Chapter 306
It is a bit of an exaggeration to say that Shirtel has become as huge as a mountain with the help of [Eternal Flame].

[Eternal Flame] is stronger than strong, it emphasizes the attribute of [Immortal].

It's one thing not to be extinguished, but another thing to see if the flame is strong enough.This is like pulling out a generator to use a generator when a shop on the earth encounters a power outage, and generating electricity with the generator set of the Three Gorges Dam. Everyone is generating electricity. Can the power be compared?

In addition to the Eternal Flame, it really turned Sylter from a three-story giant into a flame giant with a height comparable to a mountain, because the Eternal Flame established an energy transmission pipeline in the energy stored in him and Asgard .This allowed Shirtel to successfully extract the divine power of Asgard's domain.

In a sense, it is itself that destroys Asgard!

Angie laughed.

To be reasonable, if you just deal with a Shirtel, Ange can be like the Tathagata dealt with Sun Monkey. Even if you fly thousands of miles, you still can't get out in the palm of my Tathagata. .

He trapped Shirtel with the mirror space, which has the same effect.

Even if Ange doesn't do anything, just relying on the characteristics of the mirror space to radiate energy, Shirtel will quickly drain all the energy in his body, and become the skinny man when Thor killed Shirter again. Giants.

It will be much easier for Ange to start again at that time.

It's a pity that Ange can't wait.

The destruction of Asgard is like a starting gun, and the strong in the universe will receive the news immediately.

If there are no accidents, Thanos will jump out soon.

Subduing Fenrir was already a surprise, and Ange didn't have time to chat with the irritable old man Sylter.

Just when the 490-meter-high fire giant was frantically swinging the flaming giant sword, a "small sword" that was only two meters long appeared on Shirtel's chest out of thin air, which was insignificant in size.

The sword was so small that when it first appeared, Shirtel didn't even realize it.

Until the small 'two-handed sword' lightly pierced the fire giant's chest, the whole space seemed to shake slightly, and countless golden arcs spread from the point of contact between the sword's edge and the lava chest.

These line segments intersect each other at first, and then they are scattered everywhere like celestial maidens.They flew to every corner of the fire giant's body, evoking the light spots there one by one.Immediately connect all the light spots into a more complicated giant net.

Shirtel's huge mountain body hit the net heavily, and at that moment the turbulence of the flames formed a shock wave like a mushroom egg.

The violent fire waves formed a scream, and the two different attributes of gold and red collided in space, shining a dazzling light, but that was all.

If this is not a gap in the space that will not interfere with the outside world, just this big explosion, at least one New York will be lost.

The Flame Giant King screamed: "Impossible! How could you forcibly extract the flames from my body!?"

Ang opened a small portal so that Stelter could see his face at eye level.

No matter when you look at Kui Ye's big bald head, fierce is just one word.

Ange deliberately said contemptuously: "That's right! You are indeed the king of flames. However, the [war] power that you use to wage fire belongs to me."


On Shirtel's thighs, shoulders, elbows, almost every square of its body surface, a small flame creature emerged.

Or a fire element creature like an inverted triangle fat man is fighting with a humanoid fire element.

Or a few fire wolves tearing balloon-like fireballs with their ultra-high-temperature fangs.

The Flame Giant King Shirtel never imagined that one day he would be able to fight himself.

This internal friction has greatly involved the flame element in Shirtel's body.

Group after group of flame creatures fought fiercely with each other, fighting to the death with an aura that would not stop until they destroyed each other.

This was a pain for Shirtel, he looked helplessly at the parts of his body, and possibly even his parasites, using his body as a stage to engage in duels and introspection.

In desperation, he slapped towards the space gate where Ange showed his face. Unexpectedly, Ange closed the portal, passed directly to Shirtel's back, and aimed a sword at the vest.

In an instant, the small two-meter sword, which is not even a toothpick to Shier Teer, was growing bigger and bigger at a speed visible to the naked eye. After a while, it had become a 40-meter long sword (sword).

This size is not small for the flame giant king whose body height has suddenly shrunk to 450 meters.

Not to mention, this was a 'justice' backstab launched after being transferred in front of him.

"Ah—you actually..."

An angry scream resounded through the entire mirror space.

If someone steals it for no reason, you can call the other party despicable.

When you do a face-to-back stab, it's pure technique.

It wasn't until this moment that Shirtel realized that it was so cumbersome for him to hold a long sword that pierced through the sky at such a time, and the feeling of aggrieved by the cannon hitting mosquitoes spontaneously arose.

Without giving Shirtel a chance to fight back, Ange actually grew bigger as the [Sword of God of War] grew bigger.

In less than three breaths, Ange's figure was as tall as the flame giant king.

"" Shirtel seemed to have a brain shutdown and lost the ability to predict.

No chance for him to regret it.

Ange's powerful arms lifted the fire giant king, which weighed thousands of tons, high.

Shirtel's flailing limbs and that big sword that he didn't know who to chop made him look very ridiculous.

Looks like a live, impaled fish waiting to be grilled.

Without the supplement of energy, the flame element core of the main body was severely damaged. After violently twitching for half a minute, such a big Shirtel began to shrink rapidly.

Ange followed him as he became smaller.

It is certainly powerful to become a giant with divine power, but the consumption of divine power is also leveraged.

Ange, who is used to careful calculation, has witnessed the end of the flame giant king very well.

"Despicable villain! Don't give me a chance! Otherwise, even after 1 years, 10 years, I will finally succeed in avenging you." These are Shirtel's last words.

The majestic flame giant king has once again become what it was after Thor took care of him, leaving only a black skull resembling a bull's head.

"Resurrection? How could I give you this chance!" Ange's [God Slayer System] has the effect of absorbing the soul.Don't say that Shier Teer is not a true god, even if he is, he can't escape!

As always, the system swiped crazily the second after killing Shier Teer.

[Congratulations to the host, the host's flame control ability has been upgraded to Lv648! 】

(End of this chapter)

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