Godslayer in the comic world

Chapter 312 Here they come!

Chapter 312 Here they come!
[Pioneer Guard] information has already been made public at the United Nations General Assembly.

These four-handed monsters can easily scratch through 200mm steel plates with their claws alone, which means that even the armor of main battle tanks from various countries will look like paper in front of these monsters.

The best way to deal with such monsters is to not let them get close.

Considering the exaggerated dominance of the Leviathan behemoth in the Chitauri air force, it's hard to expect much support from the air force for ground forces.Can the long-range artillery stop all the flying motorcycles of the vanguard Gachitari biochemical soldiers?

When the army can't even complete the 'simple' task of filling the line, the front line is easily penetrated, and then there is no defense.

The more powerful Asgardian soldiers are conservatively estimated to be about [-] Winter Soldier.

This is undoubtedly a heart booster.

After discussing the general direction, the next step is endless tactical discussions.

Few people in the world know that under such circumstances, President Ellis secretly called Ang.

"Kratos! Will humans...will win?"

"If you don't block us, I'm [-]% sure."

"Thank you."

Here, after Anger sensed that a small airship appeared around the destroyed gladiator spaceship, he decisively called Thor.

"Dear Thor, now is the time to prove that you are not the god of the hammer?"

Thor: ? ? ?
"Wait! How do you know that my father told me this?"

"Just think of me as a magic stick like Doctor Strange."

After the words fell, Thor suddenly found that his feet were empty: "Kui..."

I don't know how far away in the void, a team of teasers are cursing and driving a small spaceship.

Rocket Raccoon is complaining about Star-Lord: "Quiel, you are chasing Thanos' starship like this, this is equivalent to delivering food."

Star-Lord: "No! This is a strategy! Did you see the wreckage? His ship was here not long ago. If he was still here, I would be able to approach his mothership under the cover of the wreckage."

Rocket Raccoon with akimbo: "Obviously we're late!"

Xingjue was about to argue, when suddenly a strange sound came from the front windshield of the small spaceship: "Dang!"

A thing that looks like a human being, just like that, with large characters on it, and the face that was squeezed and deformed by the high-speed flight looks as ridiculous as it is.

What's even more outrageous is that the thing is actually alive.

He tapped on the windshield as if to say "Let me in!".

No matter how slow the flight of the spaceship is, it can still travel at speeds exceeding [-] kilometers per hour.This didn't kill the guy, it's an exaggeration.

Rocket Raccoon was a little startled, and lowered his voice: "Quiel, something is wrong with this guy. Maybe it's an interstellar pirate."

Xingjue suddenly felt that he was underestimated, and immediately raised his chest and retracted his abdomen, looking like he was very strong: "Wait! Is there any group more vicious than us in the interstellar world?"

After all, this guy opened the decompression chamber in a daze and let Thor in.

After a funny self-introduction, Thor finally knew why Kratos' magic stick asked him to come over.

"Oh! It's amazing, it seems that we have a common enemy." Thor was originally a talkative guy, and with his naive side, few people would be wary of him.

He first finished talking about how Thanos used Loki to test the earth's response, and then tried to take away the [Space Gem]. The companions teamed up to kill his uncle.

Unfortunately, this thing is common to Xingjue.Xingjue's family is also very sad, his father killed his mother, and then Xingjue killed his father.For a time, the members of the Guardians of the Galaxy resonated with Thor's soul.

"Okay! You are welcome to join my revenge plan against Thanos! We will catch up with Thanos' mothership and make a big deal!" Xingjue said.

Thor shook his head: "I have a plan B! Take me to the dwarves, get a new artifact, and I can kill that bastard Thanos!"

Xingjue spread his hands: "Don't you think we should get each of us a weapon like this?"

"No, your bodies won't be able to bear it, it will shatter first."

Xingjue refused to accept it, he puffed up his chest muscles a little bit: "Don't you think I'm strong?"

Rocket Raccoon dismantled the stage at the speed of light: "Quell, you have the ability to survive in a vacuum without props first."

Star Lord: "..."

Thor continued: "You can track Thanos and bring us first-hand intelligence."

Xingjue shrugged: "What if I kill Thanos in advance?"

"Believe me, he is a strong man at the same level as my father, King Odin. You can't handle it alone. On Earth, we have two powerful alliances of superhumans who are ready to fight Thanos."

The always-funny Star-Lord is at least superficially convinced, so Rocket Raccoon and Treant Grue fly a small spaceship straight to Nividar to find the Dwarf King, while Star-Lord runs after Thanos Sun.

That's right, Xingjue is so fearless. It can't be said that Xingjue is good and loves to play, but he can't figure out the gap between himself and Thanos in the state of two gems.

As long as Thor knows what Star-Lord really thinks, Thor will kneel and beg Star-Lord-please Star-Lord, don't die!
Helplessly, Thor couldn't stop Star-Lord, after all, Gamora was taken away by Thanos in this life, and Star-Lord didn't even know that Gamora had encountered an accident.After knowing this, Xingjue will definitely lose his mind.

On the other side, let alone the matter of Thor looking for the dwarf king, on the earth side, Ebony Maw brought the obsidian generals to Wakanda.

Avengers and Zhenglian, the two major alliances made a conspiracy-Doctor Strange went to Wakanda, and Ange (Kratos) was sitting in the desert of Nevada.

This clearly tells Thanos that if he wants to get the [Time Stone] in advance, he must divide his forces.

[Space Gem] In Ang's hands, Ang is undoubtedly the most mobile existence on the battlefield, Thanos can only face Ang in person.

What's interesting is that Ange and Thanos can sense each other's position.

Ange didn't move, and neither did Thanos.

Thanos is not afraid that Ange will run away, because once Ange runs away, Thanos can turn around and destroy New York and Gotham.

If Thanos doesn't come, Ange can also turn around and kill Ebony Throat and the others.

What's interesting is that Thanos thinks that Ebony Throat can handle superheroes from other planets, and Ange also thinks that other people can handle Ebony Throat.

Perhaps this is the self-confidence of my own people.

The arrival of Thanos' army has made all human beings tense. When Thanos' mothership entered the solar system, it was observed by human astronomical telescopes when it was probably close to the orbit of Jupiter.

Ebony Throat and the others sat on a spaceship shaped like a huge metal ring, crashing down on the land of Wakanda.

 Brain-dead, I missed an update last night~_~
(End of this chapter)

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