Godslayer in the comic world

Chapter 344 Fierce Battle of the Gods

Chapter 344 Fierce Battle of the Gods
It seems that this scene is very similar to "the girl next door has just grown up, and she will pull the mountains and rivers to surpass the world".Can punch a crack in space, isn't this punch fierce?


It was so violent that it scared the two goddesses who were secretly watching the battle.

No, Artemis, you are serious! ?

This was the first reaction of Athena and Hestia.

A second later, the two goddesses came back to their senses.

This punch did look fierce, a blow that was a hundred times stronger than the average strength of a human adult man, not to mention earth-shattering, at least earth-shattering, but what about the physique on the other side that was ten thousand times stronger than that of a human?
Anyone with a discerning eye can tell at a glance that this is not the defeat of Kratos, but that he took the initiative to pull Artemis into his domain of God (the exclusive mirror space activated by divine power is equivalent to the domain of God), and what happens next is not an outsider ( God) can peep.

This scene made Diana, who had heard the news, and Penthesilea, who had been paralyzed on the artifact carriage, look at each other in blank dismay.

"Wait, shouldn't it be..."

"I'm afraid, yes..."

At this time, it seems that the two gods disappeared out of thin air, but in fact, because the mirror space is still slightly connected with the real world, as long as the space level is strong enough, they can still feel the instability of the surrounding space and a strong force like a drum. fluctuation.

Obviously, this battle of gods was very loud, at least in terms of momentum.

Diana looked at the nymphs who followed Artemis, and one of them picked up a piece of parchment and quickly wrote and drew.

Diana became curious: "Goddess, can I see what you're writing?"

"Okay. Anyway, this is a record that will be released in the Pantheon later."

The Nymph Goddess is acting a bit like a historian who followed the emperor to record the emperor's words and deeds in ancient China.I saw her writing furiously:

[Because Kratos, the god of war and battle, tamed the strongest monster in history—the world-destroying wolf Fenrir, the goddess Artemis launched a hunting challenge to Kratos. 】

[The Goddess let out a roar that shook the sky. She was extremely brave, went deep into the God of War, attacked Kratos madly, and gained an overwhelming advantage...]

Seeing this, Diana really couldn't find any faults.

You Kratos, a fighting madman, is actually better than me, the goddess of hunting, in the way of hunting. This is a big event related to the priesthood. Let me ask you to theory on the physical level. Is there anything wrong with it?

If you ignore it because Ange is holding Artemis' God's Chosen first, and Fenrir comes out later, and then ignore the goddess who lost her bow, and just get started and wait for the coquettish operation, just look at this record, Diana will really believe it up.

Thinking of Ange's style again, Diana suddenly had the urge to mourn for her Lord God.

At this time, in the mirror space, it is definitely correct to say [Frenzied Attack], and it is also correct to say [Overwhelming].

Under the violent bombardment of the Goddess of Hunting, the earth directly sank to more than ten meters below the sea level, forming a huge sinkhole.

Artemis sat on Ange's lower abdomen, and his fists, which were not too big but absolutely fierce, hit Ange's face and chest like raindrops.Any punch is a terrorist attack in units of [tons].

"You are a bastard! I will kill you! I will beat you to death!"

Artemis gritted her teeth, pouring divine power into her arms, maximizing her attack power.

Unfortunately, when she was beating An Ge, the [God of War Halberd] on the opposite side seemed to turn into a [Blood Drinking Sword] after seeing the blood.

She and An Ge are in a very different state of mutual harm.

Ange looked at the system's damage prompt, one side was [0, 0, 0, 0...], and the other side was [1, 1, 1, 1...]

ah!It really was a fierce battle! (read)
This fierce battle of gods lasted for a full day and night.

Finally, in the eager anticipation of many parties, the battle was decided.

The space opened, and Artemis, the goddess of hunting, limped out. The ancient monster skin on her body was torn in many places, and shocking blood stains were everywhere.

Kratos, the god of war and battle, is also having a hard time. Not to mention the damage to his armor, the most conspicuous thing is that he has a big black eye socket on his left eye socket.

Artemis sternly said: "Kratos! Don't think that you can suppress me forever if you win this time. I will challenge you again in the future!"

"Okay! I'll wait!" An Ge responded lightly.

The Nymph Goddess who was acting as a recorder over there continued to write vigorously: [The two gods fought for a day and a night, and finally after all moves, Goddess Artemis was defeated and lost half a move.But failure is failure, the goddess is willing to gamble and admit defeat...]

Diana, who was watching from the side, was numb all over, and she didn't even notice when the goddess and her entourage had left.

"Here, you guys, actually..." Diana had just asked half a sentence before it began to rain.

The rain was dripping down, and in front of her and a group of Amazon female warriors, a certain god's dark circles melted, melted, melted...

Say the important thing three times.

Penthesilea: "Your dark circles are gone."

Ange came back to his senses, touched his eye sockets, and muttered in a low voice: "I said I didn't bring a marker pen, and it won't work well to paste it with mud."

Good guy!You are too lazy to act, right?
The two Amazon chicks are pissed off.

They look cute with their chests on their hips and cheeks puffed out.

An Ge shamelessly went over to hug them both: "Hehe! Didn't you complain in a low voice before that you are not human if you are caught in the middle. Now I am helping you solve the problem perfectly."

Wonder Woman rolled her eyes, crossed her arms, and turned her back to Ange. She was clearly taught by Ange. She opened her mouth and said, "Ah, yes, yes, yes! You also solved the goddess who asked the question."

"Isn't that good?" Angus smirked.


The next day, subtle changes took place in the world without most people noticing.

A Chinese company called [Yunfei Shrimp] suddenly dropped a blockbuster in the game industry.This is a game [Monster Hunter] that has never been released in this world.

This company has no origin. It seems that the new game, which was developed secretly by a group of amateurs, suddenly became the brightest dark horse in the history of the game.

It sold an astonishing 300 million copies in just one week of its release.

The company CEO [Xia Wu] publicly announced: "We will make [Hunter] into a series. As long as the world is not destroyed, it is expected that the total sales of the series will reach nearly [-] million copies within ten years."

After the game was released, hundreds of thousands of players are enthusiastically hunting all kinds of strange monsters in the game every day.

At the same time, in Ange's villa, Artemis, the goddess of hunting, felt the faint trickle of divine power from all over the world. Her face was full of surprise: "You didn't lie to me!?"

"I swear on my conscience, I never lie to my allies."

"Wait! Why is the 'conscience' in your mouth on me?" Artemis was so angry!

(End of this chapter)

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