Godslayer in the comic world

Chapter 181 Kratos' Territory

Chapter 181 Kratos' Territory

"New York again?" Diana raised her beautiful eyebrows.

"It should be said that New York happens to be one of them." Ange raised his right hand, and a half-meter-diameter globe shaped by flame elements appeared out of thin air above his palm.

Although the outline of the earth was not clearly visible with the flame as the carrier, she still noticed the same symbol appearing in three places.

"New York, London, Hong Kong." Black Canary saw the key at a glance.

Anger nodded: "Since the age of mythology, the gods of Olympus have disappeared, and the Aesirs only regard the earth as their nominal territory and rarely intervene. During this period, the earth did not enter a state of disorder and chaos. It is [Kama Taj] who protects the earth.”

Hearing this, all the girls couldn't help paying respect to the astonishing Master Gu Yi.

Anger continued: "[Kama Taj] does not intervene in the battles in the world. The mage group led by Master Ancient One is only responsible for preventing the invasion of other creatures in the multiverse and expelling a group of powerful enemies from outside the solar system."

Catwoman was surprised: "Then, monsters from the age of mythology..."

"You can understand them as alien creatures. They were just hunted down and expelled, um, very clean."

Catwoman raised her eyebrows and said nothing.

Diana pointed to the three symbols: "Is the temple you are talking about the fulcrum of the shield protecting the earth?"

"Yes!" Anger added: "The idea and source of power between us and Karma Taj are quite wrong. So I don't know how to contact Master Ancient One."

In the final analysis, the way of the godslayer is Zeus's line, and Kama Taj will not give the Greek gods any face.If you can keep the water in the well and not violate the water in the river, you will burn high incense. Don't expect any cooperation.

Maybe, but definitely not with Gu Yi who is about to retire from the stage of history.

Ange has always hated operations that are too troublesome.

Too many steps means too easy to make mistakes.

He prefers to call himself a tactical master (referred to as the sixth).

In fact, up to now, he already wants to fly the [Justice League] flag in advance.It's a pity that he himself is not so righteous, maybe it will be more decent to change his name to [Defenders Alliance].

Anger came to the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, overlooking the small New York temple that was only five stories high: "We can ignore the Karma Taj matter. It happened in New York, and we can intervene reasonably."

Anger didn't know that his typical ambush behavior had already been analyzed by S.H.I.E.L.D.

An analysis conference on Kratos is being held in S.H.I.E.L.D.

To put it bluntly, it is to study how to win someone into the gang.

Attendees include Nick Fury, Agent Hill, Hawkeye, Natasha, Cap, and Tony.

Agent Hill made the opening remarks: "We will not comment on the code of conduct of Kratos and his followers for the time being. This is where heroes such as him, Superman, Batman, and Spiderman have appeared."

On a world map, Superman has the widest range of activities, followed by Kratos, and then Batman and Spiderman, the typical one-man-one-city guardians.

The big beauty Hill continued: "Kratos' main activities are Gotham and New York. We have every reason to believe that his home is between these two cities."

Tony curled his lips: "I am obliged to remind you that New York, Gotham, and the surrounding satellite cities have a total of 500 million people. If you plan to do a census, you should put a detector on each person to check who is Quay." Toss?"

Agent Hill manipulated the computer and projected the shining golden Kui Ye.

Nick said lightly: "This is the reason for gathering everyone. Tony, is it possible for you to make a scout, scan the energy fluctuations on him, and find him. Just like when you and Dr. Banner found Loki's scepter Same. Don't worry, I just want to have a good face-to-face talk with him."

Tony complained in his heart: I have his phone number and his home address.

On the bright side, Tony was expressionless: "My scanner has determined that it is an energy fluctuation that cannot be detected with my current technological level."

Captain America frowned and added, "That's more like a... psychic power?"

Widow sister tilted her head: "The power of faith in mythology?"

Captain America snapped his fingers: "Yes, that's how it feels."

Nick was speechless: "Then do you think he is a...god or a descendant of God who has lived from the age of mythology to the present?"

All the Avengers shook their heads collectively.

Captain America said, "No, it feels like his way of thinking and speaking is more advanced than mine."

Tony quipped: "Finding out that an antique isn't a real antique?"

Captain America rolled his eyes: "Is there a chance to ask him for a bone age verification to see who is the real antique?"

Hill reminded: "The physical fitness of aliens may not be suitable for human growth laws." After all, what she typed out was General Zod's data.

Although the lunatic Lex made Zod into "Doom Day", a large amount of research data such as Zod's autopsy was originally shared with the military.Now it's all on display.

After discussing it for a while, it seemed to froze.

Nick sighed: "Another angle."

Hill immediately printed another 8K ultra-high-definition photo on the projection screen.That is the [Tragedy of Troy].

Nick: "The style of this thing is obvious."

Learned Tony: "Well, Greek chariots. Typical."

Hill projected more information: "According to our analysis, considering its ability to fly into the sky, a large number of targets have been eliminated. We finally screened only a few targets - Apollo's chariot, hunting The chariot of the goddess Artemis, and ... the chariot of Achilles in the Trojan War."

Tony manipulated the computer with his hands and swiped the screen: "First rule out Apollo, that's not the power of the sun. I didn't feel a hyperthermia reaction."

The widow focused: "Is it Artemis? The driver and that Wonder Woman have the characteristics of a hunting goddess."

She was on to something.

Amazons do have beliefs about Artemis.

"Then why not three huntresses? Kratos?" Captain America asked.

"Couldn't Kratos be Achilles?" Hawkeye said suddenly.

"Clint, do you think Achilles is a bald man?" the widow complained.

This is where it gets most confusing.

The result was good. After studying for a long time, they didn't find anything.like someone's preferences.

Finally, Tony complained: "Maybe that guy likes beautiful women. You see, his driver, Wonder Woman, and the legendary robot sisters are all beautiful women."

Nick suddenly felt a little bit pained: I'm not a man, so he hung up my communication that time.

Everyone involuntarily focused their attention on the widow sister.

"It's me again?" The widow sister was a little annoyed.

(End of this chapter)

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