Chapter 348

These extremely high-tech bugs try to stabilize the size of the portal, only in this way can they continuously send their compatriots from negative space to join the battlefield.

Unfortunately, they are doomed to disappointment.

After all, this is Darkseid's famous stunt [Omega Ray]!
This kind of ray can not only instantly kill relatively weak beings, but can even drive opponents into endless parallel worlds, and these worlds are getting worse one by one, even death can't stop this cycle, and the victim himself is Omega energy will be continuously accumulated during the process of continuous travel, and the entire parallel world will be destroyed after reaching a certain level.

Even if Darkseid has not obtained the [Anti-Life Equation] to strengthen himself [Omega Rays] at this moment, with the current ability, it is more than enough to block a large space passage.

Open on one side and seal on the other.

Even though the space-type bugs in the annihilation swarm were responsible for punching holes in the space barrier, they were still unable to resist Darkseid's terrifying power.

The entire transmission channel is closing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Huh!" When the space channel was forcibly collapsed by [Omega rays], Darkseid returned to his mothership.

"It's over to you here."

"Yes." His advisor Mr. Disard of the 'Interstellar version of Gul'dan' bowed deeply, and then took over the command.

The annihilation swarm that had been cut off their way back became even crazier.

Even if the mouthparts were damaged due to excessive shooting, even if they were about to die suddenly due to scars, they never stopped attacking the Apocalypse fleet.

A large number of scenes of mutual destruction appeared in the fleet.

This kind of style of play that has to be backed up when he dies makes De Sadd very unhappy.

Finally, after paying half of the Apocalypse fleet, the annihilation swarm that rushed into this world was wiped out.

The battle was still not over. It was hilarious that Kalibak was entangled by the strongest [Centurions] in the Nova Corps.

That's it.

Without the "God Assist" that annihilates the swarm, relying on the strength of the Nova Legion alone is no different from hitting a stone with a pebble.Especially when Darkseid's dark powerhouse [Doctor Chaos] joined the battle group and used mind control to take down Roman Dai in the Nova Corps and Admox and other digital powerhouses in one breath, the battle situation immediately became more and more serious. Presented one-sided.

Half an hour later, the Nova Corps, whose hometown had been copied by Thanos, finally lost all of its main force and was completely removed from the Milky Way.

Originally, so far, the pressure that the heroes of the earth need to bear is still not small.


Things are impermanent!

Darkseid said suddenly: "I changed my mind, let's go here first."

His thick fingers seem to be pointing at the star map casually.

"Here... there is no living star!?" De Sadd was puzzled.

"I didn't say they had life." Darkseid was really scary when he grinned.

In the Apocalypse Fleet, his will is supreme.

No one would really question Darkseid's decision, so the still large space fleet came to a barren star field.

no life!Not even a trace of any activity.

Whether it is interstellar radar or optical images, this is a barren star field that can be seen everywhere in the universe.Except for the large mutant star area on the left side of the event horizon, which even the latest spaceships cannot pass through.

This kind of star region is more brutal than radiation, stars emitting high temperature and heat, and even black holes.

At the moment when the top spacecraft can conquer small black holes, these mutant star regions are truly unsolvable.

Theoretically it is.

Until Darkseid left the spaceship again, entered space, and then stared fiercely at the star area.

It must be admitted that the top magic eye in the universe has all kinds of outrageous and unimaginable abilities.

[Omega rays] can allow enemies to travel through time and space, and can also see through the existence hidden in the cracks of mysterious space, such as the Pantheon that no one can find for at least 2000 years.

"Zeus! You guys didn't expect to be here today, did you? I—Dakseid, came to avenge the past."

Sound cannot be transmitted in space, it is based on air transmission.When a superpower like Darkseid used his divine power to transmit his voice across thousands of kilometers to the Pantheon, which was the size of a small satellite and had an extremely gorgeous appearance, it immediately caused a big commotion.

It all happened so suddenly.

Zeus, who was driving import, never thought that one day, the former enemy would find this place.

In his concept, the location of the Pantheon is absolutely secret, and the space coordinates are often changed. Unless the opponent has the top space ability in the universe, it is impossible to kill the door.

Unfortunately, because Zeus has used gods other than Olympus to import countless times in the past thousands of years, although the Pantheon seems to be vigilant and constantly changing positions, the random transposition in his eyes is in the real Super God. In front of the computer, everything can only be regarded as [pseudo-random].

Darkseid raised his hand, and all the gun doors of the half of the fleet behind him opened.

The cannons are fired at his mother!

Even though there is a powerful shield of divine power outside the Pantheon, such a massive energy impact cannot be easily offset.

The energy turbulence that could not be completely eliminated turned into a penetrating jet and blasted into the buildings of the Pantheon, immediately creating a terrifying storm in half of the Pantheon.

The gods are okay, they can use their divine power to protect themselves at critical moments.It was miserable for their servants, those without the protection of divine power were blown to one side by this energy storm on the spot.Rows of gorgeous palaces inlaid with gold and silver seem to be dying in the violent energy gust.

In the Pantheon, the more important the temples of the gods were, the closer they were. The slightly outer temples were uprooted on the spot, and the loose walls and roofs were directly disintegrated.Because the shroud of the temple was punctured, the air pressure inside and outside the passport was different, and the wreckage of the temple immediately turned into countless pieces like toilet paper rolled into a flush toilet, and was rolled into the void on the spot, turning into shiny cosmic garbage.

This is only the first wave of offensive of the Apocalypse fleet.

After one round of main gun firing was followed by the second round, it was actually three bursts of non-stop firing.

Tens of thousands of neutron beams collided with the shield of the temple that was finally propped up again in the void. At that moment, the entire west side of the pantheon shone with the glow of the line of law.

"Strengthen the shield! Strengthen the shield!" When Zeus was in a hurry, he quickly injected the divine power he had accumulated for many years into the shield through the artifact, and a purple-blue thunder appeared densely on about a quarter of the shield.

It stands to reason that as long as all the gods in the Pantheon work together to resist with all their divine power, it is not impossible to withstand the attack of the Dakseid fleet.

At this moment, the outer gods who do not belong to the Olympus pantheon slipped away first. They were here to have a good time. Everyone is just a brother of wine and meat, and there is no need to work hard for you Zeus.

If this is justifiable, then those gods who were dissatisfied with Zeus ran away, and Zeus completely broke his defense.

(End of this chapter)

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