Godslayer in the comic world

Chapter 157 Differences in Mentality

Chapter 157 Differences in Mentality (3 more)
Asgard, this time it's really difficult for Brother Hammer.

Brother Hammer used to be a man who would only get A when he was in trouble. Anyway, he can do whatever he wants.

It wasn't until he was cleaned up by his father Odin, stripped of his divine power, and came to Earth to experience the feeling of an ordinary person, that he began to learn to use his brain.

This time, he acted somewhat hard.

However, honest people cheating is the most difficult thing to guard against. Loki, who has been cheating people all his life, has never thought about his stupid brother and his backhand.

And the fact that the old mother, Frigga, was severely injured did hit Loki's pain point, which was one of the few humanity in his body that stimulated him.

Brother Hammer revealed his plan to use [Ether Particles] to lure Malekith out and kill him, and Loki agreed without much hesitation.

It's one thing to just agree to help, but it's another thing to tease your good brother in the process.

Seeing Thor hiding from the guards, Loki became interested. He used his illusion to first transform into a patrolling Asgardian general, and then provocatively changed Thor's appearance into Sif.

"Oh! Brother, you look so beautiful in women's clothes. I thought you would use your brute force to carve a bloody path and take me out."

"Enough is enough, Loki, even if I look like this, I can still treat you badly."

"Oh? How about I become your new friend." After that, Loki turned into Captain America and imitated Captain America's accent.

Unexpectedly, Brother Hammer, who has always been at the bottom in terms of bickering, launched a lore: "I prefer the way you become Kratos."

In terms of how to breast [Luo], Brother Hammer has become professional.

On the face of Captain America that Loki had turned into, the facial muscles stiffened instantly.

This brings up Loki's sad past.

Over shit!

It was agreed not to use humanoid nuclear weapons!
Seeing Loki deflated, Thor felt much better, and strengthened his confidence in that 'insurance'.

On the other side, Sif took advantage of the guards to deliver food to Miss Jane, and directly gave the guards a 'friendly iron fist', leaving Miss Jane stunned.

"Jane, have you eaten yet?"

"I'm not hungry."

"Very good! Let's go now, Thor needs you."

Jane Foster did not hesitate, she was very aware of the relationship between Brother Hammer and Sif.In terms of right and wrong, Sif will not cheat Thor.

She didn't know why Sif glanced at her chest, as if something sounded.

This was a very short gesture. Before Jane could react, Sif said again: "This time I will use Loki. If Loki makes trouble, you can use that hairpin again."

Jane had a question mark at first. As a high-achieving student, she realized within a second that it was definitely Kratos and Thor who reached a consensus.

She nodded vigorously.

In the corridor of Asgard, she really saw the lover whom she was longing for, and the Loki who hated gods and ghosts.

It must be admitted that it is not a good temper to be Thor.

As soon as Miss Jane saw Loki's charming and cynical face, she became angry, and rushed up to make a big match.

With Loki's skill and reaction, how could he not avoid this slap?

He dare not.In other words, he was betting that ordinary people in this area would not dare to really slap him.

He bet wrong.


The crisp slap sound did not hurt much, but was extremely insulting.

Loki looked at his good brother, as a cynical and ruffian god, Loki smiled hippiely, showing the last expression of being beaten but belatedly, and it took a full second before he uttered a soft cry : "Wow! However, I like her strength!"

"It's for New York!" said Miss Jane viciously.

Her fierceness and vigor fell into Brother Hammer's eyes, and she became a cute spot.It is such a woman with backbone and fearlessness of power that he admires.


She is too submissive.

It's just Brother Hammer's change, and the three people next to him didn't feel it.

Just as Brother Hammer was leading Loki past, Sif suddenly grabbed Loki's shoulder with a strong hand and said fiercely: "If you dare to betray Thor, I will kill you!"

They have been friends for thousands of years, and Loki knows Sif well, and he is right about Sif.

People have to bow their heads under the eaves.

Loki tactfully: "Sif, nice to meet you."

Unceremoniously gave Sif a soft nail.

Whether it's Sif or the three warriors, if Loki really wants to be a second or fifth son, they actually have nothing to do.If there is no Mr. Insurance, Kratos, Sif can only threaten Loki with incompetence and rage, while praying that Loki will not make trouble.

Thinking of that burly figure, Sif couldn't help feeling relieved, but couldn't help wondering what kind of face was under that leather case.

But there was no time for her to think too much.

For on the other hand, the just Heimdall is fulfilling his oath: he has sworn to denounce every disloyal person to Odin.

He called Odin to Rainbow Bridge and reported the traitor—yes!It was himself.He knew Thor's plan, but he didn't report it immediately.This is for [righteousness], he obviously thinks that Thor's plan is better.But he couldn't allow himself to betray Odin, so while helping the prince, he also reported himself.By the way, Odin was led away from Asgard.

no way!The guy who abides by his duties has such an awkward and cute personality.

Thanks to the cover of Heimdall, Sif and the three warriors of Asgard, Thor drove the dark elves into Asgard's spaceship, and then used this thing as a cover to attract most of the pursuers sent by his father. He drove a small Asgardian landing craft that looked like a dragon boat, and used Loki's secret passage to kill Heipi's lair in one go.

Dark planet, lightless sky.

The ground is full of yellow sand, as well as countless ruins composed of the wreckage of the dark elf space mothership.Those cross-shaped motherships that are more than ten stories high are inserted in the sand like this, like wordless tombstones.

They leak light, let the wind pass through, and let the gravel pass through the holes in the mothership.

This fully demonstrates how tragic the terrifying battle between Asgard and the dark elves was.

Even as brave as Thor, seeing this scene is a little emotional.

Now he is the only combat power left that can be used on the surface, plus an unreliable Loki.

Despite his apprehension, Thor still mustered up his courage. In order to let the people of Asgard avoid the flames of war, this kind of luring tactics is indispensable.

Thor firmly believes that those damn black skins are like rats that smell, and they will definitely crawl out of the damn gutter.

Sure enough, when they came to a hill, they saw the huge cross-shaped mothership slowly descending from the sky. The dazzling red light in the center of the cross was like an evil eye, staring at him intently.

(End of this chapter)

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