Godslayer in the comic world

Chapter 316 Thanos is not a reckless man

Chapter 316 Thanos is not a reckless man
Reasonably speaking, at this critical moment of life-and-death struggle, giving up observing the opponent's movement because of dodging the opponent's blood is what a novice does.

On the battlefield, this kind of operation is likely to be fatal.

In the past, Heimdall would never do this kind of thing. He is as experienced as he, and he also found that the blood of the black dwarf has some problems, such as corrosion.

Without being sprayed on the face, you can keep your facial features to the maximum extent.

The point is, he is not the only one who is besieging the black dwarf.

"Ah! How dare you..." Black Dwarf was furious and slapped Heimdall on the back of the head.

His strength is very strong. It turns out that Iron Man and Spiderman can't suppress him when they deal with him together in history.Spiderman's extremely strong spider silk was easily torn by him.

But at this time, everyone who had already received An Ge's care, of course knew that General Hei Yao could exist in seconds, so how could they hold back?
As soon as the ghost spider Gwen sprang out from nowhere, Black Dwarf's hands froze as soon as he sent a web.

The Scarlet Witch used her mental power to pull again from the air, and the interstellar bull couldn't stand still anymore, and its huge body fell backwards.

The key step is coming.

Black Dwarf didn't know it, what was waiting for him was the Louis XVI Happy Terrace!
A perfectly circular portal with golden sparks radiating from its edge quietly appeared behind the black dwarf.As soon as he fell, the portal controlled by Fatty Karma Taj King retracted in a timely manner.

Originally, at the last moment of Black Dwarf's life, he had no chance of being rescued.

As long as he doesn't stick his neck through the portal.

The guillotine is what fixes you on it!

The coalition forces had calculated everything—Vostage and Sif jumped onto Black Dwarf's broad chest at the same time, and kicked him hard.

Although Sif's slender and well-proportioned beautiful legs seem to be quite thin, can the physique of the Asa gods be the same as that of humans?
The perfect cooperation, coupled with the siege that doesn't talk about martial arts, made this one of Thanos's most powerful generals not lose a hand in this life, but a huge head.

When the head of the black dwarf was stabbed by Sif with a sword and held up high, thousands of Asgardian soldiers cast their gazes.

"Black Dwarf, one of the five generals under Thanos, has been killed by our side—" Sif's heroic shout immediately caused the entire Asgard central phalanx to boil.

Soon, the news spread throughout the coalition soldiers through various communication channels.

Before the war started, everyone knew that the opponent had the idea of ​​the Black Lunar Five General.

If Thanos doesn't come, those five will be the enemy's generals.

Any one is the enemy of life and death.

According to the information that a God of War deliberately exaggerated a little bit, the coalition forces set General Obsidian as a strong man whose strength is close to that of the Hulk.

This made everyone very nervous.

There are not many people on earth who can beat the Hulk, but certainly not many.

No one knows, this is An Ge's deliberate suppression first and then promotion.

First of all, raise the opponent to a high status. Once there is information on the battlefield that kills the five generals of Obsidian, it will undoubtedly be a major incentive.In the same way, if there is an eventuality, if one of your heroes is unfortunately killed, it is not unacceptable.After all, the opponent's strength is comparable to that of Hulk.

Facts have proved that although the kill appeared a little fast this time, it also depends on how much combat power has been assembled.

Once the black dwarf dies, General Deathblade will be in a lot of pain.

Even if he might not think highly of Black Dwarf in his heart, that guy still bears the title of General Obsidian.

If he burps, he will implicate the other four generals of Obsidian, and everyone will be ashamed.

General Death Blade shouted angrily: "The whole army strikes!"

In addition to the Ebony Maw that has already started, the other [Dark Night Proxima] and [Supergiant Star] also followed General Deathblade to the enemy...

At this moment, an illusory temple stands alone in the middle of the desert.

This temple is magnificent and magnificent, like the Parthenon in Greece. The huge stone pillar embraced by three people is five stories high. Just looking at the three-story gate is enough to make mortals stand in awe and feel awe. The idea of ​​worship.

Yet it is not the real thing.

Even sitting in the main hall inside, the trance feeling of non-artificial objects still makes Tony feel like falling into a dream.

"This is the temple that I created with the realization of divine power. It is made of the same material as the temples of the various Olympian gods in the Pantheon. You can understand it as the materialization of spiritual energy." Anger said more windily The light clouds are calm, and the feeling of hell is more in Tony's heart.

Tony complained wildly in his heart: I actually met a god back then?

However, with Thor, the 'jewel' in front of him, Tony wouldn't lose his composure.

In fact, the few people who were in the temple at this time also felt weird.

Dachao, Neptune Arthur, Tony, plus Peter Parker, the configuration here is not low in terms of combat power.

The adults are fine. Peter, a young man, hasn't stopped looking around since he came in.

"What would you like to drink?" Helen's gentle voice brought Peter back to his senses.

Seeing such a beautiful woman, even Peter, who has three girls in his family, blushed subconsciously: "Uh, Coke is fine."

Helen brought two kinds of cola, Pepsi and Coca-Cola, very considerately. Besides the empty glass, she also prepared a small bucket filled with ice cubes for him.

Tony finally couldn't help it: "Isn't she the legendary Helen?"

Angus nodded with a smile.

"You happy bastard!" Tony couldn't help complaining.

The person who can keep his mouth shut is not Tony's big shit.

Compared with their gossip, Dachao is more concerned about the battle situation on the other side. Although a monitoring area with 48 screens is prepared in the temple to broadcast the battle situation in Wakanda, Dachao is still a little nervous.

"You said that Thanos won't be killed now?"

"No." Ange shook his head calmly.


"He is a hero with ideals!"

Everyone has heard the word "Xiaoxiong" a lot.Adding [have ideals] in front of Xiongxiong is intriguing.

"The ultimate dream of Thanos is to destroy half of the creatures in the universe. I will not discuss this simple and crude method. Just to do this, he needs to be very careful, because he will undoubtedly make him a Enemy of the universe."

This kind of madness may, sociologically, promote the redistribution of resources across the universe.But in this world, who doesn't have a few relatives and friends?

If half of the creatures are wiped out, who dares to say that they won't be wiped out on the heads of their relatives and friends?
Thanos' ambition is destined to be blocked by countless existences.

He may be very strong, if one is not paying attention, he is more likely to overturn than anyone else.

So Thanos, who has a rough appearance, is actually a very cautious guy in his heart.

Ange raised his mouth slightly: "If Thanos was a reckless man, he wouldn't have waited until the death of Ancient One and Odin before running out to act as a demon. Therefore, I conclude that he will find a way to get the third infinity gem and get Only with equal combat power to me will you have more confidence to fight against me."

(End of this chapter)

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