Godslayer in the comic world

Chapter 347 Unexpected Helpers

Chapter 347 Unexpected Helpers

"Merge?" Batman's voice almost whispered.

It's a very clever use of the word.

If there is no existence on the opposite side, the merger is of course no problem.What if there are two worlds?
This is a bit bad!

"What is the existence of both parallel worlds?" The Flash asked suddenly.

"President?" Little Spider replied in seconds.

Tony frowned: "Let's take a look, is the president everyone knows is Ellis?"

"Yes." Everyone said almost in unison.

"That's not a big problem. What's the next topic of concern?" After Dr. Banner spoke, the heroes discussed enthusiastically.

After a heated discussion for almost half an hour, everyone felt that it seemed, it seemed, that... there was really no big problem! ?
It was Dr. Strange who made the final decision: "Although it sounds a bit stinky, I am sure that the core of the two worlds is the earth. So in theory, the earth is the fastest to complete the merger of the world. I personally think that the progress of the merger of the earth is at least More than 90%."

"Where is the problem?" Tony asked, making everyone fall into silence.

Human vision is limited.

How can a group of earth heroes have a comprehensive understanding of the changes that have taken place in the entire universe?

Just when they couldn't find a clue, an unexpected change happened to Darkseid's Apocalypse Fleet.

"Fire! Fire! All gun ports fire!"

On the flagship of the Vanguard Army of the Apocalypse Fleet, an alien who looked like a lion man yelled in a rough voice.

He is Kalibak, the eldest son of Darkseid, and the second strongest fighter under Darkseid. His combat power is almost comparable to that of Superman, but Darkseid doesn't like him, and he doesn't even let him call himself "father." ".

A typical migrant worker spirit!
At this moment, Calibak's face was full of irritability: "Where did these **** enemies come from? What does Thanos do?"

The one who intercepted the Apocalypse Fleet was the [Nova Corps]!
The Nova Corps is a well-known space defense force. At first, when Star-Lord obtained the [Power Gem] for the first time, he gave the gem to the Nova Corps and kept it on Xandar where the Nova Corps was stationed.

However, according to the information obtained by Darkseid's side, Thanos should have bloodbathed Xandar after hearing the news, and took away the power gem, which is the first gem on the Infinity Gauntlet!
Whether it is the evidence of bystanders or the first-hand information from the earth, the Nova Corps should have been severely damaged even if it was not wiped out by Thanos.

Where did this massive nova fleet come from?

Calibak's yelling vigorously did not help the situation in front of him, and the continuous flashes of the battleship's main guns emitted on the optical screen easily stained his face white.

The enemy's fleet continued to launch fierce attacks, and the neutron beam cannons fired a thousand cannons.

The radiated energy expanded, and the resulting light strongly stimulated Kalibak's retina.

Sparks blazed from every corner of the Apocalypse Fleet's vanguard ships.

The berserk energy jet pierced through the ship's shield and slammed into the interior of the ship at high speed, causing explosions everywhere, and the flames of energy furnace explosions rose and fell in the vanguard fleet.

Kalibak can ignore the loss of demons. After all, this thing doesn't cost money. It's a pure cannon fodder, but it's not easy to build a battleship.

The turbulent flow of energy emitted by the jet set off a raging wave, shaking the ships of the two armies.

The ships of the Nova Legion are relatively small in size. These spaceships, which look like paper cranes folded by people on Earth, flexibly shuttle between the torn light beam gaps, like seraphs with many pairs of golden wings, constantly causing damage.

Just the attack of the Nova Corps is not enough to shake the fleet of Apocalypse. Among other things, the Nova Corps alone is incomparable in number, and it is only a fraction of the Darkside fleet.

Even after the close combat, the Nova Corps of about 500 superhumans was dispatched, and it still felt like a drop in the bucket.

What really blocked Darkseid's fleet was the annihilation swarm from [negative space].

If Ange is here, he will know: these terrible bugs come from Marvel's classic event "Interstellar Annihilation"!
In this incident, the Nova Corps faced the threat of the Zerg, and the entire Nova Corps was caught off guard. Unable to bear it, they were gradually beaten and almost wiped out by the Annihilation Zerg, leaving only a few scattered survivors. By.

Who knew that this life was simply a trick of fate. First of all, the main force of the Nova Corps dispatched all the main forces because they received the news of the annihilation of the swarm.

When they accidentally fell into the turbulent flow of space, their home Xandar was ransacked by Thanos.

Then, they entered a space drift that lasted for half a year.Not to mention meeting Darkseid's Apocalypse Fleet by accident, it was like fate at this critical moment when they encountered the Annihilation Swarm.

It's just that [Nova Corps] attacked the vanguard of the Apocalypse Fleet, and the annihilation swarm attacked the chrysanthemum of the Apocalypse Fleet.

This made Dakseid a little uncomfortable.

The Vanguard Fleet alone is not enough to destroy the Nova Corps, and the main force behind has to fight against the swarms that suddenly burst out of the void.

It is said to be a swarm of insects, but in fact a considerable part of these insects are mechanical life forms.

The bugs look like caterpillars, and their bodies are covered with metal shells that are harder than titanium. But because they are living things, their flexibility is no less than that of Chitauri's flying motorcycles.

The big bug is the size of a space battleship, and the small one is about the size of a car.

Many demons were attacked by the swarm the moment they left the mothership.Or be swallowed in one bite, or even smashed to pieces by the light beams ejected from the worm's mouth!
An hour after the battle started, under the fierce attack of the Annihilation swarm, Darkseid's entire rear almost evaporated out of thin air!

Some were damaged by explosions and could not continue to fight; some hulls were slightly damaged, but the demon-like hiccups who acted as pilots ended up floating aimlessly in the void.

Countless bugs still rushed out from the gap in the dark space.

Even if Dakseid didn't care about the death of the demon, he still couldn't deny that the situation was extremely tragic.

If his subordinates were not demon-like with almost no self-awareness, but other intelligent races in the universe, the battle damage alone, generally speaking, the collapse of the battle line would only happen overnight!

The unbearable Darkseid finally made a move himself.

His huge giant body slowly flew out of the cabin and directly into space.

In the sharp eyes, a scarlet light suddenly bloomed.

The two red rays didn't look very eye-catching at first, after all, the light beams emitted by any small airship are thicker than this.

Soon, the Annihilation Swarm found something was wrong.

Because their space passage to this universe is rapidly shrinking.

"Squeaky..." The mental communication circuit between the swarms was full of anxious calls.

(End of this chapter)

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