Godslayer in the comic world

Chapter 314 Fighting Vanguard

Chapter 314 Fighting Vanguard

In modern warfare, tanks are rarely densely arranged together. After all, no matter how strong the tank armor is, it is difficult to resist the power of large-caliber artillery.

This is also true in interstellar wars. Not to mention the large-caliber laser guns of the Chitauri, even the individual laser guns used by biochemical soldiers can easily cut through the most advanced Leopard 2A6 tank in Europe.

Here comes the question, since leopard death is inevitable no matter what, why not use cheap ones?Anyway, it would be good to provide some cover for the infantry.

So such a miracle appeared in the interstellar war in the 21st century-the old T55 and Leopard 1 tanks were all pulled out.

The countries froze for Wakanda with more than 1000 old-fashioned tanks and self-propelled artillery from the Cold War.He also said that time was running out and it was too late to mobilize the most elite troops.

Brother Black Panther: Why don't you take the time to dig out old antiques from the warehouse and repair them?
This move didn't make T'Challa laugh.

However, what countries equip infantry with laser guns copied from the Chitauri.

As for the energy supply issue, it is temporarily provided by the former Cosmic Rubik's Cube and the current [Space Gem].

Each soldier was assigned five magazines, and when they ran out, they were gone.

In fact, if the frontal Asgardian defense line is broken, they probably won't live long.Because it was a group of Wakanda's 'primitives' who acted as avant-garde in front of them.

It can't be wrong to say that they are primitive, after all, they are actually holding cold weapons.

This primitive is not really primitive, because the ridiculous-looking robes on them turned out to be individual energy shields that the old American Chitauri technology reverse research has not developed for a long time.

In this scene, there is a sense of absurdity of "the primitive man shared the future interstellar technology with you".

At this moment, a large number of vanguards began to scratch Wakanda's wide-area shield with their sharp claws, and Brother Black Panther could hear the situation broadcast by him all the time.

support?Indeed, it can last for a while.

T'Challa understands better, blocking is worse than sparse, he turned on the headset and ordered: "Open the shield of No.17 area, I need the enemy to enter our predetermined position from the front."


Let the enemy enter the "shooting range" that has been set in advance to shoot Zhuyuan, and pull it repeatedly to kill the enemy. This has a very interesting name on Maozi's side, called "Mara Farm Tactics".

Sure enough, as soon as a section of the mask was opened, the vanguard eager to kill couldn't wait to rush over.

Don't the vanguard know that this is a trap?

But the world can't imagine that what this race desires most is death, especially the death bestowed by Thanos himself.

This distorted frenzy for death made them rush in through the gap like crazy, and quickly spread to the open space in front of the coalition formation.

"All guns... open fire!" Captain America ordered brazenly.

Wakanda's wide-area shield is very high, and the highest point is three kilometers from the ground. This hemispherical shield has enough space for artillery.

For a while, thousands of artillery pieces arranged on the edge of the city let out the strongest roar one after another. For a moment, the whole of Wakandari felt that the ground shook violently and continuously like an earthquake.

The 155mm heavy artillery rained down on the plain where the vanguard broke into, and landed on the heads of the vanguard gathered there.

In order to fight for 'die first', some of the vanguards who were in a hurry even glanced at each other like ants, and there was a loud bang, and these four-armed monsters flew into flesh and blood.

As a genetic biochemical soldier, Vanguard did not have the extravagance to equip individual soldiers with energy shields like a local rich country in Africa.The only thing that can resist the attack is their physical body.

A round of heavy artillery passed by, and the blown limbs fell like hailstones on the heads of the surrounding companions.

What's weird is that there were no screams, no groans, not even any weak voices begging for mercy. What echoed in the wasteland was the extremely excited howls of the vanguards.

This made the Wakanda warriors feel their scalps tingling slightly.

If it was simply a vanguard's land charge, T'Challa felt that the artillery alone would be able to seal the opening.

But with a large number of Chitauri biochemical soldiers driving flying motorcycles and attacking at a low altitude less than ten meters from the ground, it will be very troublesome.

"Thuk Thu Thu!" The anti-aircraft guns in the coalition army exploded in unison, not only the machine guns, but also a large number of anti-aircraft machine guns, and the 12.7mm heavy machine guns on the armored vehicles began to vent human anger in midair.

A large number of red, yellow, and green tracer bullets formed an extremely beautiful barrage, covering the entire airspace.

No matter how fierce the artillery fire is, no matter how tight the barrage is, there is always a gap in every secret.

When the first vanguard bravely passed through the long-range firepower, even dodged the laser bullets fired by the Wakanda infantry with spears, leaped high, and plunged into the Wakanda infantry battle line, the only remaining The three arms immediately showed their power.

After a hell demon-like swinging claw hit, there was a burst of screams for a while.

It must be admitted that in Wakanda, a country where advanced and primitive coexist, the morale of soldiers is quite awesome.

This terrible scene of massacre, if it were young soldiers from other countries, their morale might collapse on the spot and they would collapse.

Not only did the Wakanda people not retreat, but many warriors raised their cold weapons with laser spearheads, which were not so cold weapons, and stabbed the vanguard fiercely.

In the end, the monster was defeated by three hands and eight hands, and died of four shots in the body.

However, more vanguards broke through long-range attacks and rushed into the Wakanda array.

At this time, the two major alliances of justice and revenge have the effect of arranging the third-line heroes evenly in the formation in advance.

"Go to hell!" With a simple blow, the huntress hit the head of a high-speed vanguard just right, and the arrow containing divine power allowed him to easily headshot him completely.

On the other side, since the opponent has four arms, he should be at a disadvantage in melee combat, but [Starlight], relying on his stronger physical fitness than the vanguard, combined with the [Samurai Sword], rushed forward and stabbed a vanguard to death with a sword.

Occasionally, there are a few vanguards who break into the deeper parts of the battle line, and they are in charge of second-line heroes such as the stronger widow sister, black and white canary, catwoman, and [Steel Bone].

In mid-air, [Falcon] and [War Machine] soared back and forth, using artillery and missiles to repeatedly harvest. The speed and maneuverability were far inferior to their Chitauri jet skis.

Of course, the highlights of individual heroes are ultimately inferior to the huge number of Asgardian legions.

Although these golden armored warriors have lost Odin's divine protection, they are definitely ranked first in the entire universe in terms of combat quality.

They are like a silent city wall, allowing the massive vanguards in front of them to rush up, they can ensure that they will be smashed to pieces.

(End of this chapter)

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