Chapter 350 An Apology Is About to...

An Ge is actually a little irritable recently, similar to the feeling of not waiting for the test results after the test is over because of a system bug.

He looked more serious than Artemis and Hestia had imagined, because they had thought that this new god with a head full of yellow waste and a human body might be around day and night. Haunt them both.

In fact, they guessed half right.

If the world is really peaceful, it is not guaranteed that Ange will inherit the great mantle of Olympus God King, but he can distinguish between the important and the important.

Most of the time, he will enter a state similar to meditation.This is to spread his divine sense to a farther place.

Based on the solar system, almost the entire old Asgard territory is within his monitoring range.

In order to find the enemy, he even lent some of his divine power to Heimdall, asking the former gatekeeper of Asgard to help him scan the Nine Kingdoms and look for traces of the enemy.

This kind of work that requires a lot of patience, Ange's performance is beyond the expectations of all existence, unless his own girl came to him and wanted to kiss or something softly, he almost spent all his time on this matter.

So that Artemis has time to attend the [New York Game Festival].

In this grand close contact between game manufacturers and players, Artemis used her own avatar to cosplay a female hunter as an official coser.

As a matter of course, her "innate" temperament has won the crazy love of the players, and they all said that she is the number one hunter of the blue star in the world in the hearts of the players.

Cough cough, a certain hunting goddess who was a bit crooked gained a considerable amount of divine power because of this.

But only this little episode is worth mentioning.

Until... The welcome area of ​​the villa suddenly lit up with the brilliance of the portal.

"Be alert!" [Huntress] Helena reminded the Amazon companions vigilantly.

Although this space coordinate is only provided to familiar and powerful beings, such as some Olympus gods, it is a portal to a vital location after all, and it is never too much to be vigilant at any time.

To the surprise of the guards, it was a dignified and elegant woman in a long Greek dress who stepped out of the gate.

The sacred halo around her body and the iconic snakeskin armor on her upper body made the guards guess the other party's identity at once.

"See Goddess Athena!" The guards saluted in unison.

" he free?" As soon as Athena spoke, a voice came from the living room not far away.

"Maybe he's free, maybe he's not." Athena was no stranger to the owner of this light and mellow voice.

In the past, Athena could not look at each other's faces, but now she met this woman in a white dress with a 'ridiculous' double ponytail whip and a blue wrap around her abdomen to accentuate her curves. a feeling of.

"Good morning, Hestia." Athena lowered her voice.

"Hehe! Isn't this Athena—Artemis and I thought you would never come here in your life." The goddess with a typical girlish air squinted her eyes, as if she was doing something homely.

Only the God in question can understand, every word of her is a knife that pierces the heart!

Athena decided to avoid the important ones: "The Pantheon was attacked by Dakseid, and Zeus, Hera, Poseidon and Hades decided to stick to it."

Compared with Athena, Hestia is still too shallow.

Her little complaint was interrupted by this shocking event, and she immediately forgot. She hurriedly said: "He, he is in the meditation room on the first floor of the basement. I will take you there."

After that, Hestia hurriedly pulled Athena's left wrist, and rushed to the basement with small, fast-paced steps.

She didn't know that her unconscious little actions fell into Athena's eyes, and Athena secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Naturally, such a big event cannot be hidden from the owner of this place.

Even before the two of them reached the basement, Hestia notified Ange of the matter through divine thoughts. As a result, when they rushed to the meditation room, Artemis had already passed through the portal that Ange opened.

"Tell me." Ange said lightly.

Athena told about the sudden attack on the Pantheon, and Daxede publicly stated that he would not let Zeus go.

"Oh? That is, a large number of gods are hanging outside Karma Taj's space protection circle, and then you come to report first?"


"Understood. You can go back." Ange waved his hand casually, as if dismissing a dog.

Athena was embarrassed on the spot.

Of course she knew that it was impossible for Kratos to save Zeus.In her cognition, Kratos is the God of War on Earth, definitely not the God of War in the airspace of the Pantheon.In that place, even if Zeus immediately gave Kratos the authority to grant divine power, Kratos would have nothing to borrow.

After all, the Olympus pantheon is a standard broken household, and the divine power that can be squeezed out of the entire pantheon is probably not as good as the divine power that Hestia currently possesses.

Such a beggar!

But she dared to come to Ange at this moment because she believed that Ange would want to accept the gods of Olympus as his younger brother, or like accepting Artemis and Hestia...

That made her go back?
Athena, who was a little reconciled, couldn't help saying: "Aphrodite, God of Love, and the others are still waiting for my reply, so I'll just go back like this?"

She secretly tied up the gods and planned to package them for promotion.

Ange raised his eyelids: "Daxseid, our Earth League of Legends will take care of it. As for you... whether you have the help of the Olympus gods or not is not important to us."

He said it so lightly that it was almost as if he was saying that he refused to rescue a group of bereaved dogs from a dog meat factory that were about to be slaughtered.

Athena was dumbfounded.

She knew that she had calculated too much before. She had calculated thousands of times, and she hadn't calculated that Darkseid would blow up the Pantheon first.Without the foundation, how could she have the confidence to negotiate with Kratos.

She was a little lost.

At this time, the "good sister" Hestia was soft-hearted, and she secretly told Athena the correct answer with her divine sense: "Apologize and pout."

"Huh?" Athena's eyes widened. With Zeus as a model, she was no stranger to these shitty things, but she never expected that one day it would fall on her.

But does she still have a choice?

Incomparably complicated emotions overflowed in her eyes, ups and downs, bitterness and everything.

She chose to do so anyway.

"Yes, sorry..."

Ange hesitated for a moment, and he could tell at a glance that Hestia was releasing the water.

He was somewhat dissatisfied at first, but when he saw Athena's arch-like posture, he suddenly wanted to laugh.

Laugh if you want.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Athena was so red-faced by his ridicule that she didn't dare to vent her anger: "Did I do something wrong?"

Hestia was stared at by Ang, and immediately felt guilty, and obediently rolled over to demonstrate correctly.

Ange gave another small look, and Artemis gave Ange a white look, and followed helplessly.

At this moment, Athena discovered that the poses of her two former good sisters were concave.

Finally, the once 'three sisters' poses are synchronized.

In the end, Athena did not give up: "They are all waiting."

"Then let them wait!"

(End of this chapter)

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