Godslayer in the comic world

Chapter 313 Wakanda War

Chapter 313 Wakanda War

In the palace of Wakanda, Doctor Strange made an apologetic expression to the Panther.

T'Challa shook his head: "Don't mind. It's our chosen battlefield."

Apart from the cities of Wakanda, the country is mostly desert as the world knows it.

On the vast plain with not much grass, a battle that looks quite retro and quite sci-fi is about to start.

On the land to the south, there are countless vanguards with four arms; in the sky, there are densely packed Chitauri flying motorboat troops like swarms of locusts, and dozens of Leviathan beasts as huge as cruisers .

Unlike the last time, the Chitauri showed new gadgets, thousands of space fighters one size larger than the flying motorcycle.

This scene made the air forces of various countries who came to help fight sweat.

This is Africa. Even if countries around the world want to fill this place with planes, the logistics will not be able to keep up.

What's more, countries don't need to defend their homeland?

The three-generation, four-generation, and fifth-generation machines add up to a thousand, and that's all.

The problem is that the space fighter on the opposite side seems to be descending from outer space for free!

Originally, this should have been a grand slap.

Doctor Strange strikes.

At this moment, everyone finally understood why Kama Taj was so respected by heroes such as Kratos.

Hundreds of large and small rings suddenly appeared in the sky.

The Chitauri pilots, unable to react in time, drove the spaceships into these portals, and the next second, the spaceships appeared in places they shouldn't have appeared one after another.


In the vastness of the sky, this is very difficult.

Doctor Strange, the master of space magic, turned flight trajectories that shouldn't overlap into intersections of death in the sky.

What shield?What solid case?
In the high-speed collision, everything lost its meaning.

More than 100 fireworks representing death and destruction bloomed grandly in the air, and Ebony Throat, who was watching the battle, frowned.

"We are suppressed at the level of teleportation magic." An adjutant said so.

Ebony Throat was not angry but happy, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised: "Hehe! How long can you cast such an exaggerated amount of space magic at the same time? Human!"

Ebony Throat is right. At this time, Dr. Strange in the palace of Wakanda is sweating on the forehead, and he has the feeling that the CPU is starting to dry out.

At this moment, the Leviathan monster came.

These cosmic behemoths, which are bigger than whales and are often comparable in size to destroyers, flap their 'tiny' fins every time, and the surrounding atmosphere vibrates violently.

The strong airflow brought by the unknown space energy can even interfere with the air-to-air missiles launched by human fighters and bombarded rapidly.

Even if the formation of human fighter planes try their best to cover Doctor Strange's space magic, it will be difficult to interfere with the landing of these huge alien biochemical behemoths.

The five leading Leviathan beasts passed through the mid-air filled with space portals like five straight lines, and headed straight for the Wakanda palace.

Black Panther T'Challa looked at Doctor Strange worriedly: "Doctor Strange?"

"The magic power consumed by the teleportation will be determined by the volume and energy of the teleportation object, as well as the teleportation distance. It will be very difficult for me to teleport such a huge object." After taking the time to explain, Doctor Strange suddenly became a little envious of Kratos.

That guy is holding the [Space Gem] and carrying out large-scale long-distance teleportation. It's as relaxing as eating and drinking water!

Doctor Strange reluctantly gave way to a road, allowing these behemoths to descend to the low altitude.

Leviathan—this kind of space shark transformed by the Chitauri, just like this swings its huge head in the turbid storm, opening and closing its huge mouth from time to time, revealing its long, sharp-edged fangs.

Compared to their size, their extremely small eyeballs are precisely scanning the flat grassland like radar waves, as if they are examining their own targets.

The moment the first Leviathan descended to 200 meters above the ground, a golden beam of light turned into a long arc almost across the sky, penetrating the body of this Leviathan, and the giant space beast opened its eyes. Opening his mouth, he immediately fell to the ground.

The obsidian generals took a closer look, only to realize that it was a shining golden flying carriage.

Enter Penthesilea!
The chariot combination formed by her and her niece Diana completed the first kill in such a gorgeous way.

The second Leviathan tried to pounce on it, but its speed couldn't catch up with [The Tragedy of Troy] at all. After three standard horses were put on this artifact carriage, it took only a few minutes to break the speed of sound.

How long the racing can last depends not on the stamina of the divine horse, but on how much divine power the Queen Amazon as the driver can supply.

In the next second, another Leviathan rushed to the street on the other side.
This time it was Fulla who attacked!
Sent here, Fulla no longer concealed her strength and opened fire with all her might.

You know, Fulla can be regarded as the most powerful among the Kryptonians.The first is of course Dachao, the second is General Zod, and the third should be Fulla.After all, in another parallel time and space, Dachao's cousin Kara has never fucked Fulla before, and was given a knife by Fulla.

Fulla, who was at full strength, was indescribably happier.

Detonated a Leviathan with almost one mask.

Only after killing the third Leviathan, Fulla was hit.

"Woo, this is..."

She had just rushed into the body of a Leviathan, ready to blast it from the inside again. Just as she rushed in, the shark meat inside suddenly closed heavily, and an incomparably dark force made the flesh and blood of the space shark extremely viscous. Fulla Unprepared, he wrapped this piece of ghost into a perfect spherical shape.

It looked like a secret clay ball or something, and countless dense thoughts were drilling in through the gap of the black sphere, oppressing Fulla severely.

This Leviathan suddenly became the coffin that imprisoned Fulla, or the cage that bound her.

"Fula!?" Diana felt something was wrong, and rushed over. This time, she used the flying armor brought back from the Amazon.

Just as Wonder Woman Ghafra confronted Ebony Maw, the battle on the ground below had already begun.

Spaceships descended with a bang, as if there were countless marching ants scattered inside, and vanguards with four arms, hands and feet and running at high speed rushed out from inside. They quickly formed a black wave and headed towards the sky outside the Wakanda King City. The coalition forces on the ground swept in.

On the northern land, standing at the forefront is a phalanx of three Asgardian golden armored warriors.

Even today, their armor no longer emits the shocking light, they are still the most fearsome and powerful warriors in the universe.

Spread out on their two wings is a mixed formation of tanks and infantry composed of relatively dense formations.

(End of this chapter)

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