Godslayer in the comic world

Chapter 343 Gangster excited fist

Chapter 343 Gangster excited fist

The two goddesses are awe-inspiring.

No one will spit out the meat that has reached the mouth, let alone Kratos is strong, they are weak.

Now they are begging Kratos to take them to fly, not Kratos begging them.

It doesn't matter your support or your opposition, that's the reason.

Hestia was surprised: "Wait, Athena, you said he meant..."

"That's what it means." A cold light flashed in the eyes of the incarnation of the Athena statue.

Artemis gritted his teeth and said: "We don't have many choices, either cheaper Kratos, or cheaper Zeus, the old bastard!"

Half of the entire Greek mythology is the history of Zeus.

Unfortunately, they hit that half.

Don't think that Zeus has integrity, what about daughters, what about orthopedics, this guy is not taboo about meat and vegetables.Wanting to attack Athena is not a one-time or two-time thing, but there are signs of intensification of billions of points recently.

There are so many gods in the pantheon, why do you only enshrine you?
If everyone is a god, it means that there is no god.

Without strength, accidents are easy to happen anywhere.

Especially when Zeus, the king of gods who was supposed to be the protector, attacked her god unruly, they had almost no choice.

"Then... everyone go back and think about it separately." Athena said coldly.

"Okay." The two goddesses responded in unison.

When Athena came back to her senses in her temple, her servant came over and said, "Zeus just sent something over."

"Throw it away." Athena's classic beauty covered in divine power was full of frost: "Hmph! I am anxious, but Artemis is more anxious than me."

Zeus's attitude towards Athena and Hestia is at best a threat, and he is still a little away from tearing his face.

Ange, a layman, is a new god, and his declaration of sovereignty is crooked, which is tantamount to making decisions openly than Artemis.

According to the rules of the Olympus God Realm, either Artemis declares war, or...

This night, the moonlight is alluring.

Ange sat for a ride in "The Tragedy of Troy" boredly, listening to Penthesilea's humming and enjoying the night breeze.

It was in such an everyday situation that the surrounding scene suddenly changed.

Whether it was Ange, or the female Amazon warrior who followed the carriage and rode to protect them, they felt an inexplicable throbbing at the same time.

One by one, they were attracted by the mysterious force in the sky, raised their heads, and what they saw was a completely still world.

The three- and four-level sea breeze that blows on the island all the year round disappeared, and even every leaf on every tree on the beach drooped quietly.

The sky was originally a bit dark, but now it suddenly became brighter, and the moonlight was like a huge beam of light, pouring down from the top of the head, a piece of silver.

This scene is like a rainbow bridge falling from the sky.

The only difference is that the Rainbow Bridge has seven colors, and the beam of light only has a lonely pure white.

The female Amazon warriors instinctively wanted to kneel down and pay homage to the figure that appeared in the beam of light.

But their other master, Ange, had a great divine power swaying, supporting their bodies tightly, making them extremely embarrassed, wanting to kneel but unable to kneel.

Staring at the shining moon and feeling the pressure of the surrounding sea with almost no ripples, Ange's eyes widened, and the pupils were filled with a golden divine light.

"Huh—" A voice that seemed to be blowing by a strong wind made everyone's hearts jump violently.

A circle of golden ripples rippled in this airspace, spreading in all directions.

At this moment, two completely different laws have begun to collide.

The Amazon female warriors found sadly that the power of the moon god, whom they believed in, worshiped, and believed to be invincible in the world, was leaving them in fear.

Anger's powerful [Power of War and Combat] is dominating everything and taking over the entire island.

Artemis, the goddess of the hunt, appears, holding a gigantic wooden bow almost to the full draw.

"Kratos! Do you know what occupying my chosen people represents in the God Realm?" Artemis's hair has turned white at this time, and the ponytail is automatic without wind, and it seems to be whipping something behind his head. dancing.

Anger put his hips on his hips and snapped back coldly. He even held Penthesilea who was about to back down: "What does it mean? Is it important? Your rules don't work for me."

It depends on who sets the rules.

There is no foul in the subjective intention, but it does not mean that there is really no foul.

Foul, does not mean really will be punished.

Fact: Only the defeated party will go to the military court.

That's how Anger pushes back so arrogantly, holding Artemis to death.

There is no turning back arrow when the bow is opened. If Artemis really shoots this arrow, the beam will be dead.

She also knew that Kratos was not a regular god. Maybe he really didn't have the will to offend her to death subjectively, but it was impossible to be tough.As weak as her, she couldn't even beat the previous Ares, let alone this super enhanced version of God of War.

I saw her stern voice: "Stop talking nonsense! Kratos! Show me your strongest beast!"

"Hehe! As you wish!" Ange waved his hand unambiguously, and very suddenly, the space beside him suddenly glowed with a large group of faint green aura of death.

A giant black-haired wolf as big as a mountain grinned and bared its teeth, with a fierce look in its eyes, while raising its huge paws to cross the portal.

[World Destroyer Demonic Wolf] Fenrir!

When this giant wolf with a wolf back as tall as a skyscraper appeared on the stage, Anger's cards were full on the spot.

In the age of mythology, the Asa Protoss and the Olympus Protoss were neighbors.

Even the gods of Olympus have clearly heard the story of [Ragnarok].

Although [Ragnarok] took place after the end of the mythical era, the story of the destruction of Asgard and the legends related to it are the hottest news in the universe recently.

About the power and might of the demon wolf Fenrir, it is constantly praised by the gods who eat melons.It is rumored that it is one of the few supreme monsters that can compete with the powerful Heavenly Father.

And until today, it was finally seen by the gods of Olympus for the first time.

Seeing the magic wolf Fenrir, Artemis' eyes suddenly became strange.

It was excitement, ardor, determination, and relief. Ange felt strange when such complicated eyes were placed on the face of a resolute ancient goddess.

All of a sudden, Artemis threw the long bow in his hand to the ground, and the whole body of the god was like a depressed spring, and then burst out all the kinetic energy in one breath.

She threw her teeth and claws at An Ge, and shouted: "I will fight with you!"

How does this posture resemble the legendary gangster's excited punch?

No, isn't your strongest bow technique?
You throw down your longbow and fight me close to me, the number one god of hand-to-hand combat?
Are you kidding me?Are you kidding me?
Sure enough, Artemis came over with a punch, and Ange took it all, and then... nothing happened.

[Eternal Body] Too strong!
In the next moment, the space around Ange split like a broken mirror.

(End of this chapter)

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