Godslayer in the comic world

Chapter 349 Olympus Infighting

Chapter 349 Olympus Infighting
"Athena, Apollo, Aphrodite... you!?" Zeus widened his eyes, unable to believe the scene in front of him.If it is said that the second-tier gods ran away, Zeus didn't feel much. The twelve gods of Olympus also ran away, and Zeus really couldn't bear it.He roared out almost instinctively: "I treat you well..."

"Fart! Look at what you have done for more than 2000 years? Apart from holding your damn party every day and harassing every goddess endlessly, you didn't do any fart!" Athena couldn't suppress the anger in her heart. He slapped Zeus fiercely.

Not only Athena, more than half of the main gods, and most of the second-tier gods stood up and glared at Zeus.

It stands to reason that most of the Greek gods are relatives of Zeus, and many gods are still his immediate relatives.Not too much, why this?
But who is Zeus?
A hormone that walks in the world like a perpetual motion machine.

Whether he is good, or his good brother Poseidon, when the two of them really use their divine power to open up territories for the entire god system, everyone will naturally act as if they didn't see their stupidity.

In this life, he was defeated by Ares, the god of war, and retreated to the Pantheon in desperation as a dead house, and had to endure Zeus's obscene harassment every day, which was helpless.

As long as there is a better choice, the gods will not succumb to Zeus's despotic power.

Now that death is imminent, who cares if you are a god king?

Since you, Zeus, don't look like a god-king at all, don't blame us for turning against you!
Even though countless light cannons are flying through the outer space, and the cloud of destruction is approaching step by step, the inner area of ​​the Pantheon is still in conflict. This has to be said to be a wonderful irony.

When Darkseid struck and tore off the last fig leaf named "God King", Zeus was nothing but a fat man in the God Realm with nothing but a godly body and no divine power.

No one knows, this is the consequence of the [merger] of the two universes.If there is no such catastrophe, the future Zeus will also be killed by a thunderbolt in the Pantheon because of the conflict with Thor, the god of thunder, and his chest will be pierced on the spot.

When Zeus couldn't even protect the rest of the Olympian gods, the gods headed by Athena naturally said that "if they can't bear it, they don't need to bear it anymore".

The gray-haired Zeus, with every inch of fat on his body trembling, said angrily, "Do you think it's ok to run away? That's right! Back then I led the coalition against Darkseid. But don't forget, it was A battle fought in the name of the entire Olympus pantheon. If I, who was the coach back then, were to die now, do you think Darkseid would let you go?"

It must be admitted that Zeus knows how to deal with the gods.

It's a pity that he made a wrong judgment this time.

Apollo stood up: "What if I say that the one who took up the banner against Darkseid this time is Kratos, the new god of battle and war who killed Ares and Thanos?"

The blood on Zeus's face faded, his mouth squirmed for a long time, but he couldn't squeeze out half a word.

As long as they can beat Ares, why should they shrink in the cracks of this shitless space as a dead house?

No matter how blocked Zeus' news is, he still knows Kratos' record - beheading Ares and killing at least the sub-celestial father-level Thanos.

Not to mention the rumors: all six infinite gems are in the hands of Kratos.

With this alone, there is absolutely no error in evaluating Kratos's strength as a heavenly father.

These cosmic-level murderers are still the 12 main gods named after Olympus.

Originally, Zeus was still complacent, thinking that Kratos' fierce reputation could help the Olympus pantheon avoid all troubles.

Who would know that there is another Darkseid who doesn't believe in evil?

The queen Hera's eyelids twitched wildly, her voice trembling slightly: "You guys, are you really going to give up on Zeus?"

Hephaestus, the god of craftsmen, shook his head: "It is Zeus who no longer treats us as gods."

The grievances of more than 2000 years have caused the contradictions to completely erupt when the enemy is in front of them, and there is no room for reconciliation.

At this moment, Hades, the silent god of the underworld, took his two subordinates, Thanatos, the god of death, and Hipnos, the god of sleep, and stood silently behind Zeus, expressing his support for Zeus.

The muscles on Poseidon's face twitched, and he followed him with his desperation in a bit of frustration.

That's all.

Among the 12 main gods, only Zeus, his two brothers, and his wife finally chose to stand firmly by his side.In addition, the other Yagami chose to leave.In fact, Artemis and Hestia are not here today, and the scene is probably 4 vs 6.

To be honest, it is not counted as external force, but if internal strife has to be fought, it is actually Zeus who has a better chance of winning.

It's just that Zeus was ashamed.

He lowered his head first, then raised it again: "What price did Kratos offer you?"

"Price?" Apollo's voice suddenly rose, and at the same time he shook his head: "No, there is no price, only [respect] and [fairness], and the promise called [He will kill Darkseid] That's all."

Is Angle's price tag high?
Not high at all.

He has an indifferent attitude towards the entire Olympus pantheon, and those who come to hang out with him will be rewarded with some meaty bones, and it doesn't matter if they don't hang out with him.Anyway, it is impossible to hand over the sovereignty of the earth.

He thought that his asking price was infinitely close to zero, and he didn't expect how many Olympian gods would come to seek refuge.

God knows there is no harm without comparison.

He thought that the asking price was about zero, and he couldn't stand Zeus's negative number!
In this era when the strong in the old era are falling one after another, sometimes being able to cover the younger brother is already the biggest price tag.

When a strong enemy came, Zeus couldn't cover it, but Ange had a high probability of being able to cover it. This is a world of difference.

Zeus's dejection was visible to the naked eye.

He had long since lost the will to be a god king, and when Darkseid killed him, he ruthlessly pulled him down from the throne of the god king.

"You are all my relatives. I have no intention of attacking you. Let's go..." After finishing speaking, Zeus opened a portal and let these gods descend to the earth in their own bodies.

If it was the peak period of the gods, this kind of operation would be exhausting.Teleporting any righteous god body across space requires burning a lot of energy.

Almost at the same time Zeus opened the portal, Darkseid sensed it.

"My lord," reminded his advisor De Sadd.

Darkseid taunted contemptuously: "It's just a group of shriveled shells without much divine power. As long as Zeus doesn't run away, when I destroy the earth and get the [Anti-Life Equation], we have plenty of time to hunt down these false gods of the old age. "


On the other side, Doctor Strange was in a daze.

When the magic shield built by the three holy temples frantically sounded the alarm, he once thought that the big one was coming.

Unexpectedly, when he led people to the mirror space used to isolate the teleportation, he watched a large number of Greek gods rushing to the street, and was speechless for a long time.

"The earth is no longer the playground of the gods." The doctor said coldly.

Athena came out more and more: "We know, I just want to meet Kratos."

"it is good!"

(End of this chapter)

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