Godslayer in the comic world

Chapter 307 A Failed Raid

Chapter 307 A Failed Raid
Level 648... Did he do it on purpose or by accident?

Ange is a little bit pained.

Fortunately, as a traveler, he is no stranger to fire, and many skills about controlling flames flooded into his mind.

Shirtel's power attribute is single, except fire is fire.

But his innate arson and fire-playing skills are as common as human breathing and drinking.It should be said that such a realm is worthy of that Lv648 level.

Ange took out the [Sword of God of War] with his right hand, and then fell silent for a while as if he was thinking about his life. Only then did he free up a great sword of the same style as the fire giant King Shirtel with his empty left hand.

For a moment, Anger really wanted to name the five great swords [God Meteor Sword], but Shirtel hadn't killed any gods before?
Shirtel was beaten up by Odin and his son in turn without regard to martial arts. Shirter's greatest achievement in this life is nothing more than stabbing the Asgard God Realm with a sword.

[Twilight of the Gods] did not start because of Shirtel, but ended because of him.

"Then... call you [Sword of Dusk]!"

After all, Ange merged this great sword condensed purely with flames onto the 【Sword of God of War】.This time, even those who don't know how to do it can see how terrifying the [Sword of God of War] surrounded by thick flames must be.

This is equivalent to an ultimate artifact that perfectly combines two powerful divine powers!
"Uh, do I count as the legendary weapon enhancement +15, then enchant [Indestructible Flame] Lv99, then reincarnate and then strengthen..."

The set of online games is outrageous, and Ange can't make it up.

Then, Anger accidentally discovered that Shirtel's elemental soul was annihilated by the godslayer system and let him absorb it.It's just that after the soul of the element was wiped out of self-awareness, a new soul of the element was born?


Ange accepted the newborn soul of flame and kept it for observation for now.

In any case, at this time, he had collected three infinite gems, plus enough chips.

Anger's eyes passed through the void, and with his spatial perception beyond the imagination of mortals, he perceived the spaceship that originally contained those gladiators who had mixed with Thor, as well as a large number of Asgardian soldiers.

The universe is never coherent, empty.

In addition to a large number of stars, there are messy asteroid belts in the void, and more high-energy areas that have not been thoroughly explored by intelligent beings.

The common space jump technology in the universe cannot ensure that the spacecraft can freely enter and exit these dangerous energy turbulence areas.

Only [Rainbow Bridge], or the most advanced space teleportation technique played by Ang, can directly complete the teleportation of people along the safe route with a higher level of energy.

Calculated by the average technology of the normal universe, from Asgard to the earth, it takes dozens of large and small transitions with ordinary spaceships.

Just 22 jumps away from the ruins of Asgard, there was an 'accident' without accident.

A huge spaceship that looks like the character [工] intercepted the gladiator spaceship.

Ignoring the spaceship's interstellar call, the opponent first blasted the stern of the Gladiator spaceship with the main cannon of the starship, turning it into garbage floating in space without power, and then launched a classic meltdown landing.

In the imagination of the invaders, this would be a devastating surprise attack.

When the news of Asgard's explosion came out, most of the people staying on this spaceship were refugees who had no ability to resist, and there must not be many fighters.

After all, after a big rebellion, even the hometown was blown up, how much combat power can Asgard have left?

If you have the ability, your hometown will not be bombed.

What's more, the person who led this raid was the cosmic boss—— Thanos!
He is dead!
The hot man finally couldn't bear the loneliness, and he turned from a black hand behind the scenes to a peerless fighter rushing to the front.

The passage opened, and Chitauri biochemical soldiers with laser guns swarmed in... No wonder.

The blazing fog and smoke brought up by the hot melt laser piercing through the outer deck of the battleship have not yet dissipated. When the Zeta Swiss soldier just picked up the laser gun and planned to bend over at a tactical pace,

On the opposite side of the dense fog, pairs of dark green eyes suddenly lit up.

The Chitauri biochemical soldier raised his gun and shot, but the other side abruptly accepted all the photos, and then his face suddenly appeared.

Without any skills and high technology, it is purely based on blood bars.

After breaking through the thick fog suddenly, these Asgardian soldiers raised their sharp swords and spears high and charged into the formation of the Zeta Swiss soldiers.

The close-combat strength of the biochemical soldiers can never be said to be bad. In the New York War, they played a trick of flying over the walls, clinging to the outer walls of buildings, and inflicting heavy damage on the old American National Guard from all angles.

Reluctantly, their combat power was about zero in front of these Asgardian soldiers.

It's not that they didn't take up arms to resist. The problem is that their resistance is more like a chick's gangster's excited punch, "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

The Chitauri's long-range shooting can still cause some damage at least, but once they get close, their formation immediately collapses.

After all the Asgardian soldiers fought back and rushed through the passage of the landing craft, they immediately dispersed in all directions in a fan shape, killing wantonly.

Finally, someone on Thanos' side couldn't stand it.

Holding a strange-shaped war blade, the [Dead Blade General] raised his hand, and a humanoid monster that had never been seen by Asgard soldiers appeared from the landing cabin.

Their heads look a bit like the [alien] that people on Earth are familiar with.With a rugby-shaped head paired with a fearsome and ferocious mouth, plus four sharp claws that can tear tank steel plates with hands, these black monsters that move forward with hands and feet are one of the two major armies of Thanos. One's [Pioneer Guard].

Compared with the Chitauri biochemical soldiers who are better at long-range attacks, they are the real melee killers.

After almost a face-to-face meeting, the battle between the two sides entered the cruelest meat grinder stage.

Here, an Asgardian soldier slashed the head of a vanguard with a sword, and slashed down, splitting the head and body in half.An Asgardian soldier over there was grabbed by the four arms of another vanguard and forcibly torn alive, bursting out a dark green energy brilliance and a large pile of rotten flesh.

The two sides fought fiercely, and broken limbs, or broken spines could be seen all over the deck of the spaceship.

However, when Thanos entered the fleeing spaceship under the guard of the Obsidian generals, there was a giant [Thanos] as tall as two people, his face like a purple potato essence was completely black at the moment.

Although his family's Chitauri biochemical soldiers and vanguard guards are all consumables, but what he uses is consumables, isn't it the one on the opposite side?
The soldiers of these Nether Legion are obviously also cannon fodder.

Arriving at the largest cabin of the spaceship, the Obsidian generals did not move. They waited for Thanos' order to decide how to deal with the 'god' sitting on the chair in the middle.

"Naive guy! Do you think that after Asgard is destroyed, you can do whatever you want?" Loki crossed his legs chicly, showing a charming but extremely unbeatable smile.

(End of this chapter)

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