Godslayer in the comic world

Chapter 182 Interference

Chapter 182 Interference
The widow was a little speechless, and she looked at Director Nick, and she knew that it was her fault.

As an agent whose combat power is only at the mortal level, she can't do much in the realm of the extraordinary.She is good at dancing with long sleeves, so she can do some communication work, which is already within her capabilities.

The Avengers didn't pay much attention to this. Compared with Kratos' team, which is relatively neutral and willing to contribute to the fight against evil, there are too many guys who need their attention.

Agent Hill released another video, which was a black-body humanoid monster that was fished out of a crude oil barrel: "This is an unknown existence that just appeared, and we temporarily named it [Venom]..."

The Avengers have more problems to face.

On the other side, in the mansion outside Karma Taj's New York temple, Ange is performing in person what is meant by "nothing to do today, just listen to a ditty" in a luxuriously decorated suite.

After all, my house is not a hook bar, so of course the name needs to be changed.

Originally, the Canary sisters had beautiful European and American voices, and Helen had the ability to imitate any voice. If necessary, Helen could imitate the voices of the Canary sisters in all areas, and have a trio of sisters.

Ange just watched and listened to the live singing and dancing, and at the same time felt how Fulla made the hydromassage pool rippling.

By the way, spread the perception, and sense the opposite temple in a passive way.

The days of waiting are so fulfilling and boring.

at last……

Almost at the same time, the pupils of Ange, Wonder Woman, and Penthesilea all lit up.

"Here we come!" Three voices said in no particular order.

The neighborhood of the New York Temple was not affected by the last battle of New York.

On the street, there are still people coming and going, and there is a lot of traffic.

Only the truly strong will find that the surrounding space has undergone strange changes.

The building on the opposite side still looks like the same building, and under the intense perception, every part of the building has undergone subtle changes.

Ceramic tiles, exterior decorations, hanging lamps, windows, all the parts are pieced together in an illogical and irregular way to form a tentatively named 'building' in perception.

A group of guys dressed like monks in orange-red robes were being stopped by a mysterious man who hid his face in a hood.

stop!A group of you are surrounded by me alone!

This feeling is pretty ridiculous.

This is indeed the case.

Because of the existence of a group of people surrounding the enemy, her title is the supreme mage [Ancient One]!
She was confronting the group of traitors who had sneaked into Karma Taj.

When she was about to say something, she was shocked to find that the [mirror image space] she created had been invaded by another force.

The so-called mirror space is a space temporarily created by mages using the power of the worlds between reality and other parallel planes.It belongs to an unstable space crack.

All damages in [Mirror Space] will not affect the main world.

She built it just to settle accounts with her 'good apprentice' Casillas.

Who would have thought that outsiders would break in?
The purple-blue portal aperture represents a force completely different from Kama Taj.

When she saw the Greek style trio walking across the door, she naturally recognized them immediately.

Master Gu Yi said in a deep voice: "This is [Kama Taj]'s internal affairs. I hope everyone in the Olympus gods can understand what I am talking about."

Ange, who was wearing a leather case, raised his mouth: "I understand. But I'm here to remind Master Ancient One. Ever since Loki used the [Universal Rubik's Cube] to tear apart the space above New York, the space here has become unstable. It's stable. Don't go too far, even if it's your family's internal affairs, don't blame us for taking action if it gets worse."

"Huh!" Gu's eyes sharpened, and a strange green light lit up on the golden eyeball-shaped ornament on her chest. Her gaze suddenly became extremely far-reaching, and it surpassed the limit of time at this moment.

But in the next moment, there was obvious surprise in her voice.

Ange's heart skipped a beat, and he probably knew why: Gu Yi, who was used to peeking at the past and future with the power of the [Time Stone] in the [Eye of Agamotto], probably couldn't see the root of his time traveler.For Gu Yi, this was definitely an unexpected shock.

In order to maintain the stability of the long river of time, the mages of Karma Taj have been avoiding difficult situations such as [Time and Space Paradox], so sometimes they will decide whether to make a move according to the situation.

Anger is just betting: he wants to see if Ancient One values ​​Domamu, the dark king behind Casillas more, or he is the one who has a good reputation but is likely to be the culprit of disrupting time and space. 'Hero' was shot to death.

Casillas and his henchmen over there also didn't know what Ange was coming for, so the three parties froze like this.

Of course, Angle deliberately directed most of his murderous intent towards Casillas.

Sure enough, Gu Yi made her own decision, she slowly took off her orange hood, revealing her recognizable big bald head.

As the so-called bald head does not embarrass the bald head.

Gu Yi's decision is obviously beneficial to An Ge: "Mr. Kratos, don't bother your help, I can handle it."

Anger predicted Gu Yi's prediction: "Very good. For the sake of the master, I will not intervene. But if I see these guys messing around in New York for the second time, don't blame me for taking action."

"……it is good."

Gu Yi and the traitor Casillas looked at the trio who re-entered the portal and left, as if they heard the starting gun, they immediately began to fight...

Back in the suite opposite the New York Temple, Penthesilea muttered dissatisfiedly: "Are we leaving like this?"

"For a truly strong person, you need to be in awe enough. At her peak, she can tear the Nemesis at will."

To be able to tear apart the True God, how terrifying this strength must be!

The queen first instinctively shrank her neck, the psychological shadow brought by the goddess of nemesis was really infinite.

Wonder Woman's pretty red lips twitched, and she instinctively wanted to ask if Master Ancient One would help her solve the God of War Ares she was facing in her hometown. At this time, she sensitively grasped the key words: " At the peak?"

"Yes! She is dying. I can feel that her soul has been severely eroded by the forces of darkness. If I am not mistaken, it is impossible for her with a strong personality to allow herself to degenerate into a demon. She will commit the unforgivable She ended her fault before. She is holding on now, but it is because she has not yet found a candidate for the next supreme mage." Ange changed the subject: "I will be able to solve this matter smoothly when the new supreme mage comes to power."

(End of this chapter)

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