Godslayer in the comic world

Chapter 300 [Gungnir]

Chapter 300 [Gungnir]

Not to mention that most of the spearmen are unlucky!
Swords and guns have a saying in the Celestial Dynasty that "one year of swords, ten years of swords, and a lifetime of guns".

Guns are easy to learn but hard to master.

Compared with other weapons, it pays more attention to skills. It is really like those foolish peasants and soldiers who can only stab but not harvest.

Although Thor is good at all eighteen weapons, but he has used a hammer for tens of thousands of years to carve the word "mang" into the deepest part of his soul.

That's why he changed to 【Storm Axe】 so smoothly.

It's not a heavy weapon, he really can't get used to it.

When he stepped out of the gate of Asgard with the former king's [Gungnir] in his hand, all the Asgardian warriors erupted!

"Long live His Majesty Thor!"

"Long live Asgard!"

"Get rid of Jormungandr!"

Such cheers like a mountain roar and a tsunami naturally easily attracted Orochi's attention.

This time, Yemengard was furious. He swung the weakened Fenrir into the air with his tail, blasted him a kilometer away, and smashed the headless Steppenwolf like a sledgehammer into a nail, and slammed it into the air. smashed into the depths of Asgard.

The huge snake mouth said: "I am the real king of Asgard. Your name is Thor, right? Little brat, kneel down to me, and I will consider letting you go!"

The original words of this speech contain a lot of Asa protoss slang, and even contain some words that even the nursery grandmother would be ashamed of.Translated elegantly, it probably means this.

Thor raised the sharp gun high, and the glow on it made the armor of all the soldiers in the entire legion covered with a layer of golden yellow.

"Kur. No! Jormungandr! Your cruelty makes you doomed to miss the throne—I don't mind handing over the crown of Asgard to anyone else, but it will never be handed over to you!"

When hitting someone, hit the face first, and step on the snake seven inches.

The reason why Yemengade is crazy is not for the throne?

Stuck in the seal for tens of thousands of years, he was crazy about the throne of Asgard.

You Thor suddenly jumped out and said, you can give it to anyone, but you can't give it to him.Isn't this a slap in the face?
Anyone who knows Thor knows that Thor really doesn't care about the throne, otherwise he wouldn't have left Asgard to run around the world and kill Shirtel for Asgard.

Hearing these words in the ears of the big snake, it became a 100% humiliation!
All of a sudden, the snake's mouth opened to the maximum, and all kinds of vulgar words spewed out.

On this day, the big snake's mouth became a real "venomous tongue", um, a poisonous tongue in various senses.

Then, Mr. Thor, who couldn't bear it anymore, greeted the other party with the same kindness in the most primitive Asa divine language.

In fact, this was very common in ancient times. Even in Norse mythology, no one said that the Aesir clan was a clan of etiquette.The Vikings, who accounted for the largest number of their followers, were outright barbarians.

It was just this scene that opened Ange's eyes.

People in the Celestial Dynasty pay attention to talking without speculation, but the Asa Protoss are more verbal and hands-on!
In the end, it was the big snake who launched the attack first. There was no way. Compared with Thor, the new king who was young, Kull didn't have the so-called 'strong claim'.

At the moment when the first son of the first king succeeded to the throne, the elder brother of the first king was not considered orthodox.

The big snake sprayed over with a mouthful of poisonous mist.


What kind of poisonous fog is this? This is simply the most terrifying death storm.

The mist, which contained the dual power of death and venom, covered the sky and covered the sky with a momentum faster than the storm, pressing down on the head.

For the forwards of the Asgard soldiers, it is almost inevitable.

However, Thor, the former god of hammers, was destroyed because of the hammer. At this moment, his thunder power is in a state of ineffectiveness.Rao, Sif who was next to him yelled and stabbed the ground with the divine sword, suddenly evoking a temporary retaining wall about one kilometer long and ten meters high, which could be regarded as helping the soldiers withstand the most direct attack, but the big snake is terrible The shock wave of dead air still cannot be resisted by ordinary Asgardian soldiers.

In the poisonous gas storm, an unknown number of people were blown out on the spot. Before they landed, they had already turned into corpses, bringing out a string of dirty blood beads.

What was even more frightening was that the corpse began to twitch strangely before it hit the ground.

The corpse turned into a zombie on the spot in front of all the Asgardians.


The stronger elite barely resisted this wave of death, so they had to face the sword of Pao Ze a moment ago.

This tragic scene seemed to silence the surrounding air and completely freeze it.

Such a blasphemous scene naturally aroused Thor's anger.

"Kur——" Thor responded to his uncle angrily.

He raised the spear flat and put it on his shoulder.

In this battle, he will deliver the real first strike.

According to legend, when the Vikings were in battle, the commander would first throw a spear at the enemy, which is the tradition of the Asa Protoss.

After a sound of exhalation, only the most discerning beings could notice that the space in front of the sharp gun [Gungnir] shattered like glass.

Normally, this long spear is just a flashy work of art made of pure gold. Until now, it finally revealed its true colors——

The tip of the gun was still shining with golden light, but the handle of the gun held by Thor was no longer shiny, but instead revealed the body of the gun which was as green as an emerald.Because the real body of the gun handle has never been gold, but the tenderest, most vigorous and divine branch of the [World Tree].

In the nine kingdoms built with the World Tree as the core, the branches of the World Tree itself also have the meaning of transmission.

Dozens of lightning-like rays of light interweave at the spear head, drawing an arc along the long spear point that is so dazzling that mortals can hardly look directly at it.

Immediately, the entire sharpshooter disappeared.

This spear falls in the eyes of different existences and they are different. Only the strongest can truly see that the spear pierces the thread of space law.

Although the big snake did release a lot of divine power in an attempt to block Thor's spear, but the sharp gun crossed this space, as if it had traveled to another world first, and then jumped back and stabbed the big snake's head fiercely The 'chest' about 50 meters below.

The light of the gun body flickered away, except for a large string of dirty blood beads flying out like rain, as if the two were passing by each other.

Only the big snake let out an earth-shattering scream.

In the next second, everyone could see that Ye Mengjiad's body under the snake's head was pierced with a super large hole that could easily drive a heavy tank into it.

To be reasonable, if you change another existence, your heart will be destroyed, and you will most likely die to the point where you can't die anymore.

The unborn Yemengard not only possessed the divine power to draw Asgard, but after absorbing the power of Hela, he also became a half god of death.

Despite the amazing power of the sharpshooter, this guy really didn't die.

(End of this chapter)

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