Godslayer in the comic world

Chapter 158 Seven Realm Link

Chapter 158
In front of them, Malekith landed with the Cursed Warrior and a large group of Dark Elf dogs.

Thor and Loki looked at each other, and acted according to the [send] plan.

Then it's time for Rocky to play tricks with him.

In order to be realistic, Brother Hammer didn't even tell Miss Jane about this scene. In front of all the audience at the scene, Loki stabbed Brother Hammer.

Seriously, Hammer really likes his stupid brother Loki who thinks he's smart enough.

Really* stabbed the brother's ribs!

Once at Stark Tower in New York, and now again.

For whatever reason!
This is so knife after knife, it is really painful.

Brother Hammer screamed and rolled down the steep slope, and while he was still calling Thor's Hammer, his right arm was chopped off by Loki...

Of course, this is illusion.

The two brothers staged a big scene of brother-in-law killing, and they really fooled Spicy Chicken and his second boss.

After all, when Algrim sneaked into the sky prison of Asgard, Loki was a bitter man locked in the sky prison.

"Loki is indeed the enemy of Asgard!"

The pair of blood brothers successfully tricked Malekith into extracting the [Ether Particle] from Miss Jane's body, but something went wrong when Brother Hammer tried to destroy this thing with thunder.

His thunderbolt is indeed amazing, but it is far from enough to destroy one of the infinite gems [Reality Gem]!

Their performance naturally ushered in the revenge of the dark elves.

At this critical moment, of course it is to call for rescue!

Miss Jian stared at the violent dizziness after being sucked out of the reality gem, and pressed the golden hairpin.

Just when Brother Hammer thought that Ange was going to win again like last time, suddenly there was a rushing sound from the huge dark elf mothership, and the flashing light that symbolized warning kept flashing.

Half of Malekith's face was originally scorched black, and the remaining half was as black as the bottom of a pot. His eyes widened, and his face was full of anger that could not be concealed: "You still have a second hand!" !?"

In fact, Loki also wanted to ask this question.

Brother Hammer's naive smile sometimes hurts people even more: "Just buy an insurance."

If you are deceived by a smart person, you may feel that you deserve it.

But if you are fooled by a fool, you will feel that your IQ has been insulted.

This time Ange's attack was truly 'swift as lightning'.

In fact, he came early in the morning.

The space coordinates he gave to Miss Jane were indeed triggered for the first time, but after being triggered once, there is no need to twist and start again.As long as the magic power inside is not exhausted, it is like a wide-area cosmic transmitter, constantly sending space signals encrypted by the [God Killer System] to the entire universe.

Now that Heipi's old lair has been found, Anger's will of course give priority to snatching the spaceship!

It’s not that the Kryptonians’ spaceships don’t have the ability to travel across space, but after all, this thing was originally designed as a landing craft. As a result, the distance of each space jump is very short, and it can’t jump out of the solar system once.

This led Ang to come up with the idea of ​​a black leather mothership.

Taking advantage of Brother Hammer and Loki's big show to seduce Heipi's first and second in command, Ange took the opportunity to launch a surprise attack on Heipi's mothership.

Facing the incoming enemy, the dark elf guards reacted unhurriedly. Dozens of soldiers wearing strange white masks all emitted a 'hum' sound from the laser guns in their hands.

It was as if countless red spikes had suddenly sprouted from the dark port of the gangway, piercing towards the small team of raiders in front of them.

However, these laser beams are like hitting an invisible golden mirror. A golden curtain wall expands on Wonder Woman's golden shield, reflecting at least half of the laser beams from the original path.

The rainstorm-like attack ushered in a rainstorm-like rebound. At least one-third of the dark elf guards were shot, and the sieved corpses fell limply to the ground like broken dolls.

One of the black skins raised his right arm high, trying to throw a small black hole gravitational bomb. Unexpectedly, another golden woman threw a spear over a hundred meters and directly nailed his right arm to the landing ramp In fact, this directly led to bad luck for him and all the black skins within a diameter of at least ten meters around him.

The powerful suction force of different space directly tore their bodies apart, sucking everything around them into the small black hole.

The dark elves were stunned by the sudden attack. The ones in front kept retreating, while the dark elves behind wanted to rush out to support. Hundreds of people huddled together at the landing hatch of the mothership, and all of a sudden they became a mess.

It was only for a moment that the situation quickly changed as Furao charged.

Finally, without having to experience the [backward breeding method] in her eyes every day, Fulla showed her strength as a fighting Kryptonian.

Although the Queen and Wonder Woman are extraordinary in strength, they cannot fly after all.

Fulla can really fly!
She crashed into the dark elves like a cannonball.

Wearing a traditional Kryptonian black battle suit, she turned into a wave of erratic black light——everything that was touched by her fists and feet was blown away.

In all fairness, the dark elves were a powerful race that could fight the Asgardians back then.Its average strength is really not bad.

In hand-to-hand combat, they are slightly inferior to Asgardian soldiers.Aside from cursed warriors, they are stronger with ranged weapons.

But what they met was a Kryptonian warrior whose physical fitness was far superior to theirs.

Wherever the wind of Fulla's fist went, there was the sound of bones shattering.

If Ange hadn't repeatedly emphasized the need to seize the ship and let Fulla restrain her strength, otherwise the flying corpses of the black-skinned soldiers would definitely knock big holes out of the mothership.

Following Fulla came the strike team of Wonder Woman, Penthesilea, the Canary Sisters, Catwoman, Katana and Huntress.

This team completely entered the mothership in the blink of an eye.

It's not that the black-skinned monitors in the mothership have tried to lower the protective baffle to separate the lower cabin from the upper control room.

The sad thing is that without the cursed warrior, the black-skinned partition wall can't stop Fulla's destructive power like a female Tyrannosaurus!


The 20cm-thick alloy partition wall baffle was forcibly pierced by Fulla, and it was torn apart as easily as tearing paper.

Immediately, several vigorous female figures swarmed in, and there was another burst of killing without any suspense.

On the ground, Malekith's face was ashen, because he and his subordinates were blocked by a burly bald man.

There was an unconcealable embarrassment on Thor's face, but he still asked, "Why did you attack the mothership of the dark elves first?"

Angle pointed to the sky: "He said in a rough voice, if we don't stop Malekith here, he will go to Earth to play his [Nine Worlds]."

As soon as Brother Hammer looked up, he was surprised to find that there were many huge circular portals with a diameter of several kilometers in the sky.He is no stranger to the scene across these portals.

"The Nine Kingdoms!" Brother Hammer's voice seemed to be dreaming, "I know, Malekith, that bastard, wants to pollute the Nine Realms with [Ether Particles] at the moment when the Nine Great Worlds overlap, turning them all into into a world of darkness."

(End of this chapter)

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