Godslayer in the comic world

Chapter 180 New York Temple

Chapter 180 New York Temple
Another Gotham battle is over.

The debate about superheroes and poor official abilities has never stopped since the emergence of superheroes.

Various so-called "bricksmen" and media reports on this aspect can be described as flocking.

There is no way, people are in the business of traffic, and the media who don't know how to eat traffic will starve to death.

This is not the era when the self-media will be king in the future. At that time, it will be a hot spot, and three-digit homogeneous short videos will pop up with a random search.

Anger didn't expect that someone on the Internet launched a superhero poll - who is the king of superheroes.

Originally, arguing about which superhero is stronger is a topic that people who eat melons like to talk about.

Everyone has their own favorite heroes, and everyone hopes that their own heroes are the strongest.

This is especially true in this country where all the people are fighting. Some people even stand up for their own giegie, fight with neighbors and even passers-by, and fire guns at each other to show their respect.

But Ange saw that this topic became popular as soon as it came out, and immediately felt unusual.

"Obviously Kratos is the King of Heroes. He has a very strong combat power, can jump a hundred meters, and can easily clean up all kinds of monsters. He also has the help of Wonder Woman and Chariot Woman (Pentesile Asia).”

"No, no, that pair of robot sisters should also be his subordinates."

"Does a huntress and a katana count?"

"He's got a good relationship with Superman, Iron Man, and Batman, all in all."

"Well, it's enough to have him protect the United States. The White House is just soy sauce."


All kinds of comments seem to be praising An Ge, but he actually knows that this is [Praise and Kill], not to mention the following ones.

There are too many fools among the public, and it is easy to be fooled.

When most people subconsciously believe that Kratos, who is not under the control of the White House, is better than the official one, then even President Ellis will be besieged by the upper elites if he wants to speak for superheroes.

Create social rifts, divide all classes, and check and balance all parties, so that they cannot threaten the rule of the upper elites over the country.

Raise Kratos to the status of a [King], then there will naturally be anti-heroes who dislike Kratos to challenge him.

As long as Ange can't deal with all the challengers and become the well-deserved King of Heroes, then the black hand behind the scenes will be considered a success.

Hi!To put it bluntly, it is the ancient way of checks and balances.

When Penthesilea issued a similar warning, Ange smiled confidently: "Since they want me to be the King of Heroes, then I'll be that King of Heroes."

After killing [Destruction Day], even though the soul of this Kryptonian monster was filthy to death, it still provided Ange with objective attribute bonuses, raising his strength to 556 points and his constitution to a ridiculous 762 points in one go. Comes with a [Extreme Regeneration of Limbs] skill.

In addition, there is a unique [Eye of Destruction] skill.

[Eye of Destruction: The host can shoot out the elemental power in the body through the strengthened Krypton Eye, producing fire attribute damage equal to 300% of the damage of the host's ordinary elemental magic. 】

There wasn't much introduction, but seeing that outrageous magnification, Anger knew why Kryptonians like to play the trick of glaring at someone who is pregnant.

The damage of this attack is really high.

If there is no final note: [Continuous use (Eye of Destruction) will greatly increase the chance of blindness. ], then this skill is perfect.

In other words, even if you are blind, using Kryptonian photosynthesis to restore body functions, is this serious blindness?
Anyway, with the contribution of [Day of Destruction], Ange has now officially stepped into the ranks of top demigods.

The only small entanglement is that his mother's partiality seems to be getting more and more serious.

The strength and physique are extremely high, and the other basic attributes are almost unchanged.

As far as Faye is concerned, the biggest change is that his elemental pool has been expanded. Now it has an upper limit of 4090 points, and it is mainly based on fire and wind elements.

However, Ange soon stopped bothering about it.

Not for any reason, but for a piece of news——Doctor Stephen Strange seems to have gone mad, and instead of seeking medical salvation, he has turned to theology.

The news that Stephen's children's shoes bought a ticket to Nepal was immediately put on Anger's desk by Black Canary.

He recruited two Amazon demigods.

"Get ready, we may have to face a group of special enemies who know space magic."

Penthesilea's eyes lit up: "Is this the enemy you are waiting for?"


Wonder Woman sighed slightly: "Sometimes, I really don't know whether it was right or wrong to lend you the power of [God Slayer] at the beginning. I am very relieved to see you grow into a real demigod step by step, but another On the other hand, I am also afraid that your crazy pursuit of power will destroy yourself."

Penthesilea put her hands on her hips: "Indeed, I have also seen many mortals who pursue power, and they end up ruined by their own desires. Ange, you'd better make sure—whether you can bear this power."

Ange was taken aback for a moment, he knew that the two women were concerned about him.

The so-called [My fate is up to me], this kind of thing can only happen to the real protagonist of a world.

If there is no [God Killer System], Ange will definitely wash his hands and sleep, and live like a rich second generation who is just eating and waiting to die.

He has a system, his own efforts, and the 'history' in his memory.

That being the case, why not give it a go?
He held the hands of the two women and sighed softly: "The earth is already very dangerous. Whether it is me or you, there is nowhere to escape. To destroy such a thing is not to find an ark to ensure that you and the closest The only ones who can protect us are ourselves."

After pondering for a while, Diana nodded: "You're right. It's better to control your destiny in your own hands."

She had a premonition in the dark that when Ange solved the wave of enemies against Kama Taj, it would be the time for her and her aunt to return to Paradise Island and face the threat of the God of War Ares together with the clan.

On the other side, Stephen Strange, who had no idea that he had become a pathfinder, set foot on the land of Nepal with trepidation.

He was miserable, but not entirely miserable.

The nerves in his hands were destroyed, and he will never be a neurosurgeon again in this life.But in this life, because he received the mysterious funding from An Ge, he may not be so down and out.

Under the guidance of fate, he still successfully entered Karma Taj and worshiped under the master of Guyi...

At the same time, in order to prove his support for New York, Shenhao Ange bought a building.

That building was just across the street from a quaint building known externally as a private museum.

Wonder Woman knew that Ange must be prepared for every major event, so she cast a puzzled look.

"Uh, no one told you that Karma Taj has a branch, which happens to be [New York Temple]?"

(End of this chapter)

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