Godslayer in the comic world

Chapter 315 Who Didn't Have a Big E?

Chapter 315 Who Didn't Have a Big E?
Different physical qualities, different training, different experience, and all kinds of differences have created this powerful teacher who can cross the universe.

The original them were folded in Hela's hands for no reason, and they died extremely aggrieved.

Hela shouldn't be faced by them at all.

Their real value is to fight against the enemy's elite soldiers like they are now.

King to king, general to general, soldier to soldier.

Throughout the ages, this is the principle.

Compared with Wakanda soldiers who have never experienced a real Star Wars, these elite fighters are called sharp.

Human beings have no idea of ​​the speed of vanguards. Even if they know, it is really difficult to keep up with their wild movements and the outrageous speed of running 100 meters for five or six seconds at most.

For Asgardian soldiers, this is not a problem.

They also fired laser-like attacks with light spears, but outsiders looked like they released the bullets first, and then the vanguards hit them head-on and were instantly killed.

After all, this is all a prediction brought about by experience.

Originally, there were not many vanguards rushing to the Asgardian army, even if they rushed up, how could they be enough to kill these elite soldiers?

Sif was keenly aware that the human front was a bit unstable, and after quickly assessing each other's combat strength, she immediately ordered: "Hogan, Vostagg, lead the second and third legions to spread out to the two wings."



A group of Asgardian gold-armored warriors immediately defended against the enemy in the front row, but slowly spread out to the left and right wings.

During fierce battles, moving like this would often lead to all kinds of chaos, and it was not impossible for a certain line of defense to collapse, leading to the collapse of the entire line.

The strong individual qualities and rigorous military training of the Asgardians allow them to do this easily.

The Wakanda infantry were deployed on the two small slopes on the left and right wings, while the Asgardians silently came to the front of the slope and stopped the rushing vanguard for them.

This not only relieved the pressure on Wakanda fighters, but also gave soldiers from various countries armed with modern automatic rifles on the earth a better shooting range.

For a while, the balance of war seemed to be tilting in the direction of the coalition forces.

Unfortunately, they were not happy for long, as more Leviathans rushed down from the clouds.

"Roar!" The Hulk let out a heroic roar, which symbolized that he had killed a Leviathan again.

With endless power, he is simply Leviathan's Krypton.

In the distance, in the sky, General Deathblade, who was stepping on a hovering airship, couldn't help grinning: "Not bad Earth powerhouse. But, we have so many Leviathans, can you kill them all?"

It's no wonder that General Obsidian laughed contemptuously, Thanos' military strength is more than this level.

Thanos who can destroy countless planets, how could his interstellar team be three or two kittens?

Most of the time, not to mention Thanos, even the obsidian generals can flatten those resisting enemies.

It is beyond the imagination of General Deathblade that the people on earth can resist to this extent.

The people on earth have a group of heroes with extraordinary strength. Most of the planets in the universe have only chickens, and the Chitauri biochemical soldiers are enough.

Seeing that humans and Asgard's powerhouses were maintaining the battle line gorgeously, General Deathblade was a little upset. He pointed his curved warblade far away, and [Black Dwarf] not far from him immediately understood.

Compared with other Hei Yao generals, Black Dwarf's ability is the most common. He has no special ability. The only outstanding feature is his excessively strong body, which can resist most physical attacks. He is a typical tank role with super resistance .

Among General Hei Yao, he specialized in the tiring work of charging into battle.

It seems that he is also happy to do so.


When the black dwarf star that looked like a little giant crashed to the ground from a height of [-] meters and let out a roar that shook the sky, everyone on the coalition side realized that the big one was coming.

Black Dwarf has a dinosaur-like head, with short, sharp horns around his forehead, and his body is covered with rough cuticles. He can be seen as a character with thick skin and thick flesh.

When this alien giant with a height of three floors took an exaggerated step of ten meters and rushed towards him like a runaway train, even the earth was about to collapse.

In front of the black dwarf's huge body, the three-meter-tall vanguard is as petite as a baby.They hurriedly dodged to both sides, and the poor fellow who couldn't dodge was knocked out on the spot, with countless fractures.

The three warriors of Asgard never lacked in courage, and Vostagg charged at the giant, swinging his hammer.

Then Vostagg flew upside down.

"Get out of the way!" Sif rushed over, the sword of the earth in her hand was glowing with khaki, and every step she took on the ground contained some kind of wonderful pulse, which greatly enhanced her strength .

The bright sword light drew a cold arc of light in mid-air, and it slammed into the exaggerated war hammer that was also three stories high in Black Dwarf's hand.

It must be admitted that in Asgardri, Sif's strength is the one who is underestimated.

This kind of fighting style with light weapons and heavy weapons is absolutely dead.

Contrary to Black Dwarf's expectation, Sif didn't lose much, at most it was four or six.

But before Black Dwarf's big fist, which could smash a tank at will, fell, Scarlet Witch used her powerful thoughts to remotely control dozens of broken vanguard arms, and shot towards Black Dwarf.

Give him back his spear!

This mental style of play made Black Dwarf think for a moment that he was being taught a lesson by Ebony Maw.

Before he could get rid of these annoying severed arms, Heimdall swung the Excalibur 【Bult Steel】to kill them again.

The black dwarf was careless and did not flash.

In the past long years, with his thick skin, the black dwarf has traversed countless planets, but few of them can break through the defense.What's more, the armor he wears is extremely hard, it is not easy to pinpoint his few weaknesses exposed to the air.This requires the attacker to have very game swordsmanship, as well as physical fitness.


This is Heimdall!
There are also many powerful players in Asgard.

In history, he was not first tossed by Loki, deprived of his priesthood, and weakened his combat power, and then fought against Hela's Nether Legion, and finally escaped with Thor, so he would not be so easily overthrown by Thanos.

Today, although he has lost the support of Asgard's divine power, his state is complete.

Underestimating such a strong man, the black dwarf is doomed to pay the price.

【Bult Steel】In this way, the sword pierced the black dwarf's thick thigh so thick that one person could not hug it, and almost sank into the handle. Covering his face with Heimdall's face.

At the last moment, Heimdall turned his head to avoid being hit, but the back of his head was also wet.

(End of this chapter)

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