Godslayer in the comic world

Chapter 341 Cyber ​​Worship

Chapter 341 Cyber ​​Worship
The goddess of hunting asked the Amazons.


"And I."

Diana and Penthesilea replied respectfully.

"Very good!" The next second, Yuehua descended.

An extremely huge and burly golden-horned deer with golden horns on its head was two meters tall, appearing out of nowhere on the lawn in front of the villa.

"This is..." The female Amazon warriors became excited collectively.

As believers of the goddess, they all know that the goddess likes golden-horned deer the most, and catches this kind of deer to pull her cart.

"I smell you on this Glaive, so here's your reward, Diana Prince."

"Thank you, Goddess!" Diana was ecstatic, her beautiful mouth almost never closed after she opened it. Like a little girl receiving a birthday present, she hopped over and hugged the golden-horned deer, interacting intimately with it.

Artemis loves hunting, and she has never spared her rewards for believers who can hunt powerful prey, but she has already left the earth and no longer responds to the prayers of believers on earth.

Now that she gave her such a reward, even if Diana didn't have royal blood, even if she said that she was going to be the queen of the Amazons in the next second, the female warriors would support her as the queen without thinking.

This is the highest honor of an Amazon female warrior!
Artemis exhorted her believers, and then followed Ange into the villa carelessly, accompanied by the maid of Fenning.

Entering the hall, she sat down boldly, her style of painting was completely opposite to that of the rich young lady.She took the spirits Helen handed over and drank it all in one gulp, finally explaining why she came today.

"I heard Darkseid is coming."

"Hey? Are you interested too?" An Ge crossed his legs.

"He is a very valuable prey." Artemis said bluntly.

"I thought that after the gods of Olympus went to the Pantheon, they indulged in pleasure every day and didn't care about world affairs."

The goddess of hunting showed displeasure: "I'm not Zeus."

Angus smiled.

Sometimes gods fall too.

In this hybrid universe of DC and Marvel, it is obvious that Marvel's Zeus has become the only Olympian king, and the consequences will come.

Carnival parties are held every day, and Zeus and Poseidon are definitely the ones that turn the sky upside down, which is a pain for the three goddesses.

Sometimes success is also a priesthood, and failure is also a priesthood.

Because of this, the three goddesses won the privilege of not being harassed by Zeus and the praise of the gods.

This is a moment.

They would not have expected that Ares would betray the gods of Olympus and block the gods in the Pantheon and dare not come out.

Since Ares's betrayal, in fact, the three of them have suffered the most.

Even the incarnation of a god contains the soul of the god, even if it is a very shallow incarnation, once they are caught and swallowed by the enemy, they will still be injured.

This is one of the reasons why for over 2000 years, they have scarcely dared to answer the prayers of their devotees, and have descended their avatars towards Earth.

Not to mention being gods, they have been very depressed in the Pantheon these years.

Things are different now.

The ancient one who once occupied the earth, and Odin, who had a so-called righteousness for the earth, hiccupped one after another, and they lost the mortal enemy of Ares.

In their eyes, Ange is the only speaker (God) on earth.

In view of this, Artemis finally tentatively raised a topic.

"If...we support you in dealing with Darkseid, can we regain the priesthood of the earth?"

Anger narrowed his eyes: "First question, which gods are [we] referring to?"

"Me, Athena, Hestia, and Hephaestus."

"Interesting." Ange's expression was a little subtle.

Sure enough, Poseidon was still obsessed with creating new sea monsters and couldn't extricate himself.

Ignoring the heavy-mouthed god 'Spinach Dong' for the time being, the four main gods who dealt with him at the beginning changed half.

Since Hestia is the goddess of stove and family in ancient Greek mythology, and also the goddess of holy fire, and Hephaestus, the god of fire, mainly helps to build artifacts, which means that the ones who are really capable of participating in the battle are Artemis and Athena two.

Thinking of this, An Ge continued calmly: "Then, you really only want priesthood? Don't say I didn't warn you. The era when the gods ruled over mortals is over. Now the supreme mage who guards the earth hates this kind of operation."

"Isn't it?" This time it was Artemis' turn to be stunned: "You don't start wars wantonly, where do you get the power? You don't count them as ruling them? Why does the Supreme Mage allow you to do this?"

Subtext, why can you, a mortal who conferred gods, be able to do it, but us real gods can't?
"The times have changed! The Goddess of Hunting!" Ange snapped his fingers, showing Artemis how the new generation of gods absorbed divine power.

Countless 'small screens' suddenly popped up in the void around him, showing how he obtained divine power from 80 billion mortals one by one.

A picture: [40 years is a butcher's knife] manipulating his own game character, a big mushroom fell on the heads of thousands of Chitauri, and in an instant these biochemical soldiers who invaded New York disappeared.

A picture: [Time Traveler Jie] controls Dachao, beating [Doomsday] violently in the game, using the Kryptonian spear that kills [-] enemies and damages [-], stabbing wildly.

There is also a picture: [chau534] used Kratos to face General Zod with a "Ola Ola Ola" punch, and beat General Krypton until his mother couldn't recognize him.


Artemis was completely dumbfounded, and after a while he said with a squirming mouth: "Is this also [Battle]? Is this also called [War]?"

An Ge smiled and flipped his left palm: "[Divine Power] will not lie to you, nor will I lie to you."

Artemis has never heard of such a civilized way of absorbing divine power.

"Wait! What do you mean, if I want to expand my domain of the gods on Earth, I can also use this kind of joke to absorb divine power?"

"Why not? I can make a series of hunting games, such as [Hunter's Call of the Wild], [Monster Hunter]. Don't underestimate these fake things. I can assure you that it will be done in minutes Get 1000 million believers for you, and you don't need to actually hunt and kill any creatures."

Artemis was very angry, she instinctively felt that this was a kind of desecration to her priesthood.

It's a pity that Ange gave her the last blow: "Or do you think that you, who have not absorbed divine power for more than 2000 years, can use the reserved divine power to withstand a finger of Darkseid?"

She was embarrassed.

This is the difference between stock and increment.

In the defeat that year, which one of the main gods of Olympus had not bottomed out?I haven't found a new planet to replenish the divine power, and the divine power really needs a little less.

(End of this chapter)

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