Godslayer in the comic world

Chapter 325 Gem vs Gem

Chapter 325 Gem vs Gem

They raised their spears high, waved their swords, and shouted in unison.

"Wind! Wind! Gale!"

The victory cries that should have belonged to the old Qin people of the Celestial Dynasty resounded through the sky.

Hehe, this is just a little fun of a certain traveler.

They are all gods, and they are not allowed to have a little hobby of their own?
But, at this time, Thanos smiled.

He raised his left hand to Ange from a distance, and the orange soul gem suddenly lit up on the slightly empty Infinity Gauntlet.

"The heroic spirits under your command are great, but they belong to me!"

Circles of strange halos bloomed from the golden gloves, ignoring the brilliance around the temple, and touched the heroic spirits who just cheered for Ange with the power of another dimension.

At the moment when this force intersected with the heroic spirits, the orange energy group was like a huge net, covering the tens of thousands of heroic spirits.

As soon as this light net passed by, all the heroic spirits were torn apart.

Da Chao and the others were extremely surprised to see that the heroic spirits who were extremely domineering a moment ago not only could not maintain their forms, but even turned into countless fragments of souls, like stars merged into the Milky Way, and merged into the gem in Thanos' hand in the blink of an eye.

Tony exclaimed: "[Soul Gem]!?"

'Known': The gem is capable of stealing, manipulating, modifying, or creating souls, and can even seal many things within the gem.

Ange showed his family background in God's Domain, but instead made these souls the prey of Thanos! ?

How could he be so careless! ?

Do not!
The power of the soul gem is so terrifying, isn't it possible for the souls of all heroes on earth to suffer?

When Tony and the others were shocked, they suddenly saw Ange applauding.

"Beautiful! Really beautiful! But, if the soul I inhaled for you is fake, how will you deal with it?"

This time, it was the turn of Purple Potato Essence on the opposite side to change his face.

He did inhale a lot of things with the soul gem just now, but unfortunately, the real soul contained in it is only three or two kittens.

So what's the rest?
The answer is naturally - a false soul created with [Reality Gem], um, in a special way.

In Anger's imagination, he hid the planets created by computer random algorithms among those false souls.

Thanos put his perception into the soul gem at this time, and he was cheated on the spot.

In the perception, there is a majestic momentum spreading out in this soul world. Relying on the power of the soul gem, new and weird worlds begin to extend infinitely in all directions in the soul gem. In a blink of an eye, there are more than one trillion small worlds in the soul world.

This thing is like the famous random algorithm star exploration game [No Man's Sky], the generated monsters and resources are just random and have no real meaning.

These countless worlds were created for the sole purpose of consuming the power of soul gems!

Because sealing these outrageous random small worlds also requires the spirit of Thanos and the power of gems.

Another 'well-known': each of the six infinity gems has outrageous functions, except for the power gem and the space gem, the other four gems can become black holes that swallow power when used.

This is the so-called stronger the function, the greater the energy consumption.

Once out of play, the first thing is that the user is drained by the Infinity Stones.

Thanos has power gems in his pocket, and he definitely can't squeeze them out.

Don't forget, although the power gem can provide energy for other gems, it also consumes Thanos' mental power, and uses Thanos' body as the carrier!
"You!?" Thanos couldn't continue cursing after a single word.

As a veteran heavenly father-level powerhouse, Thanos who has been in the universe for so many years, claims to be "what kind of conspiracy and tricks have I never seen before"?
Compared with conspiracy and tricks, Thanos prefers to use absolute power to crush the past.

After all, in the face of absolute power, conspiracies and tricks are nothing but pediatrics.

I didn't expect this time...

Thanos became a little bit annoyed, and he was miscalculated twice in a row by an opponent he met for the first time.

Unable to bear it any longer, Thanos threw a punch with his right hand and punched An Ge from the air.

A terrifying coercion that seemed as if the entire earth was about to collapse hit the face, and there was a loud noise like a magnitude 10 earthquake from the ground under Thanos' feet, and even the entire Nevada desert shook.

The outrageous violent force, mixed with screams, blasted towards An Ge at the top of the stairs in the hall.

To be honest, after fully considering Thanos' tactics, Ange already has a countermeasure for Thanos' attack.

However, what Dachao did at this time made Ange want to vomit blood.

Perhaps because he was afraid that Ange would not be able to withstand it, or because he felt that Thanos was too outrageous, and couldn't bear it anymore, Da Chao suddenly accelerated to let alone Mach [-], and he punched Thanos's punch with incomparable bravery.

The purple shock wave of the power gem collided violently with Dachao's Kryptonian fist, and a dazzling sun-like light burst out on the spot, causing people to be temporarily blinded.

After hearing a loud noise like thunder in mid-air, Da Chao flew back to where he came from like a shooting star.

Facing the angry blow of the Heavenly Father-level boss, Da Chao, who was blasted on the steps of the Broken Temple, spat out a mouthful of blood.

Even in that confrontation with General Zod, Da Chao had never suffered such a big loss, he only felt that his internal organs seemed to have shifted their positions.

However, as a fighting race, the Kryptonians are in a state of chaos in Dachao's mind. He doesn't have any feelings of fear. It seems that only the determination to defend the earth and the burning will to fight are left in the confusion.

Da Chao rushed over for the second time, but this time, he and Thanos were shocked at the same time.

Dachao is positive.

People come from behind.

He suddenly passed through a portal, and by the time he realized it, he was at the back of Purple Sweet Potato Essence.

Reasonably speaking, the strength gap between Dachao and Thanos itself is not too big. It is hard to say who is stronger and who is weaker. It depends on who performs better.

But after adding [Power Gem] and [Soul Gem], Thanos became very buggy.

The user of [Power Gem] can use it to master and control all power and energy, and can also copy all physical abilities to enhance the user's own attack and defense capabilities. It also has unlimited physical power, and the user will become invincible and absolutely invulnerable.

This makes Dachao's attack damage greatly reduced.

But when Da Chao punched him past, the purple [String of Power] that was originally all over Thanos' body was disturbed by the power of [Reality].

Yes, it is interference, not cutting off.

When the [Line of Power] dimmed one after another, the armor on Thanos' body, and even Thanos' body itself lost that layer of lavender luster, as if he had transformed from a heavenly father-level boss back to a star-level 'first-rate master' in an instant.

The gap between the top masters and first-class masters is not so large.

Da Chao's punch almost smashed Thanos' waist from behind.

(End of this chapter)

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