was completely unaware that the danger was approaching. In his opinion, how powerful could an old Asgardian woman be?

His strength is not comparable to his second master, and he is also the most powerful existence among the dark elves.

He paid the price for his arrogance, Frigga raised her hand and shot at him with a blue line,

The God Queen's movements were too fast, and Miss Jian, who was watching, only saw a gust of blue wind suddenly rolled up, but she didn't see what it was at all.

Only Malekith could barely see that the divine sword in the hand of this 'old woman' burst out with a burst of dazzling blue light, and then it bent automatically as if it had been refracted in the air, and then it automatically bent with a 'swish'. Up and down towards his face.

Having experienced many battles, he leaned back very reluctantly, narrowly avoiding the fatal blow.

In the next moment, the powerful existences of the two different worlds slammed into a ball.

Miss Jian was dumbfounded. The two sides fought so quickly that she couldn't even see the figure clearly with her eyes.She saw that the decorations in the gorgeous hall, whether it was gold or various cloth objects, were all torn to pieces by the powerful turbulent energy that erupted during the battle between the two sides, and she could only dodge far away.

She hadn't thought about what it would be like to have a god-level boyfriend—even his old mother, who was probably over [-] years old, was very capable of beating her!

The short but fierce confrontation in front of me was over, and the winner was God Queen Frigga, who was only two or three centimeters away from reaching Malekith's throat with the blade of the Excalibur.

Just as Miss Jane was about to celebrate her victory, the wall around Frigga shattered.

(End of this chapter)

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