Chapter 301


Strange sound.

A second ago, Sif wanted to applaud Thor's domineering blow.

A second later, Sif turned pale when she saw the scene in front of her.

Asgard where the original Rainbow Bridge stood was lost.

It's not about being smashed.

Before Loki led the wolf into the house and brought the frost giant Wang Laufei, Thor smashed across the Rainbow Bridge, and that section of the Rainbow Bridge fell into the void.

The difference this time is that the only remaining Rainbow Bridge and a large sea area first solidified strangely, and then all the substances lost their color.

The seawater, which had been polluted by the poisonous fog, suddenly became solid.

right!The seawater became solid, and then turned into fly ash together with the mountains around the sea that suddenly turned into inorganic black, and drifted into the universe.

The Asgardian soldiers who were following Thor and preparing to charge were stunned.

Only wise people realize that this is the result of Yemengard's excessive extraction of Asgard's divine power.

With no divine power in the domain of the gods, there will only be a piece of mortal land left.

It is no longer the supreme kingdom of God praised by countless mortals in the mythology of the Asa Protoss.

"Hahaha! Boy! So what if you get Odin's sharp gun? I am invincible! As long as Asgard exists, I will be immortal! Hahaha! Still the same sentence, you either die! Or Kneel down!" In front of all the Asgardians, the big snake laughed wildly.

Under everyone's horrified eyes, the huge wound pierced by the sharp gun started to move. On the edge of the big hole dripping with black blood, the flesh and blood began to squirm non-stop, and the wound repaired itself at a super-speed visible to the naked eye.

In the blink of an eye, the wound left a hole that could allow a person to pass through.It is foreseeable that full recovery is only a matter of time.

Thor spent a lot of divine power and used Odin's sharp gun. In the end, it turned out to be this result, which made many Asgardian soldiers turn pale.

It's just that their beliefs are still supporting their bodies, and they are determined not to give in to such rebellious fanatics.

Thor once again realized the key to Odin's last words.

【Gungnir】has the ability to return automatically.

When it flew across space and returned to Thor's hand, Thor looked at the gun with pain on his face.

He shouted: "The power of Yemengard has been completely bound to Asgard. The longer he stays here, the stronger he will be. When we attack him, we attack Asgard itself. But if Asgard is not destroyed Gard, he will become the most terrifying existence in the universe. There is no escape. He will use Asgard as his base, and then destroy the entire Nine Kingdoms!"

Sif, Heimdall, the three warriors...all the Asgardians trembled when they heard this.

They had heard the story of [Ragnarok] since childhood.

All along, they thought it was just nonsense.

LOL!Odin and the gods are so powerful.Asgard's armies swept across the Nine Realms.Where did the evening come from?
But when Odin finally fell and Odin's relatives took the lead in raising the flag of rebellion, everyone realized that the invincible Kingdom of God in their hearts was actually so fragile.

It's not a good feeling.

Especially when this truth is spoken by Thor, the new king recognized by the Asgardians, it will be even more uncomfortable.

But do the Asgardians have a choice?

However, Hela could be killed casually back then. With Odin's overlord mind, he might kill Hela directly instead of sealing her for tens of thousands of years.

In the final analysis, it is the debt of the father and the son!

Thor's mouth was full of bitterness: "Sif! I want you to do me a favor."

"No! I refuse!" The clever Sif suddenly understood what 'busy' this was, and she stopped the conversation ahead of time.

Thor went on self-consciously: "Only the people are the real Asgard! So we are not trying to stop [Ragnarok], but to cause it. The head of Stuart is in Asgard In the treasury, just throw it into the eternal fire..."

"Thor! You bastard! You want me to destroy my hometown!" Sif lost control of her emotions. She had always shown her determination and was happy to show that she was never weaker than a male god, but she burst into tears at this moment.

"Sorry, Sif, I have no choice. I can only block Jormungandr here." Just as Thor finished speaking, another voice suddenly came from midair.

"No, my brother, you have another choice, and that is me!" Arrogant and stinking, Loki in full armor wore a golden helmet with goat horns, and sat in a universe full of running gladiators. The spaceship, unexpectedly not much slower than Thor, arrived at this critical moment abruptly.

"Loki!?" Thor was startled.

Loki didn't have time to explain to Thor why he arrived not too late, but instead said: "Leave this kind of dirty work to me. Anyway, I have fantasized about blowing up Asgard more than once."

When these words were spoken majestically, the audience was quite distressed.

When An Ge heard it, he felt dumbfounded.How does this sound like my childhood fantasies about bombing schools?cough cough!

At this moment, Big Snake sensed something bad.

"Thor! What do you want to do to my Asgard?" The rumbling voice of the big snake echoed throughout the domain of God.

"Asgard? Do you want it? I can give it to you." Thor's playful expression angered the big snake on the spot.

"I don't know the so-called brat! Die!" The big snake bowed its entire body.

Even from the sea, his smuggler's head is more than a hundred stories above the sea level, not to mention the terrible oppressive feeling brought by looking up.

He is not a character whose body is bigger and his movements are slower. When the snake's body bows to the extreme, it will immediately be a sharp bite.


What kind of momentum is the big snake attacking?
A [-]-storey skyscraper is rushing at a speed of over [-] kilometers per hour, which is probably the feeling.

The feeling of the mountain collapsing suddenly is really frightening.

To make matters worse, Thor also lost his ability to fly after losing Thor's Hammer. He was in front of the soldiers and had no reason to back down.

It was as if he used his divine body to resist the blow for his subordinates.


This blow is no less than a volcanic eruption.

The entire pier instantly turned into powder, and then countless large and small venom balls exploded and scattered. Even if the soldiers who were not affected by the first hit, once they touched these high-purity black venom balls, almost all of them were killed on the spot. Sudden death.

An unlucky ghost just touched it with his finger, and saw the black air spreading rapidly along his arm at a speed of 10 centimeters per second.He is also a ruthless character, he pulled out his sword and cut off his own arm.

Seeing that the severed hand that fell on the ground turned into a puddle of venom quickly, and even eroded more than one square meter of floor tiles into a foul-smelling pit, he was extremely grateful for his decision.

At this moment, a loud shout attracted everyone's attention.

Thor... he actually got stuck in the corner of the big snake's mouth!

(End of this chapter)

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