Chapter 340 Artemis

Master Bruce Wayne had a long dream.

In the dream, the earth was destroyed.

There are barren ruins and the remains of modern civilization everywhere, and human beings are lingering.

He walked on the land with the broken Justice League, with fewer and fewer companions, and his combat power became lower and lower.

Sea King Arthur is dead, leaving only the sea queen Mera who is bent on revenge.Wonder Woman is nowhere to be found.

The decline in combat power is visible to the naked eye.

There are also steel bones whose combat power has declined in disguise in the last days, and the seriously injured little lightning.

The point is, when an extremely angry red cloak descended from the sky with red eyes blooming, Bruce's horror reached its peak.

The one who is hostile to the Justice League is really Chao... the blackened Chao!

"Ange!?" Bruce subconsciously called out the name of his illegitimate son.

who would have expected...

【Wake up!You have no son! ] It was his own voice that sounded in the void.

what! ?

"No! I have a son!" Bruce roared firmly.

[Is there?think carefully! ? 】

In that half-drunk half-drunk, Bruce shook his head violently, comically like a puppet trying to shake a wooden head off his stiff wooden neck.

"No! I have it! At least in this world, I have it!"

It should be said that he deserves to be the famous Batman. His determination allowed him to break free from this psychedelic dream in the first place.

Almost at the same time as he saw through this story belonging to the parallel world, all the sounds and images that were tinged with horror in the misty eyes quickly disappeared from his vision like an ebbing tide.

Drenched in sweat, he jumped out of bed in his lakeside vacation home.

He muttered to himself, recalling his conversation with Doctor Strange.

"Doctor Strange, do parallel worlds really exist?"

Doctor Strange nodded.

"What about our world?"

The doctor's face was full of emotion: "I have seen 1400 million endings, or the parallel world you said. There are only two who can escape from Thanos, and this is my favorite future for the time being."

"Thank you!" Bruce always had an inexplicable admiration for the powerful magic stick that guards the earth. Considering that asking further questions might trigger some time taboo, he chose to stop.

Bruce, who came back to his senses, looked at the beautiful scenery by the lake: "What else am I thinking about? I have protected the earth, and I have a God of War as a son, and he doesn't mind me picking up girls..."

Just when Bruce had the illusion that the world was peaceful, a figure wearing a cape slowly descended from the sky.

Bruce's nerves tensed. Although he was not afraid, he still bought an insurance policy.

[Ange? 】

【Um? 】

[Can you see my side? 】

【Can. 】

After the exchange of spiritual thoughts, Bruce boldly walked towards the mysterious and burly green-skinned alien.

The other party slowly descended on the private pier: "Good day. Mr. Bruce Wayne...and respected Mr. Angle Wayne. I don't know your titles very well. Please forgive me if there is any impoliteness."

【fine. 】Anger's loud and deep voice came from the void.

The mysterious man in front of him actually looks a bit like Vision, who only lives in Ange's memory, except that this man has green skin, and Vision has red skin.

The other party bowed slightly, and said bluntly: "Daxseid's army is about to come to the solar system in your mouth. We Martians have the [Equation of Life] that he hates the most. Your hometown happens to have the [Anti-Life Equation] that he most desires. Equation]. I think the enemy of an enemy can be a friend.”

【Can. 】Ange also readily agreed.

It went so smoothly, not to mention the other party, even Master Bruce was taken aback.

It was An Ge who directly transmitted the soul to Ye Dad to clarify the key point: [He will leave it to you to talk about, don't be afraid, we have enough capital. 】

【you sure? 】

【My Olympus colleague came to see me.I leave it to you here. 】

[Uh, good. ] Master Bruce remained calm.

In fact, his heart was beating wildly.

Colleague, isn't that...

Anger was right, because the incarnation of Artemis came.

All this is like the cycle of fate.

Dakseid was not called this name back then, and his name was Uxus at that time, and he was an eight-year-old baby.

right!Back then, he was two stories tall, an apocalyptic star, and he could blow up a main peak of the Himalayas with one move, and the key point was——he was a baby!
Although Uxus was fierce in the universe at that time, sadly, he had not acquired the core ability [Omega Power], but was sanctioned by Zeus' Thunder and Ares' Tomahawk.

Ares went down with an axe, and Darkseid almost became a one-armed hero in the age of mythology.

Another core powerhouse who participated in the Battle of the Ancients is Artemis, one of the 12 main gods of Olympus.

Her avatar made a surprise visit with several maids who radiated divine light, more or less catching An Ge by surprise.

Fortunately, he didn't open import.

Artemis is the god of hunting, the goddess of the moon, and also likes unmarried virgins.She is one of the three goddesses of Olympus together with Hestia who plays the blue "ru" rope in an anime, and Athena.

Although Artemis does not object to the marriage of believers, as the main god of Olympus, she is also used to seeing Zeus and Poseidon messing around, but some things can be avoided.

In particular, Ange has harmed a lot of Amazon chicks recently, and these girls all believe in Artemis!

When the moonlight was suddenly sultry in broad daylight, and the quiet moonlight even overshadowed the big sun in the clear sky, the Amazon female warriors who were Ange's guards and maids knelt down on one knee in great surprise, facing the sky that descended out of thin air. The female shadow sings the holy name.

Artemis wild is really wild.

Her body is covered with a few pieces of animal skin, and a large area of ​​skin is exposed to the air. Not only can you see the muscle lines with clear lines that are not too eye-catching, but you can also appreciate the healthy skin of wheat color.

If it weren't for the oil paint battle patterns on her skin that were full of primitive and wild flavors, maybe Ange would really want to try to hook her up.

"Welcome, Artemis, what wind brought you here!"

The Goddess of Hunting looked like lightning, and she didn't say anything down to business, but said, "I heard you got Thanos' blade?"

"Finch!" Ange raised his hand, and a golden light suddenly shot out from his basement. Immediately, a giant double-headed blade smashed the exhaust window in the basement, and slashed at Artemis like a boomerang. .

The goddess' beautiful eyes flashed, and she lightly grabbed her free left hand, and immediately the huge double-headed war blade, which was taller than her godly body, fell into her hand.

Artemis' face was flushed with excitement: "A grand hunt! Which of you...was involved?"

(End of this chapter)

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