Godslayer in the comic world

Chapter 345 God Realm Plastic Sister Flower

Chapter 345 God Realm Plastic Sister Flower

This conscience, it's big and round, it's hard to put it down.

I really don't blame Ang.

It's like the decompression balls sold on the online e-commerce platform are really decompression.

The pinched person is decompressed, but has anyone considered the feeling of decompressing the ball?

Artemis stared at Ange angrily, but so what?Can she still dig out a piece of flesh from this hateful and handsome face?

The face of a certain god of war has been tested, and even the main gun of the space battleship can't pierce it!
An Ge smirked: "I just like the feeling that you can't kill me, but you will be killed by me."


Artemis is upset, what else can she do?

Pinch your nose and admit it.

After all, compared with the oppression of that old bastard Zeus, here, the money is collected and the goods are given, and the supernatural power is the real thing.

Don't look at the fact that cyber hunting doesn't seem to be so reliable, just think about it the other way around:
How high can human productivity be in the barbaric period?

A settlement with 1000 people is called a big tribe.

Then in Athens, ancient Greece, there were 4 citizens and 10,000+ free people (slaves are not qualified to worship gods, but they can be sacrificed).With just such a small number of people, the twelve main gods of Olympus plus so many righteous gods share their beliefs. The typical monk has more monks and less flesh.

Although the cyber hunting here does not provide much divine power, it cannot hold up to many people.

Millions of people "hunt" and provide more divine power than all Greek believers provided.

This is outrageous!

After careful study, Artemis understood what Anger was tricking.

No matter how fun a game is, it has a life cycle, and players will get tired of it after a year or so.A new hunting game must be developed in order to maintain Artemis' divine power income within the scope of [Hunting] priesthood.

Originally, she thought that Ange would not be able to take back the opening of the priesthood, but now it seems that this is a long-term operation, and it is an indefinite 'installment payment'!

Otherwise, if Ange doesn't develop new hunting games, her source of divine power will be exhausted.

Typical of getting on a thief ship and not getting off!
Theoretically, she could also give up all of this, and roll back to the Pantheon in despair, to endure the harassment and oppression of Zeus.

But this thing is a sunk cost.After paying so much, Artemis will not be reconciled if he does not gain divine power.

Ever since, everyone fell into the pit, and they were the real good sisters.

The plastic sister, Artemis, kept silent about the installment payment, and her good sister did not answer when she came to ask questions. Instead, she showed off everywhere, using her newly acquired supernatural power to hunt alien monsters on some wild planets outside the solar system.

A week later, on a sunny evening, Hestia saw the sun.

The next morning, there was a cute goddess with black hair and double ponytails in the world. The white tight-fitting large halter dress was nothing but the blue rope tied to the chest, which would move with the movement of her arms. Make waves.

Then, a smart natural gas stove with a brand name [Hestia], because of the tens of billions of soft girl coins subsidized by a certain inhumane god, a double-headed stove is only sold for 69 soft girl coins.

With such a large dumping force, [Hestia] gas stoves suddenly occupied the global market.

The only thing criticized by consumers is that every time the natural gas stove is turned on, it has to shout a password of "Praise Hestia" before it can be turned on.

Although everyone knows that this is the name of the outdated Greek goddess Vesta, it always feels weird.

The second goddess, hooked up.

Knowing that the stove is really not high-tech, once the subsidy is lowered, the market share may be reduced, which in turn will lead to a decline in divine power income, Hestia's face, which looks a bit like a bun, swells up.

"You, you, you..." Hestia didn't scold anyone very much, and after knowing the truth, there were only a few words coming and going.

Fortunately, when someone went out for a drive, Hestia calmed down after seeing Artemis and Sif next door being driven side by side with her orz.

This can't be said to be broken, it can only be said that the result is not as good as I imagined.

As the saying goes, where there is contrast, there is harm.

Compared with the god-king Zeus, who is habitually reneging on his promises and has no bottom line, Anger can be called a moral model.

After all, Ange also provides them with different gears to choose from—you can narrow down the scope of priesthood, for example, only in the Aegean Sea region.

Anyway, the road is chosen by oneself, the faster you go, the higher the price.

After them, Hephaestus, the god of forging and craftsmen, also started cooperation with Ang.

However, this time, Angle lent out the hard-working flame giant Sylter, which allowed Hephaestus to create a batch of new artifacts and conduct py transactions with the gods of the Pantheon.

In return, Ange changed the shotgun for his men.

If Hestia and Artemis have any regrets, it is probably...

In the Pantheon, Artemis crossed his hips and asked in an almost questioning tone, "Athena, are you not coming?"

"Hehe! I said, 'Everyone go back and think about it'. The result of my thinking is that I won't come. After all, Zeus can't do anything to me for the time being." Athena's eyes are the real plastic sisters.

"Good sister", I definitely don't want to see you live too well, but I'm more happy to see you fall into the pit covered in mud.

So she can stand on the edge of the pit and laugh at you wantonly.

But this time Artemis really can't do anything to Athena.

What else can she do?

Why don't you just say "There will be a time when you beg us in the future", and then leave under the complacent eyes of the other party.

Ange only cared a little bit about this matter.

These two goddesses looked unfamiliar, so An Ge regarded this as a long-term py transaction.

As for Athena, hey, there is no way to handle her now.

When it was time to handle Athena, An Ge definitely marked Athena as [global flyable] in his God Realm phone book.

Anger made a lot of preparations to meet Darkseid, so much that he himself felt that it was too much.

In the end, after waiting for three months, there was no news from Darkseid.

This is very unscientific. After all, according to his conclusion of torturing the Steppenwolf's soul, Darkseid's army can reach any planet in the Milky Way from the most remote corner of the Milky Way within two weeks at most.

Even if there is an accident such as a black hole, it should not exceed a month.

Just when An Ge thought that the cloud of war was no longer hanging over the earth, an accident happened as expected.

It was a black space crack.

It is like a huge black mirror, blocking the space channel between the sun and Mars.

At first it was not worth mentioning for the solar system, which was only the size of a football field.

Until it spread to a size of ten kilometers in diameter, it was captured by the optical telescope of a military observatory on Earth.

(End of this chapter)

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