Godslayer in the comic world

Chapter 324 Wind!wind!Gale!

Chapter 324 Wind!wind!Gale!

Exterminate half of the creatures in the universe and let all resources be redistributed.

It is not easy to think of such an exaggerated idea, let alone Thanos plans to put it into action.

Even according to the social Darwinian theory of survival of the fittest, or the so-called dark forest theory, Thanos is not so outrageous.

Killing half of life indiscriminately, regardless of whether it will destroy some ecological chains.

Ange couldn't bear it just emotionally.

He thinks that he is not that great, and he can accept half of the people around him for the sake of the prosperity of the whole universe.

People are like this, if they are at the bottom, they will long to kill the existence of the upper class, so that their class can jump up.

If you have a lot of money, or you want to maintain the status quo or go further.

Moreover, Thanos' actions, although it seems fair to redistribute the resources of the universe, will actually lead to greater chaos, such as the sudden snapping of the key figures of a race or a country.Then for the sake of power, it is normal to set off a rebellion.

No matter how bad the order is, it is better than chaos and disorder. Once the world becomes chaotic, not one or two people will die.

It's like Asgard, which ruled the nine countries before, rushed to the street.When the Nine Kingdoms lost the control of the Asa Protoss, it sounds like the Nine Kingdoms have gained precious freedom, right?
In fact, wars broke out in a large number of places in the nine countries, and all the tribes or within each tribe fought their brains.

This fully proves that if Thanos snapped his fingers, more than half of the creatures would definitely die.

Of course, as a humanist, if half of the races other than humans were wiped out with a snap of his fingers, Angebao might not surrender to the enemy...

In any case, Ang felt admiration in his heart when he saw Thanos' approach of killing him knowing that the risk was extremely high.

At this moment, Thanos and Ange looked at each other from a distance.

No one did it immediately.

There was surprise on Thanos's purple potato-like face: "Oh? You actually know why I came here?"

Raising the [Steel Bat Version] Infinity Gauntlet on his left hand, Ange smiled softly: "So what? You have your reasons, and I have mine. One of us will fall down eventually."

Thanos was silent for two seconds, and suddenly said: "Your arrangement is wonderful, I don't know how you did it. But before the battle, I at least want to see what my opponent looks like."


For the first time in front of outsiders, Ange took off Master Kui's fierce and expressive hood, revealing a handsome face that was too young.

At this time, there were no spy satellites in the sky, and no outsiders around could take a picture of Ang's true face.

Taking off the hood in front of Thanos is just a sign of respect.

Obviously the next thing is to fight to the death, but this damn sense of ritual made Da Chao and the others feel a subtle sense of humanity.

The words are exhausted, and the only thing left is to fight to the death.

The wind comes from the sky above.

Throughout the ages, bards walking on the earth will never sing like this—the enemy comes with the wind and the wind...

That's exactly what the enemy did.

Continuous flashes of light appeared above the atmosphere, which were battleship-level spaceships.The size is not as exaggerated as the Chitauri mothership, which is about one to five kilometers long, but that is not an interstellar force that earthlings can resist.

These space fleets are not designed to directly land into the atmosphere, which does not prevent them from releasing hundreds of thousands of landing troops ranging from Chitauri motorcycle airships to Leviathan behemoths.

This number of troops descended from the sky, making people wonder how exaggerated it would be if Thanos pulled all his men to Earth?

They don't know anything else, Dachao and the others only felt that the entire Nevada desert was filled with the hum of aircraft crashing down.

"A lot of Chitauri!" Peter, who was always used to making a fuss, exclaimed loudly.

Thanos dispatched an army of foul numbers, and the sky was filled with long, intersecting aircraft trajectories.

There are so many of them, even if Da Chao kills them at will, Da Chao will probably have a toothache.

At this moment, Ange raised his left hand: "I said - let there be wind!"

He snapped his fingers lightly.


The clear sky suddenly changed color!
It is no longer azure, nor is it cloudy like a torrential rain, but a very bewitching red.

"Hoo! Hoo hoo! Hoo hoo hoo--"

Without any warning, a magnitude 12 tornado suddenly blew up in the sky!

The violent storm knocked out the largest number of Chitauri motorboats in the airborne army.It is like a huge flushing toilet, sweeping away the small units in the entire battlefield sky in an instant.

A mere flying motorboat can't resist this level of wind at all. It's true that the Chitauri biochemical soldiers can fly over the roof, but they can't fly!
Where the strong wind passed, the small landing craft and flying motorboats in the sky fell like raindrops.

Only the medium-sized landing craft with a body length of more than 20 meters can barely resist the strong wind with the powerful power of the engine.

Thanos looked at Ange with surprise in his eyes.

In Thanos' view, the space gem is the strongest transmission tool. Its power can tear through all space barriers and travel across space to any place in the world.

The enemy's use of [Space Gem] undoubtedly exceeded his imagination.

It turns out that [space] can also be defined!
What An Ge did was to strengthen his domain of God with space gems.

Let this piece of sky, which is his home field, add some power that he couldn't inject in a large amount before, such as wind element.

Seeing hundreds of thousands of Chitauri biochemical soldiers smashed into meat paste like this, Ange felt a wonderful pleasure of using the recognized trash skill card [Scream] to suddenly liquidate all the [1 fee] minions on the opposite side.

In the field of view of the exclusive system that no one knew about, An Ge clearly saw that his [War God Power] suddenly rose by a large amount.

The clear ones are miscellaneous soldiers, but the real elite can still come down.

Everyone raised their heads subconsciously, watching the huge shadows break through the shackles of the strong wind and descend to a low altitude 300 meters below the ground.

Leviathan, old friend.

The strong wind had no effect on these giant biochemical beasts. Huge scars cut by the wind blades could be seen randomly all over their bodies, which was shocking.

Not only them, but landing craft with wounds all over their hulls finally landed on the desert. Countless vanguards poured out from the hatches and swept towards the Temple of War in the middle of the desert from all directions.

Thanos did not expect that countless shadows suddenly appeared around the temple, and it took less than a second for them to transform from vague shadows into entities.

The faces of these warriors in golden armor are blurred, only their armor is clearly visible.

The edges of the helmets and armors are embossed with delicate and mysterious incantations representing the God of War, making them appear mysterious and proud.

Perhaps, many of them were Ang's enemies.

Perhaps, they once had a glorious identity.

But they who are standing here at this moment represent a noun [God's Chosen Warrior]!
(End of this chapter)

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