Godslayer in the comic world

Chapter 342 Outrageous Misunderstanding

Chapter 342 Outrageous Misunderstanding

Today's Olympus gods, don't they look like a large group of people who don't consume and cut expenses during the global economic crisis?
Without supernatural power, I dare not go out to prowl, so I can only nest in the safe Pantheon and do all kinds of self-promotion or self-promotion.

It's sad enough to think about these Olympian gods.

Zeus in this life is completely rotten spiritually. Fortunately, there are still some gods who can't be mixed together, and there are still so many self-motivated people.

It's just that Artemis's proposal was also very ingenious, she didn't dare to say 'I want to be the moon god' as soon as she came up.If she dared to say that, Doctor Strange could beat her up black and blue without Angus coming forward.

The priesthood of the moon god and the sun god obviously has the attribute of space. It no longer simply obtains divine power from human behavior, but uses a planet as the source of divine power.This kind of operation is undoubtedly digging the roots of the people on earth.

In the age when human beings were still barbarians, human beings were ignorant and ignorant, and the gods could play like this.

After humans entered modern civilization and three generations of supreme mages protected humans, this kind of gameplay no longer worked.

However, only 'electronic hunting' made Artemis a little aggrieved.

Ange was not annoyed, and explained with a smile: "Don't underestimate farming civilization! It is because farming civilization has become the mainstream of the earth that the number of human beings has skyrocketed to 80 billion today. Farming and hunting nomadic civilization are opposites. Hunting with real swords and guns still exists, but it’s rare. Why don’t you listen to me and carry out this kind of virtual hunting?”

"Does it really work?"

Ange smiled without saying a word, and raised his hand, floating in the void in the pictures, began to show a faint golden line.

Each golden thread is a divine filament.

The amount of a single filament is definitely not large, and it is even more impossible to be full.

Just such a line is not as good as the most trashy shallow believer of Artemis back then, let alone a fanatic like the Amazon female warrior.

But I can't stand the large number!

An Ge waved his hand casually, and millions of thin lines of divine power gathered like hundreds of rivers entering the sea.

Obviously, every moment, every minute, every second, there is an act recognized as "war" or "combat" by the laws of the world, which is transformed into divine power and injected into An Ge's soul.

It can be said that in the past, the game of the Olympus gods was to occupy the land as the king, and then implement membership in this field.

Today's Angle is playing for all mankind, and what he is playing is small profits but quick turnover.

The gameplay is different, and there is not even any place that highlights the nobility of the gods, but this guy's divine power is strong!
Artemis was an eye-opener.

But she couldn't resist it.

Thanos died on the earth, and his head was taken by Ang.

Three heavenly father-level powerhouses fell in a row. If Odin and Ancient One were still dead before, Thanos was killed by force. This is a big event that shocked the entire universe.

If you are a strong person and don't want to change your destiny in this troubled world, it's really like Zeus who fucks every day, it's rotten.

Artemis was a little reconciled: "Is it really the only way?"

"Hehe! Not to mention your weak strength, you are picky and picky, and you still want to get something for nothing? This makes it very difficult for me!"


At this time, the wise Helen came over: "My lord, Goddess Sif invites you to go for a ride in the sea this afternoon."

"Yeah." Ange nodded seemingly casually.

He and Helen exchanged glances, and immediately knew that Helen was sharing a story she had just made up.Of course, as long as Ange says a word, this is not a story, but a fact that is bound to happen.

This made Artemis very angry.

What can she do?

What is right?This is the trick!

In the age of mythology, the gods of Olympus competed for priesthood and territory for believers, and the dog's brains came out of the fight.Even if they are blood relatives, let alone Ange who has no Olympian blood at all.

Firstly, Ange doesn't owe them anything, and secondly, Ange has bigger fists!
Not to mention Ange with the six infinite gems in his hand, even when he was first promoted to the God of War, his strength has completely beaten Zeus, who is now a good-for-nothing.

"I'll go back and discuss with them." The Hunting Goddess just left.

"Go slowly. Don't send."

When the Hunting Goddess left, logically speaking, her followers had to send her away respectfully.

Diana and Penthesilea originally planned to do this, but they didn't know that just as they bowed, two powerful hands suddenly inserted from behind, wrapped their arms around their slender waists, and directly pulled them to the on the sofa.

The hunting goddess and all the Amazon girls were stunned for a moment.

Don't send it, really don't send it.

Ange first looked around with his tiger eyes, and after the fiery eyes swept over, no Amazon female warrior dared to continue to worship the goddess.

Then he looked directly at Artemis, intending to use such an arrogant method to tell the main god of Olympus - my girl is my girl first, and your follower second.

As everyone knows, this move has a different meaning in the eyes of Artemis.

Her face was cold at first, and then there was an unconcealable sullenness. Even she herself felt sad that she found that she couldn't get angry.

In the wild and cold eyes, only helplessness and gloom remained.

"I'll get back to you as soon as possible." Before Ange could reply, her avatar turned into a cluster of soft moonlight, soaring into the sky and disappearing into the air.

The two Amazon chicks in Ang's arms were helpless and embarrassed.

Diana: "You treat the goddess of hunting like this, how should I face her in the future!"

If Ange is not one of the patron saints of her and even the entire Amazon family, if Ange and Artemis are not only on the same level, but also far superior in strength to the goddess of hunting, Ange's rude behavior alone, Enough for the entire Amazon to declare war on him.

Anger didn't even know what happened after Artemis returned to the Pantheon...

In the Temple of the Hunting Goddess, the incarnations of the three goddesses appeared in the middle of the hall in a tripod position.Not the standard avatar, but that statuesque look that is worshiped by mortals.

This is a kind of protective operation. Since there is no infusion of spirit, this kind of incarnation is just a mouthpiece, which is most suitable for secret discussions.

"What? He really did that!?" Hestia was so surprised that he even subconsciously covered his mouth with his hands.

"Do you think I would slander him like this? When my avatar left, he hugged my—God! Chosen! People!"

[God's Choice] represents the favor of that god, and is also the face of that god.

Anger did this, although he declared that Diana was his girl, the relationship between them was still above [Diana's belief in Artemis].This is also a slap in the face of the goddess of hunting.

Here comes the key part.

Athena spat: "Do you think he is looking for you for righteousness with what he has already obtained? Don't you underestimate Kratos too much. He is a mortal who is a god with his strength!"

(End of this chapter)

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