chapter 299
Yemengjia was careless, he didn't expect the headless horseman's attack power to be so high.

"Who? Who is it again!?"

Hearing Ye Mengjia's furious roar, Diana gave An Ge a blank look: "You have so many cards."

Ange shrugged: "No way, this is Asgard! Fighting here is too overwhelming for an Olympian god like me. The physical combat power will not be affected. If you use divine power, the consumption will not double. Said, the power is at least halved. I can only help delay the time."

Diana immediately understood: "The opponent's power is almost unlimited, so since it's a delay, we have to wait until the last singer comes on stage."

Almost in response to her words, a hole was suddenly torn open in the space on the east side of Asgard, and a spaceship rushed out of the turbulent space.

It was only a matter of seconds before the anti-aircraft gunners in charge of the area opened fire on the ship.

In fact, the Asgardian soldier had his finger on the trigger, until he saw through the optical telescope a no longer flirtatious short-haired boy poking out of the open hatch of the spaceship.

"My God! It's really His Majesty Thor Odinson!"

"It's His Majesty who has rushed back!"

"We are saved!"

Cheers echoed in Asgard's communication circuit, and quickly reached Sif and the others.

Sif, who was ready to die for the country, let out a long sigh of relief: "Thor, bastard."

Fandral was the most frivolous, he laughed loudly: "Although our Majesty often does things unreliably, he will never let us down at critical moments!"

Heimdall gave Fandral a blank look, he would not have said such words as he was always serious and rigid.But at this time, he wouldn't correct Fandral.

Who knew that Thor, who appeared in the much-anticipated stage, couldn't even stand at the moment. Thor, who had just come out of the "Devil's Chrysanthemum", suffered from the turbulent flow of space. Thanks to his extraordinary physique, he finally woke up and still There is a feeling of dizziness and nausea.

No way, this is the price of cutting corners.

"Ouch! My head is so itchy, is this going to grow my brain?" Thor's legs trembled.

Dr. Banner next to him complained about him: "Fart! You have been fooled too much by Rocky to grow your brain."

Under normal conditions, it would be impossible for Banner to complain like this.He was also dizzy, which was more like telling the truth when he was drunk.

Miraculously, Thor actually agreed: "That's right, I was cheated too much by Loki. You don't know... well, I cheated him this time, hahaha!"

"Wake up! You two idiots!" This ogre-like mother Valkyrie'Miss Sister' flew up her feet and kicked the two idiots down from the hatch at a height of 30 meters above the ground. up.

Um, tell people to wake up?In fact, this guy himself is like a terrible hangover.

While dozens of Asgardian guards were watching, their new king Thor, in such a strange and embarrassing posture, fell hard on the solid floor tiles like this, stunned. A large figure fell out.

Ugh, that's very Thor.

It would be absolutely shameful for another king to do this and throw it abroad.

For some reason, the soldiers felt that it was right: this guy who was shaved into a short cut and no longer a handsome guy with fluttering hair was indeed their king.

Outrageously, Banner did not fall to the ground, but fell into a deep fountain.He was picked up by the soldiers hurriedly.No one knows, they missed an opportunity to activate the reinforcement (Hulk).

Over there, Ange, who learned of Thor's return in the communication, was relieved anyway.

It's not a question of whether he is willing to help and desperately, but that bombing his hometown can only be done by the orthodox heir of the Odinson family. Anyone else who dares to do it will be a deadly enemy!
Thor was dizzy, and patted his cheek to wake himself up.Looking at the concerned subordinates beside him, he shook his head and asked, "How's the situation?"

"Master Kratos helped evacuate all the civilians, and now the ancient magic wolf Fenrir he activated is fighting fiercely with the big snake by the sea, but the situation is not optimistic..." A golden armored commander quickly explained the situation.

"Take me back to Asgard first!" Thor turned over and jumped into an Asgardian golden speeding car, and rushed back.

When entering the main entrance of Asgard, Thor saw Ange on the terrace.

"Okay, thank you Kratos! Leave it to me." Torrulei's shouting sound spread far away.

Angus waved at Thor.

Diana used her extraordinary perception to 'look' at Thor from a distance, and what she saw, the divine power and wind element lingering around Thor's body cannot be said to be weak.

The key is who to compare with.

Compared with Ye Mengjia's overflowing divine power, there is no comparison at all, and there is a sense of confusion. Obviously Thor has not recovered from the bad state of space shuttle.

Diana frowned immediately: "Can Thor do it in this state?"

"No! Even Thor in 100% state is enough."

After all, that is a big snake whose destructive power surpasses that of Hela!

It's not that Yemengarde must be stronger than Hela, the key is that this guy is bigger and can extract the divine power of Asgard, a treasure land of the gods, faster.

This is like a high-power motor crushing a low-power one.

It's a pity that without a fight, Thor probably wouldn't be able to make this determination, and he must blow up Asgard.

Either way, Thor wouldn't hesitate!
Having lost Thor's Hammer, he urgently needs a new weapon.

It is naturally not just a low-level artifact that is used to fight against the big snake.

He came to the throne of the king of gods that had been restored before Leodin was exiled in the main hall, and saw the golden spear quietly leaning on the side of the throne.

That is his Lao Tzu's relic, the famous top-level sharpshooter - the eternal gun [Gungnir (Kunggnir)]!
In the days when Loki pretended to be Odin and went crazy to death, Loki didn't dare to touch this sharp gun with self-will at all, because it might bite him back.

It's a trivial matter to get through gangs, and Loki is afraid that this sharp gun will crucify him, the "No. [-] filial son of heaven", under the steps in front of the throne.

Loki only dared to let [Gungnir] be the mascot, and stood there quietly.

Taking a long breath, Thor stretched out his hand somewhat anxiously, and when he clenched the gun body tightly, a sigh sounded in his ear.

Apparently, Gungnir knew of Odin's fate.

In the only heir of the previous master, Gungnir felt a will called inheritance.

It chooses to obey.

Perhaps Thor is not suitable for using it, and considering Odin's will, he must make do with it first.

To be honest, twisted melon is not sweet, but it quenches your thirst!

Now that the enemy is present, there is really no way to pick it.

When Thor stepped out of the gate of Asgard with a sharp spear in his hand, Anger, who was watching, complained: "Lucky spearmen since ancient times!"

(End of this chapter)

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